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Mac Sirloin 05-19-2010 01:45 PM


Awesome. I've gotten preoccupied from it, but I'm itching to get back in and finish it up. I must find out who Zack is!

It's quite obvious that Zach is just the main characters partner.

I mean, come on.

OANST 05-19-2010 02:01 PM

Invisible and imaginary partner, maybe.

Mac Sirloin 05-19-2010 02:09 PM


Invisible and imaginary partner, maybe.

Nope, it's pretty fucking obvious given the first Hotel scene. How is York talking at all?

OANST 05-19-2010 02:10 PM

I think you'll find that Zach is not so easy to quantify as you get later in the game.

Mac Sirloin 05-19-2010 02:11 PM

You didn't answer my question, nor did you try to, therein, I'm right. Argument adjourned.

OANST 05-19-2010 02:13 PM


You didn't answer my question, nor did you try to, therein, I'm right. Argument adjourned.

I don't even know what you're talking about.

Wings of Fire 05-19-2010 02:16 PM

High as a kite, I'm calling it.

enchilado 05-20-2010 12:37 AM

I bought the "Humble Indie Bundle" recently. I've only downloaded World of Goo and Aquaria so far, and the former I've played before, but they're both great games.

Aquaria has got me extremely frustrated - mostly because there are only two more directions for me to explore in, and one of these has the hugest fucking boss that ever shot balls of electricity out of its mouth. The other is too dark to see what's killing you unless you continually stop to sing and make the little light-fish and light-jellyfish come toward you. Still damn hard though... and it pissed me off when I found a lit room with a giant boss that looked like an eyeball inside a translucent jellyfish. I got trapped inside, then the eyeball part started spawning little red jellyfish which attacked me. All this would've been really fun if I hadn't been nearly dead when I arrived there. So of course they killed me... luckily I remembered the recipe for some soup thing with a German name, which heals 3 hitpoints and gives a speed bonus as well.

Disgruntled Intern 05-20-2010 12:48 AM

I don't get to play anything because of fucking school and god damned dorian playing fucking borderlands all the fucking time so if you see me online it's probably her. Say mean things.

PalezQkkeli 05-20-2010 04:57 AM

Now that I've played through Portal I'm playing Garry's Mod 10! It rocks.

Josh 05-21-2010 09:31 AM

Playing the Google logo. Really, it's Pac-Man!

enchilado 05-21-2010 09:56 AM

Now that's fun. Try playing two-player by yourself!

Daxter King 05-21-2010 04:32 PM

Team Fortress 2, still a really awesome game. Sucks not many play it on 360 though, I was doing really good last night.

Strike Witch 05-22-2010 06:54 AM

I went and bought Batman Arkham Asylum on sale because I want to play a western adventurish game and Transformers doesn't come out for another month.

It's pretty ace, I love the presentation and gameplay. boobytrapped gargoyles kinda make things hella difficult though.

I'm up to Killer Croc's lair, I just got the last sample but now I have to get out. I was like FUCK THAT SHIT T_T and turned it off for a bit. Need to work up my nerves before I attempt that again.

Disgruntled Intern 05-22-2010 08:29 PM

That part gets annoying once croc's pattern becomes shockingly apparent. Fun game though.

Strike Witch 05-23-2010 02:13 AM

It was fine when he just jumps up in front of you and stuff. Then he starts punching out the walkway. That shit is annoying.

PalezQkkeli 05-23-2010 06:43 AM

Almost passed the Google's Pac-Man on two-player-mode :D so close..

Disgruntled Intern 05-23-2010 07:24 PM


It was fine when he just jumps up in front of you and stuff. Then he starts punching out the walkway. That shit is annoying.

I disliked the boss fights in general. Get back to me when you finish the game.

EDIT: With the exception of Scarecrow's mini-fights/stages/whatevs. Good times.

Strike Witch 05-23-2010 08:01 PM

Oh yeah, those were great.

"press the middle stick to dodge Joker's gunshot"

MA 05-24-2010 02:31 PM

playing AVP2, better than the first, which i thought was an abomination. played it while i was at school but had to give the disc back to a mate, so i'm pleased to have it again. i really like the gameplay.

PalezQkkeli 05-25-2010 10:25 AM

Playing Crysis at expert. It's somehow easier and I don't know why? Maybe it's just that I've played the game once before.. Yea it has got to be it.
Good game though, even if my pc can't run it on enthusiast settings > : |

Josh 05-25-2010 10:57 AM

Pokemon Silver. I just tried it to see if it was any good. Now, i'm shuffling through tall grass to train my Rattata and Quilava.

Wings of Fire 05-25-2010 10:59 AM


Pokemon Silver. I just tried it to see if it was any good. Now, i'm shuffling through tall grass to train my Rattata and Quilava.

It's pretty much cheating if you don't train a party of at least four.

Josh, I am disappoint.

Josh 05-25-2010 11:02 AM

I have had the game for an hour. If it makes you feel any better, I now have a Geodude.

Wings of Fire 05-25-2010 11:33 AM

Good boy.

Havoc 05-25-2010 01:33 PM

I played a bit of Donkey Kong Country 2 on an emulator the other day. How I miss the good old days of the Super Nintendo sometime.

Crashpunk 05-26-2010 09:25 AM

I sometimes feel that way only toward the PlayStation.
I miss the original Crash and Spyros very much. It just isn't the same anymore.

Anyway i've been playing Team Fortress 2 and Garry's Mod.
I manage to craft my First hat!

Daxter King 05-26-2010 09:14 PM

Bad Company 2, getting really good at sniping. Which is awesome, because I've never been able to snipe worth shit in a multiplayer game. I hope it extends into the other games I play.

Strike Witch 05-27-2010 07:54 AM


I disliked the boss fights in general. Get back to me when you finish the game.

Finished it! I agree about the fights, Monster-Joker was an entertaining and atmospheric pushover, but overall the game was pure Batman-awesome.

Wings of Fire 05-27-2010 09:34 AM

I still hate the thought of the climactic encounter between Batman and Joker being Batman vs Big Monster. It's stupid and lame that that's really the most creative they could come up with.

Crashpunk 05-29-2010 12:51 PM

I've never played Batman Arkham Asylum. is the story like the newist movie?

OANST 05-29-2010 12:54 PM


I've never played Batman Arkham Asylum. is the story like the newist movie?


Mac Sirloin 05-30-2010 01:05 PM

Damn. I wrote a 2 paragraph post about DOOM II and Just Cause 2 on Friday but apparently it didn't post.

Anyhoo, Doom II was released on Xbox Live Arcade on thursday, and I bought it and the expansion packs for Just Cause 2 and Castle Crashers right up.

I fucking love the Doom games, and I'm not bad at them, so this was a fun weekend. There's a brand new chapter to play through and you unlock the Doomguy/Space Marine suit as an Avatar award if you beat it. It's fucking tough.

A bunch of the achievements are named after lines from the Doom comic, making them DOUBLE WORTH IT. It's only 800 Points, too.

Just Cause 2 DLC is pretty cool but frustrating; you get two additional rocket launchers, a Grenade launcher that shoots cluster bombs, an 'Air gun' which is basically just for dicking around, a fighter jet that you'll never use and a jetpack for your parachute. The rocket launchers are...neat, but there's not a whole lot of use out of them since the homing one doesn't have enough rockets and the one that shoots 4 rockets at a time is inaccurate as fuck. The clusterbomb is completely useless since it can't shoot farther than the standard grenade launcher and doesn't actually do a whole lot of damage since the bomblets just fuck off out of range before blowing up. The jet is probably the best in the game, but since you NEVER have to use a jet that isn't already provided it's useless and too expensive. The air gun is cool, but 45,000 dollars for a weapon that basically just makes people fall over is dumb. I already paid to download all these fucking things, why do I have to earn more money just to use them for all of ten minutes?

Which brings us to the parachute-jet-thing.

It was the main reason I bought the DLC. It costs 50,000 dollars in game, so when I bought it I assumed I would have to do so once. Nope. Did you die while using it? Then you have to buy another one. Did you fail a mission? Buy a new one. Used the fast-travel system? Buy another one. Complete fucking bullshit.

MeechMunchie 05-31-2010 12:53 PM

Just Cause 2 is a bit rubbish. It's much more fun to just turn down the difficulty and use it as a sandbox for roping things to other things. Then blowing them up.

Hazel-Rah 05-31-2010 05:44 PM

I'm playing Fallout 3 mostly, amazing game, I'm looking for some oif the mysterious stuff in this video...

Also watching this video made me want to play x-files on the ps1, gotta track that game down again I miss it :(

Mac Sirloin 06-01-2010 03:36 PM

Call of Duty: World at War. It's pretty fun, I guess.

Daxter King 06-01-2010 04:12 PM

Friend let me borrow Assassin's Creed 2, its pretty cool.

Dixanadu 06-02-2010 07:29 AM

I just started playing Fallout 3 again as well. I forgot how nice it looks for a 2007 game.

Grieva 06-02-2010 07:33 AM

It looks pretty good for a 2008 game as well, coincidentally that's the year it came out.

I'm playing Metal Gear Solid, because Peace Walker's delayed :(.

Dixanadu 06-02-2010 07:45 AM

Oh shit, yeah it did. Heh ^^'

And I fucking knew Peace Walker would be delayed, I also thought Alan Wake would never come out, considering it was announced in like 2005 or something and it only took me two days to complete it. Though, it was pretty damn good.