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Manco 06-16-2012 05:07 PM

Can we petition to close the thread and forbid ponies from being posted or discussed on the forum in any way shape or form?

Nepsotic 06-16-2012 05:27 PM

Why? Why does it bother you that much? We stay here in our litte corner, and if you don't like it you don't have to come here. Don't pull a 4chan.

Manco 06-16-2012 05:30 PM

Except for the part where you try and push ponies into a whole bunch of other threads and blogs.

Wings of Fire 06-16-2012 05:37 PM


Don't pull a 4chan.


STM 06-16-2012 05:41 PM

Mancopops has a point. You pushed MLP out of here and into your blog. It's still yours. But it's kinda like squatting out of your bedroom window and pushing a six foot shit out of your sphincter and into your front garden. You have every right to do it, but it's not very appreciated by everyone that has to see you do it.

I kinda just wanted to write sphincter.

Tired Glutton 06-16-2012 05:41 PM

Wings of Fire 06-16-2012 05:43 PM



Do they make milk go brown?

STM 06-16-2012 05:44 PM


Nepsotic 06-16-2012 05:45 PM

Ok,so it leaks every now and again, but I'd like to remind everyone that I am not the one who brought MLP in to the I Have Just Seen thread. I don't think I've ever mentioned it out of this thread, except, maybe once. Oh, and a little in my blog, but I'm allowed to do it there.

Wings of Fire 06-16-2012 05:46 PM


Ok,so it leaks every now and again

I knew it.

STM 06-16-2012 05:48 PM

Oh God, I can't, stop, laughing!

Nepsotic 06-16-2012 05:52 PM


When do I ever bring it up?And why does everyone hate it when it is brought up? The only time it's mentioned here anymore is in this thread. Also, avatars.

STM 06-16-2012 05:55 PM


it's kinda like squatting out of your bedroom window and pushing a six foot shit out of your sphincter and into your front garden.


Ok,so it leaks every now and again.

This is what I was laughing at, you cheeky little munchkin, as long as you keep it here, I'm not fussed.

Nepsotic 06-16-2012 06:00 PM

The shit? Or the Ponies?
(different things! Before anyone starts typing a lame joke...)

Strike Witch 06-16-2012 06:10 PM


Sekto Springs 06-16-2012 06:13 PM

While I admit Nepsotic isn't the best at keeping Ponies to himself, I don't think a "petition to close the thread and forbid ponies from being posted or discussed on the forum in any way shape or form" is fair, reasonable, or even sane. I will assume - for the sake of not hating you, Manco - that you were joking.

Even if it does sneak it's way out of the thread once and a while, who fucking cares? I stand by that anyone who is still so irked by these cartoon horses needs to grow a goddamn backbone.

Manco 06-16-2012 06:34 PM

I’m fucking sick of how everything starts gravitating towards ponies. Someone mentions ponies in a blog comment, everyone harangues them. Someone changes their avatar to a pony, it gets brought up when they post. Someone posts a pony picture, everyone else dogpiles them.

And then we have this thread, wherein Nepsotic is slowly building himself into the creepiest most obnoxious fucker on the forum.

Wings of Fire 06-16-2012 06:48 PM


And then we have this thread, wherein Nepsotic is slowly building himself into the creepiest most obnoxious fucker on the forum.

Did you do rankings? What's mine?

Manco 06-16-2012 06:52 PM

You have to publicly admit to fantasizing about horse poon to make the list.

Sekto Springs 06-16-2012 06:55 PM


Someone changes their avatar to a pony, it gets brought up when they post. Someone posts a pony picture, everyone else dogpiles them.
Says the guy with the pony avatar.
You're just as guilty for spurring the topic, intentionally or not. Even if it does come up, why does it provoke you so? Why is it everyone can treat every other obnoxiously overplayed thing on the internet like yesterday's news, but Ponies manage to get under everyone's skin?

You have control over what you're exposed to on these forums (and on the internet, for that matter) and should you get frustrated to stumble upon a pony-related post, then I reiterate; grow a backbone. The extent of this pony gravitational pull you refer to with such indignation has been a few avatars and a couple off-hand posts at most. If you want to be part of the solution, change your avatar to something else and stop getting so ass-mad when it's brought up.

It's a cartoon that a lot of people on the internet happen to like. It's no fucking different than the kind of shit you see with Sonic or every anime ever made ever.

EDIT: I see you changed your avatar. I guess you either took my advice, or common sense kicked in.

Nepsotic 06-16-2012 07:05 PM

Obnoxious . :(

Ok, why does everyone keep saying I'm always talking about ponies! I don't! Fuck off me! Sekto's the only one making any sense here! This Pony thing is only seen around the forums now in avatars and this thread! When someone, mentions it a little everyone gets pissed off, and yet look at all the othe things going around, repeating themselves over and over, no one bats an eyelid! Ponies aren't dominating threads like they did in 4chan, so what the fuck is going on? If you guys are blowing your fuse at this youre certainly not ready for the rest of the internet.

And no, I'm not being like this because they're ponies, I'll back anything else up like that if it deserves it. Fuck me. Leave it. Its the PONY thread! Fuck.

Wings of Fire 06-16-2012 07:10 PM


Manco 06-16-2012 07:13 PM


Says the guy with the pony avatar.

Maybe if I change it we can move on.


You're just as guilty for spurring the topic, intentionally or not. Even if it does come up, why does it provoke you so? Why is it everyone can treat every other obnoxiously overplayed thing on the internet like yesterday's news, but Ponies manage to get under everyone's skin?

Because of two things: one, the weird brony culture which Nepsotic is doing a great job exemplifying; and two, the reactionary anti-brony brigade which crawls out of the woodwork and conflates liking MLP with being part of the weird brony culture.


You have control over what you're exposed to on these forums (and on the internet, for that matter) and should you get frustrated to stumble upon a pony-related post, then I reiterate; grow a backbone.

The extent to which I have control is limited to avoiding posts I have no desire to see. How do I do this while also reading threads I do want to see, because it’s way too easy for this shit to crop up and a bunch of off-topic crap to appear.


The extent of this pony gravitational pull you refer to with such indignation has been a few avatars and a couple off-hand posts at most. If you want to be part of the solution, change your avatar to something else and stop getting so ass-mad when it's brought up.

It took up an entire page of I Have Just Seen, we have a bunch of blogposts on the subject, and I’ve lost track of the offhand remarks that get made whether warranted or not.


It's a cartoon that a lot of people on the internet happen to like. It's no fucking different than the kind of shit you see with Sonic or every anime ever made ever.

This statement is absolutely correct. I like the show itself. But the difference is that on this forum, people don’t go around with Sonic avatars talking about how much they love Sonic in every thread, stirring up arguments as they go. And there’s not a 30-plus-page thread dedicated to Sonic where one user in particular confesses to wanting some hedgehog spine dildos.

Sekto Springs 06-16-2012 07:14 PM

I actually have you to thank, Joe, for introducing me to MLP in the first place.
If you remember, I kind of treated it then the way everyone else treats it now. Now I love it. You have created a monster.

You are the Batman to my Joker.

So does that make Nepsotic like... the Harley Quinn to my Joker? I'm not really up to date on the DC canon.

Also, Manco, I'm not interested in dragging this out, so I'll meet you half way.
Nepsotic, agree to reel it back a bit with the Pony shit, I've been doing damage control ever since I first changed my avatar and I'm tired of it. There's a million and one places on the internet where you can gush about Ponies until your balls are sore and you won't be hated. Go to those places in peace, and be merry. There is nothing left here.

Nepsotic 06-16-2012 07:23 PM



That is genuinly what I was thinking as I typed that.

I'd also like to repeat that I did not bring up the Pony discussion in IHJS...V. And you're having a go at Ponies for taking up a couple of thread blog pages, just think about frosties and buttsex for a minute. At least we've got our own thread.

I know I'm not the best brony representative, but fuck. It's a c.artoon. Fuck.

Sekto Springs 06-16-2012 07:26 PM

Nepsotic, even though I agree with you that everyone on this forum is overreacting and their asses are so sore with steaming, hot hurt that their feces evaporates before it even evacuates their anus, it's not going to change. You have to know when you're licked.

Just keep it in this topic exclusively, and we won't have to have these debates over and over again.

Nepsotic 06-16-2012 07:31 PM

In that case, I have a sweet ass live Nyan Dash wallpaper.
'S cute, right?

Strike Witch 06-16-2012 08:37 PM


It's a cartoon that a lot of people on the internet happen to like
I wonder if it's not actually just a vocal minority.

Sekto Springs 06-17-2012 01:34 AM

In the sense that only a few people like it, but those who do really like it?

STM 06-17-2012 03:34 AM


Nepsotic, even though I agree with you that everyone on this forum is overreacting and their asses are so sore with steaming, hot hurt that their feces evaporates before it even evacuates their anus, it's not going to change. You have to know when you're licked.

Just keep it in this topic exclusively, and we won't have to have these debates over and over again.

I think my poo metaphor was better. >.>