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Manco 10-13-2012 07:31 AM

I watched Apollo 18 last night. Really great take on the premise of “evil aliens in spaaace”.

Dixanadu 10-13-2012 12:44 PM

Watched Ted for the first time.

It is not deserving of it's praise, I chuckled at one thing. Then, that was it.

It also reminds me of Wilfred, likely continuing McFarlane's trend of ripping off other TV shows.

Nepsotic 10-13-2012 03:32 PM

Except Wilfred is good.
To be honest, I didn't find Ted that bad, but it certainly didn't stand out, and it annoys me that everybody's raving about it purely because Seth McFarlane made it.

OANST 10-13-2012 03:59 PM


I watched Apollo 18 last night. Really great take on the premise of “evil aliens in spaaace”.

Did you chuckle after writing that?

Manco 10-13-2012 04:19 PM

I take it you didn’t like it?

Mr. Bungle 10-13-2012 08:49 PM

Saw Looper. It was pretty good, but not great. Ending kind of bothered me.

Daxter King 10-14-2012 11:30 AM


Watched Ted for the first time.

It is not deserving of it's praise, I chuckled at one thing. Then, that was it.

It also reminds me of Wilfred, likely continuing McFarlane's trend of ripping off other TV shows.

Yeah, Ted was essentially Family Guy the movie, the only time I really laughed was the scene where they were talking about letting Jews into their restaurant.

Dynamithix 10-15-2012 06:35 AM

Watched the new episodes of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and Walking Dead. Sunny was better, but surprisingly, the new Walking Dead wasn't that bad either. At least not as bad as some of the S2 episodes. Michonne seems like an interesting character.

Mac Sirloin 10-15-2012 03:40 PM


I watched Apollo 18 last night. Really great take on the premise of “evil aliens in spaaace”.

I thought it rocked.
But I may have been a little stoned when I watched it.
I'd say there might even be a pebble of truth to it.

Manco 10-15-2012 03:44 PM


I thought it rocked.
But I may have been a little stoned when I watched it.
I'd say there might even be a pebble of truth to it.

would you say you were spaced out at the time

but seriously, that movie was out of this world

OANST 10-15-2012 03:54 PM

I didn't actually see it. I just remember seeing the trailer, and thinking "Oh, it's Paranormal Activity in space."

Strike Witch 10-15-2012 05:18 PM


I didn't actually see it. I just remember seeing the trailer, and thinking "Oh, it's Paranormal Activity in space."

Pretty much.

Also the big twist is that

the moon is made of tiny rock spiders

Nepsotic 10-15-2012 06:35 PM

I mean... You're not serious, right?

Dixanadu 10-16-2012 07:24 AM


Except Wilfred is good.

That's what I meant.

Plus their behaviour and habits are very similar, they both drink and smoke bongs.

scrabface 10-16-2012 03:04 PM


Saw Looper. It was pretty good, but not great. Ending kind of bothered me.

I saw it tonight and although I was entertained, the movie didn't make any sense.

why did they dismantle the one looper? why didn't they just kill the young joe? they had their chances - the older joe would have just disappeared. why didn't the older joe take any precautions to avoid his or his wife's death. he had 30 years!
also, if in the end the young boy wouldn't turn into the evil rainmaker, there wouldn't be this looping business in the first place

OANST 10-16-2012 04:07 PM


I saw it tonight and although I was entertained, the movie didn't make any sense.

why did they dismantle the one looper? why didn't they just kill the young joe? they had their chances - the older joe would have just disappeared. why didn't the older joe take any precautions to avoid his or his wife's death. he had 30 years!
also, if in the end the young boy wouldn't turn into the evil rainmaker, there wouldn't be this looping business in the first place

They said a few times that they don't like messing with the future at that level.

Nate 10-17-2012 04:05 AM



also, if in the end the young boy wouldn't turn into the evil rainmaker, there wouldn't be this looping business in the first place

I don't follow your logic there. The looping had been going on for quite some time before the Rainmaker took control of organised crime. He shook things up by closing all the loops.

scrabface 10-17-2012 07:08 AM


I don't follow your logic there. The looping had been going on for quite some time before the Rainmaker took control of organised crime. He shook things up by closing all the loops.

alright I got this one wrong. but it still doesn't make much sense.

so the rainmaker has the idea of killing the loopers by sending them back in time. so when the young boy won't become the rainmaker there won't be this "closing all the loops" thus there won't be the contract of killing your elder self. ---> no bruce willis in the past ---> no danger for the kid ---> no suicide of the younger joe ---> kid still wouldn't become the rainmaker because he needs the alternative reality of his mom getting killed.
also why don't they just send the loopers or whoever 200 years or better, 5 billion years back to the past (no earth) - you wouldn't need any loopers at all.
ALSO, why don't they just kill the people and send the dead bodies into the past? they killed joe's wife (by accident) and dragged her body to the time machine.
and really what was the purpose of dismantling the one looper? they kept the young looper alive and tortured him. only for the fun? and if the younger one looses his finger for example, why should the elder one looses his one too? there's no history of that, the only possible one would be that he escaped or survived for 30 years.

but like OANST pointed out, it wasn't intended to be logical. but it still bugs me.

OANST 10-17-2012 07:13 AM

Time travel movies never make sense when broken down. Never.

scrabface 10-17-2012 07:26 AM

yeah but some handle the idea that there's only a deterministic reality where the characters fulfill the coming events.
like twelve monkeys for instance - as a kid bruce willis watches as his elder self gets shot on the airport, but he doesn't know that the man is he himself. he isn't even sure that this is only a dream or a memory. every time when he thinks back about what he saw, the memory is slightly different because that's the way memory works. he builds characters into his memory that weren't there. he could have changed his faith as soon as he realized that it was him being shot. but he had difficulties deciding whether he was sane or not, so his actions were plausible.

OANST 10-17-2012 07:30 AM


scrabface 10-17-2012 07:33 AM


OANST 10-17-2012 08:25 AM


MeechMunchie 10-17-2012 08:43 AM

Loopers always got killed by themselves at the end. That's why they're called loopers. The Rainmaker just started closing all the assassin's contracts early so no-one could try to bump him off.

The things I do object to are the TK mutation, which was a bit too much (Rainmaker Kid could just have been a hyperintelligent psychopath or something), and the whole "dismantling man" scene.

I'm not pedantic, really, I know it's just a movie, but it should at least be consistent.

I mean, when Joe blows himself through the chest Bruce Willis just vanishes. Fine. He died, never got there, ceased to be present; hardly realistic but whatever this is sci-fi. He doesn't suddenly develop a scarred wound over his chest like that sweaty JennyGenesis lookalike did with his fingers.

People say "yeah but Bruce Willis died, he couldn't have moved, this guy was alive". What they are saying is that future JG man managed to run around for 30 years with no feet and no wheelchair.

Wings of Fire 10-17-2012 08:54 AM

Nice spoilers you have there.


MeechMunchie 10-17-2012 08:56 AM

It took you four minutes to post that?

Wings of Fire 10-17-2012 09:03 AM

I was also watching anime, playing pokemon and browsing 4chan.

OANST 10-17-2012 09:24 AM

People still use 4chan?

MeechMunchie 10-17-2012 09:49 AM

People still watch anime?

Nepsotic 10-17-2012 10:54 AM


People still use 4chan?

I wouldn't call them "people".

Mr. Bungle 10-17-2012 12:46 PM

I browse 4chan.

And I'm tired of people confusing 4chan with /b/. The rest of 4chan (for the most part) really isn't that bad.

To keep this on-topic, I've been watching a lot of Seinfeld lately. I love that show.

OANST 10-17-2012 01:40 PM


And I'm tired of people confusing 4chan with /b/. The rest of 4chan (for the most part) really isn't that bad.

Are you tired of it? Oh, how awful that must be for you. 4chan is a shit hole. It is literally where the internet goes to shit.

Wings of Fire 10-17-2012 01:44 PM


Are you tired of it? Oh, how awful that must be for you. 4chan is a shit hole. It is literally where the internet goes to shit.

This coming from someone who made no secret about the fact he used to browse /b/, really?

Not that I don't agree with you. I just browse my boards for news.

OANST 10-17-2012 01:45 PM

Absolutely. I have done lots of things that aren't good.

scrabface 10-17-2012 04:07 PM

I am still browsing /b/

Mr. Bungle 10-17-2012 05:12 PM

I mostly browse /tv/ and /mu/. The former has been pretty awful lately, though they're both good to browse because they are relevant to my interests and it's easy to find recommendations on them.

Dixanadu 10-19-2012 12:53 PM

I like /vg/ and /sp/.

Sekto Springs 10-19-2012 01:15 PM

I don't think I've ever visited 4chan or any of the /boards/, save for being linked there externally by friends, often leading me to a 404.

I am better than all of you.

Daxter King 10-19-2012 01:27 PM


I like /vg/ and /sp/.

/sp/ stands for shit posting.

/v/ and /tv/ is good stuff.

Mr. Bungle 10-19-2012 01:42 PM

/x/ can be interesting every now and then.