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Sheriff-Murder 02-18-2005 01:14 AM

that sound silly!

Alpha 02-18-2005 01:19 AM

Actually there preety cool, Who ever got in that pelican in metropilis and then got to flip it over the place!

Leto 02-18-2005 02:27 PM

This is probably old news, but it amuses me immensly.

Recently, at a Halo 2 LAN party, me and my buddy keeped ramming Human and Covenant tanks into eachother. We did this for like 20 mins, making the covenant tank boost to try and destroy the tank. Don't ask why we were doing such things- After a ridiculous amount of caffine, anythings funny. All of a sudden, the human tank spinned around the entire Cogualtion level, spinning and spinning until it just exploded. It is rather funny, you should try it.

sligster 02-18-2005 03:49 PM


Actually there preety cool, Who ever got in that pelican in metropilis and then got to flip it over the place!

that one is fairly easy to do


Recently, at a Halo 2 LAN party, me and my buddy keeped ramming Human and Covenant tanks into eachother. We did this for like 20 mins, making the covenant tank boost to try and destroy the tank. Don't ask why we were doing such things- After a ridiculous amount of caffine, anythings funny. All of a sudden, the human tank spinned around the entire Cogualtion level, spinning and spinning until it just exploded. It is rather funny, you should try it.
<3 that glitch

Leto 02-18-2005 04:00 PM

"<3 that glitch"

What does <3 mean? :fuzconf:

Mojo 02-19-2005 01:48 AM

That means "Love that glitch"

In Coagulition, or whatever the name is, you can grab the flag from below. Move a Warthog under the flag, stand on top, and jump, while frantically pressing X. Funny, when you hear people say things like "Hey, where's the flag? It was here a minute ago."

Alpha 02-19-2005 12:18 PM

Wow never seen that before was that a one time glitch or does it alway's work?.

I did something like that in campiagn once , me and my friend were doing Co-op for fun at his birthday about three week's ago. We were playing Delta Halo on legendary(duh) and suddenly the tank I was in flip all over the place then finnaly exploded ,Wierd stuff that.

Leto 02-19-2005 05:51 PM

"I did something like that in campiagn once , me and my friend were doing Co-op for fun at his birthday about three week's ago. We were playing Delta Halo on legendary(duh) and suddenly the tank I was in flip all over the place then finnaly exploded ,Wierd stuff that."

Same glitch. It works over a long period of time. JUst keep ramming for 20 minutes, or however long it takes. When I first discovered the glitch with $andy Mudukon (Come back on the forums, damnit!), We stayed up until about 6 the next day, ramming, ramming etc etc... Its pretty fun. We did it once when the third player was standing on the Human tank, he died instantly :D

Mojo 02-20-2005 06:04 AM

The "Grab flag from below glitch" always works. It's even more fun when you choose for the option of having flag-carriers drive vehicles. Jump on top of the Banshee, and fly right out. Watch out for lost rockets though.

That reminds me, I once made a really cool shot.

I was on the east side of the map, near all of the tunnels (with the sniper tower in the west, facing blue) and tha enemy was cruising home in a Warthog, with the flag. They were blue, and headed towards their base. I had a Rocket Launcher and a Beam Rifle, so I had to choose. I opted for the latter, because that was already out. I zoomed in, took aim, and, as if my hand was guided by a higher being, I shot out all four (one was standing on the hood, with just three shots (gunner 1, driver and passenger 1, and the guy on the hood). They were all stunned about what happened. I thought that was funny, and like the real sprts they were, congratulated me on those shots.

Alpha 02-20-2005 06:28 AM

Nice sniping!, That reminds me I was playing beaver creek with my friend's on slayer with sword's . I got my hand's on the sniper rifle and managed to work my up to an Overkill medal, after killing my friend's 25 time's all of them headshot's

Edit: follow this link.....http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory....eklywhatsfeb18

It's news on downloadable content.

Sheriff-Murder 03-01-2005 03:29 AM

Me and my friend was playing halo 2 coop, i drove my wraith under his tank and suddenly his tank flipped and started spinning all around the screen and finaly exploded!

Is that the same glitch?

Love it!

Leto 03-01-2005 09:52 PM

Yes, tis indeedy the same glitch. It is one of the best, no? :D

What did the guy mean by 'aqueduct'?

sligster 03-02-2005 04:51 PM


That means "Love that glitch"

In Coagulition, or whatever the name is, you can grab the flag from below. Move a Warthog under the flag, stand on top, and jump, while frantically pressing X. Funny, when you hear people say things like "Hey, where's the flag? It was here a minute ago."

HATE that glitch! :fuzmad:

but it is do-able on any map and with anything.

The physics engine makes it so you can grab ANYTHING through ANY wall or floor if it's close enough.

rather old glitch, really.... it was in Halo 1, for Christs sake.

DLC clues thus far:



Alpha 03-03-2005 10:01 AM

Best glitch ever no-way.
The flying player glitch is way better or the super sword lunge is better which ever I'm not picky.

Esus 03-03-2005 10:31 AM

No gliches are cool/fun after once.

Alpha 03-03-2005 11:44 AM

Course they are I still get a laugh out of slaughtering a friend in halo2 after using my signature move (Super Lunge) and win the game while they wonder how I managed to lunge that far LOL.

Sheriff-Murder 03-04-2005 02:30 AM


What did the guy mean by 'aqueduct'?

Aqueduct= roman structure to bring water from one place to another.

Alpha 03-04-2005 01:52 PM

So the place should be based on the underwater part of regret yeah?.

WineDarkSea 03-04-2005 04:53 PM


HATE that glitch! :fuzmad:

but it is do-able on any map and with anything.

The physics engine makes it so you can grab ANYTHING through ANY wall or floor if it's close enough.

rather old glitch, really.... it was in Halo 1, for Christs sake.

I agree, that glitch is pretty lame and really fustrating if you keep running into people who use it all the time. It's funny to use on your friends once in a while, but people get seriously mad on XBL about it.

sligster 03-05-2005 12:09 AM


So the place should be based on the underwater part of regret yeah?.

noone knows


I agree, that glitch is pretty lame and really fustrating if you keep running into people who use it all the time. It's funny to use on your friends once in a while, but people get seriously mad on XBL about it.

Dino 03-05-2005 10:54 AM

There is another rediculously annoying glitch in Halo 2...

If you get your team mate in a tank while you're in a banshee, and get him to shoot at your banshee until it's completely ruined, then it becomes totally invincible. The banshee will never get destroyed by enemy fire, and only your character will ever take damage. My theory on this, is that the banshee goes into minus figures of hitpoints - meaning that it should've exploded, but can't because friendly fire is off, and therefore it has no hitpoints to lose.

Also, occasionally you can shoot someone in the head at point blank range with a shotgun, and they won't die - this seems to be a glitch where the game thinks that the character still has an overshield on. Another glitch is the one which means you can empty a SMG magazine into someone, and they won't die, but if they do the same to you, then you die. Quite often I've started shooting a spectre turret at another spectre turret before it shot me, but we both ended up dying simultaneously - In theory, I should've killed him first, since I got more hits in.

Then of course, there is the sword glitch, and various other glitches involving dying too quickly, or not dying even if you've been hit by 2 rockets, etc.

Alpha 03-05-2005 11:07 AM

Which sword glitch?.
And dying even if you've been hit by two rocket's explain please?.

WineDarkSea 03-05-2005 02:41 PM

I think the sword glitch is how you can launch yourself across a level with a "super lunge." It has something to do with locking on a far away target and pulling the attack triger. Basicly it just makes you go really far. As far as not dying goes, that is mostly because a lot of the weapons are weaker (ie you need to be closer to them to sustain damage) such as the granades.

sligster 03-05-2005 08:15 PM


Also, occasionally you can shoot someone in the head at point blank range with a shotgun, and they won't die - this seems to be a glitch where the game thinks that the character still has an overshield on. Another glitch is the one which means you can empty a SMG magazine into someone, and they won't die, but if they do the same to you, then you die. Quite often I've started shooting a spectre turret at another spectre turret before it shot me, but we both ended up dying simultaneously - In theory, I should've killed him first, since I got more hits in.

Then of course, there is the sword glitch, and various other glitches involving dying too quickly, or not dying even if you've been hit by 2 rockets, etc.

This is all lag. Every one of these. Even if you check the ping, and everyone's in the green, there can still be enormous amounts of lag due to there being a crappy host.

List of sword glitches/tricks:

Sword Cancel: R (right trigger) + X
Makes you lunge at the person but do no damage, and sometimes fly past them.

Rocket/Sword Lunge: (Works with any weapon and a sword- just works best with rocket and sword because the rocket has the largest targeting range of any weapon in the game): Have secondary weapon out, then hit Y + R at the same time. This may take a few tries, but when done correctly, you will lunge at your opponent from the range of the secondary weapon. (Can be done with a sniper but is much harder to do since you have to zoom in with each attempt) (Sometimes pressing Y + X + R makes it easier.)

Sword Flying (will be taken out in next patch :(): Get in passenger seat of Warthog/Specter and have an opponent walk within range of sword. Swing sword until you hear a confirmed hit (will sound "louder" and "harsher" than a normal swing) then have the opponent walk anywhere in the map- better if it's far away. Look in the direction you want to fly, then get out of passenger seat and you will fly in the direction.

Butterfly: (works with any weapon) Have an opponent jump on your head. Look up at your opponent. Have your opponent keep jumping up and down. While they're doing this, press X + B rapidedly. This will cause you to lunge (all weapons lunge) at your opponent. By the time you lunge, your opponent will have already fallen down and will land on your head in mid air. When they jump again, you will lunge again, and ect. Use this for achieving great heights.

that's about it

Everything you'll ever need to know about tricking/glitching: The largest Halo Tricking Site Out There

Alpha 03-06-2005 07:08 AM

Hey!, you forgot the sword flying glitch in outskirts.

Edit:Cool there is a second scarab gun never knew that.
Can someone explain how you get in detail I can't watch the vid.

Dino 03-06-2005 10:48 AM


This is all lag. Every one of these. Even if you check the ping, and everyone's in the green, there can still be enormous amounts of lag due to there being a crappy host.


Splitscreen singlebox nonlink multiplayer does not lag. System link barely ever lags, and even when it does, it's never as bad as what I described.

And I wasn't even anywhere near talking about XBL. Think first before you go assuming things like that.

sligster 03-06-2005 01:11 PM


Hey!, you forgot the sword flying glitch in outskirts.

Edit:Cool there is a second scarab gun never knew that.
Can someone explain how you get in detail I can't watch the vid.

there's a shitload of Scarab guns. Every time the scarab fires, a scarab gun spawns. I've gotten 2 on Metro and 1 on GJ. Still trying to get the one on Outskirts :\


Splitscreen singlebox nonlink multiplayer does not lag. System link barely ever lags, and even when it does, it's never as bad as what I described.

And I wasn't even anywhere near talking about XBL. Think first before you go assuming things like that.
whoops lol. then I dunno. The shotgun, though, is broken. Never works right- your lucky if it does work right once in a while. Stay away from it.

Alpha 03-07-2005 11:04 AM

The shotgun is the only possible way of killing a lunging opponant but the timing has to be right(just before he kills you)

And where does the scarab gun spawn exactly?.(On what part of the scarab.)

sligster 03-07-2005 07:26 PM


The shotgun is the only possible way of killing a lunging opponant but the timing has to be right(just before he kills you)

And where does the scarab gun spawn exactly?.(On what part of the scarab.)

depends. If you can actually see the Scarab, then it spawns inside the Scarab's Cannon (kinda hard to grab it without dieing or falling off, but possible), sometimes it spawns before the actual Scarab, though, so you have a split second to grab it. But if you can't see the Scarab (the Outskirts tunnel is the only instance I can think of) it spawns somewhere around the Scarab (in the tunnel, it spawns between it's legs).

Alpha 03-08-2005 10:15 AM


There is another rediculously annoying glitch in Halo 2...

If you get your team mate in a tank while you're in a banshee, and get him to shoot at your banshee until it's completely ruined, then it becomes totally invincible. The banshee will never get destroyed by enemy fire, and only your character will ever take damage. My theory on this, is that the banshee goes into minus figures of hitpoints - meaning that it should've exploded, but can't because friendly fire is off, and therefore it has no hitpoints to lose.

Also, occasionally you can shoot someone in the head at point blank range with a shotgun, and they won't die - this seems to be a glitch where the game thinks that the character still has an overshield on. Another glitch is the one which means you can empty a SMG magazine into someone, and they won't die, but if they do the same to you, then you die. Quite often I've started shooting a spectre turret at another spectre turret before it shot me, but we both ended up dying simultaneously - In theory, I should've killed him first, since I got more hits in.

Then of course, there is the sword glitch, and various other glitches involving dying too quickly, or not dying even if you've been hit by 2 rockets, etc.

I think I may have found the reason this happen's to you.
When playing multi-player go in to pause menu and hit handicap put it (none)

My thoery is you have handicap this would explain the reason why these thing's have happenedtou you.