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Sheriff-Murder 03-09-2005 01:20 AM


So the place should be based on the underwater part of regret yeah?.

no they transported the water in Canal=aqueducts high above the cities.
some were over 100 meter high

Dino 03-09-2005 03:13 AM


I think I may have found the reason this happen's to you.
When playing multi-player go in to pause menu and hit handicap put it (none)

My thoery is you have handicap this would explain the reason why these thing's have happenedtou you.

How much of my first post did you read? I don't really understand how a hanidcap explains surviving 2 rockets without an overshield.

And I've NEVER put a handicap on myself, nor would I. I do check for them whenever I start a game because my friends all think it's really funny to put one on me when I'm not around. :p

The shotgun, I have decided, is an utterly rubbish weapon. I'll substitute it any day for duel needlers, which although more annoying is a far superior weapon in terms of damage and reliability.

But really, I want the overpowered halo 1 pistol back.

sligster 03-09-2005 06:43 PM


The shotgun, I have decided, is an utterly rubbish weapon. I'll substitute it any day for duel needlers, which although more annoying is a far superior weapon in terms of damage and reliability.

yes. it is broken and I hate it >_<


But really, I want the overpowered halo 1 pistol back.
new pistols are powerful.... just gotta use em right....

WineDarkSea 03-09-2005 09:29 PM

I will tell you what though; those old pistols really made everyone a pro at Halo 1. I can't decide if I want them back, or happy that they changed them.

Leto 03-10-2005 12:59 AM

Dual weilding Pistols out of Halo 2 is rather devastating. Heh- my friends hate me because of them. I don't constantly use them, but when I'm in a corner and he just stole my coke... You get the idea.

But I really wish they would bring back the ol' pistol. Make it one handed- I don't care! I just want it back.

Dino 03-10-2005 02:21 AM


Dual weilding Pistols out of Halo 2 is rather devastating. Heh- my friends hate me because of them. I don't constantly use them, but when I'm in a corner and he just stole my coke... You get the idea.

But I really wish they would bring back the ol' pistol. Make it one handed- I don't care! I just want it back.

The magnums are reasonably powerful when dualled, but vs someone with dual needlers they really suck. When you've got dual needlers, all you need to do is fill your opponent's armour with enough needles, and then take cover to let your shield heal - your opponent will blow up, and you'll be back to full health ready to take on anyone else.

Probably the best weapon for taking out anyone using needlers is the rocket launcher. It's the only weapon in the game that stands the chance of killing someone in one hit with any probability of success. Sure, you can headshot someone with a sniper rifle if you happen to be carrying one - but can you do that the second you see a dual needler whore, and not let him fill you with needles first?

Personally I still think the battlerifle + sword setup is the best. Just five direct hits with the battlerifle will kill, so long as the person hasn't got an overshield. And if anyone comes near you, sword em!

Alpha 03-10-2005 11:54 AM

Actually if you were handicapped that would explain why you didn't make a kill with 2 rocket's.....

And the new magnum suck's yes.

Cyber-Slig 03-10-2005 12:29 PM

Yeah, the new magnum is gay, but it's damn handy in games like zombies. And duel needlers are crap, in my opinion, they always miss the target.

SeaRex 03-10-2005 02:10 PM

The dual needlers are underestimated too often. Not many people out there use them properly; there is a lot more to the weapon than just "spray and pray." While a solitary needler is useless, dual needlers are devastating at mid-range if you know how to lead your target. The needler is the only weapon in the game that requires a significant amount of leading, which most people don't do. Therefore, most people don't like it.

Like me for example. I don't like having to switch my aiming mannerisms (leading more) for a single weapon. That's just personal preference, though. A friend of mine prefers dual needlers to every weapon and is damn good with those things, if I do say so myself. If the user wields it properly and is decent at anticipating the moves of his opponent, then the needler is indeed deadly.

Personally, I'll go for the plasma pistol and magnum. It fits my style of play better than needlers.

As for the shotgun, I'm all for it. It may just be my affinity for shotguns in nearly all FPSs (barring the Rainbow Six games... those shotties sucked), but the slight unreliability is overshadowed by raw power. In other words, "works just fine for me." :p

sligster 03-10-2005 05:09 PM


Sure, you can headshot someone with a sniper rifle if you happen to be carrying one - but can you do that the second you see a dual needler whore, and not let him fill you with needles first?

yes :p

Best combo in my opinion, and many others, is Battle Rifle + Plasma Pistol.

Charged Shot, switch to BR, and you can literally kill anyone in a split second. It's even more usefull because it can easily take down Overshields.

Best magnum combos would be SMG + Mag or Mag + Plasma Pistol

WineDarkSea 03-11-2005 02:43 AM

Sligster, once again we are in complete agreement. Thoes charged shots can be deadly. My personal favorite is a charged shot with a plasma pistol to get the shield down, and a couple of well placed shots with a duel weilded SMG. I prefer this to the battle rifel because it takes me too long to switch weapons. I guess you are just must faster than me :)

Dino 03-11-2005 03:41 AM

I've killed someone with two charged shots once - dual wielded plasma pistols, both charged, fired one first, then the other, and killed outright.

By the way Alpha, I wasn't the one firing the rockets - the rockets were being fired AT me.

Another bug: if you set "extra damage" on, and "damage resistance" to counteract it, the game doesn't register damages properly, and you get loads of wierd results from shooting people.

sligster 03-11-2005 03:24 PM


I've killed someone with two charged shots once - dual wielded plasma pistols, both charged, fired one first, then the other, and killed outright.

really? I didn't know you could do that in Halo 2.


Another bug: if you set "extra damage" on, and "damage resistance" to counteract it, the game doesn't register damages properly, and you get loads of wierd results from shooting people.
gonna try that :)

sligster 03-11-2005 03:39 PM

A montage from Walka, showing some impressive sniping & grenade throwing. I wish I could get one from Devin Olsen, though.... if you havn't seen his videos, Devin Olsen is amazing at sniping. His last video had a nice conclusion of him throwing a grenade, sniping it out of the air, and getting a triple kill. Alas, the bandwidth has run out.

Anyway, Walka's montage:


Alpha 03-20-2005 10:39 AM

Last Skull Found!!!!]]

It's cow bell

Go to HIH forums.

MasterChief 03-24-2005 08:26 PM

halo 1 > halo 2

Hobo 03-25-2005 12:34 PM


halo 1 > halo 2

Couldn't agree more mate.

MojoMan220 03-25-2005 04:34 PM

The Map Pack is real! I'm disappointed with the price, but quite pleased with the number of new maps.


sligster 03-25-2005 04:37 PM



big bro slig #1 04-16-2005 11:07 AM

Here's some art:


I hope u people like it!

Press fast mode or skip to end.

sligster 04-17-2005 08:00 PM


Here's some art:


I hope u people like it!

Press fast mode or skip to end.

wow, nice...

Leto 04-17-2005 11:28 PM


halo 1 > halo 2
Indeed. Halo 2 is just all appearences(sp?)... All they needed to do to change my mind is make a grunt a multiplayer skin. That would shut me up :P

sligster 04-19-2005 05:15 PM


New maps are schedualed for release next Monday


BR is being added as starting weapon to big maps



28 at Gamespot


and some at IGN


12 vids at IGN


and 5 more vids at GameInformer



Leto 04-20-2005 12:37 AM

They need more multiplayer skins, damn nit!

Even if them Live enabled people download the levels, would they consider purchasing the actual box version for any particular reason? Just wondering.

Ill buy it, anyway. Hope it comes in a cool metal case :D

SeaRex 04-20-2005 02:02 PM

Containment answered my prayers for a Sidewinder 2.

Maybe it will make me put down UC2 for a little bit.

sligster 04-20-2005 03:25 PM

a dozen or so more vids at Gamespy


personally, I'm gonna download the maps AND buy the mappack (fanboy urge)

sligster 04-22-2005 04:42 PM

in case you don't know yet, the 4 new maps are schedualed for release Monday April 25.

the guys at Red vs blue have put together walkthroughs of the new maps-

currently there's only

Containment: http://www.redvsblue.com/archive/download.php/?id=638


Warlock: http://www.redvsblue.com/archive/download.php/?id=635

Sanctuary should be released soon (I've already seen the vid), and Turf shortly thereafter


Leto 04-23-2005 02:18 AM

Quite alot of screenshots of the multiplayer pack, for you 'fanboys'... It's even got a cover image.

Click here.

sligster 04-24-2005 02:46 PM

some of you may be wondering

"what about the remaining 5 maps that are supposed to be out in June?"

the kindly soul of Luke Timmins has written up a review of 4 of the 5 maps-

Relic, Terminal, Gemini, and Elongation (Longest).

For some reason, Backwash is being kept under wraps.... hmmm...

There are no pictures, sadly, but very nice descriptions of the 4 maps.


I can't wait to play Terminal :)

Dino 04-24-2005 06:11 PM

I can't believe that some people are STILL playing Halo. Aren't you guys bored with it yet?