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Anonyman! 01-07-2010 04:23 PM


I'm not looking for a realistic game. I want it to entertain me. Preferably with a trace amount of legible storyline.
Which it doesn't. So as much as i hate to say it, i'm out.



choose one

Disgruntled Intern 01-07-2010 11:20 PM


MA 01-08-2010 04:27 AM

fucking christ, WoF.

Wings of Fire 01-08-2010 06:54 AM

First thing that came into my head, there are tonnes of other examples.

I'm going to buy Bayonetta when I can because I enjoy OANST's tales of beating up giant angel statues in heaven.

OANST 01-08-2010 07:03 AM


First thing that came into my head, there are tonnes of other examples.

I'm going to buy Bayonetta when I can because I enjoy OANST's tales of beating up giant angel statues in heaven.

Not beating up giant angel statues. Beating up a gigantic angel, dropping a statue of cupid that is pissing gasoline on the angel, lighting the gas on fire only to have it go out before reaching the angel, then shooting a bullet into the penis of the cupid statue, causing it and the gigantic angel to explode.

That's what happened.

Wings of Fire 01-11-2010 07:02 AM

I'm playing Darksiders. When it first started, I was a bit disappointed. It didn't feel like it was doing anything special. I was in a destroyed city, being attacked by zombies, using a guy who doesn't move very fast. Then, about an hour in, everything changes. It has turned into one of the most jawdroppingly awesome games I have ever played.

Yes, it's a lot like Zelda. But that's not a bad thing. And there is more than enough of their own thing going on to make it easy to forgive any elements that they may have borrowed from other games.

And the dungeons are huge. HUUUUUUUUUUUGE. It took me three hours to get through the first one.

Mac Sirloin 01-11-2010 03:47 PM


Not beating up giant angel statues. Beating up a gigantic angel, dropping a statue of cupid that is pissing gasoline on the angel, lighting the gas on fire only to have it go out before reaching the angel, then shooting a bullet into the penis of the cupid statue, causing it and the gigantic angel to explode.

That's what happened.

I watched my friend do this exact fucking fight on Friday. I can't believe how fun Bayonetta is just to watch.

Wings of Fire 01-11-2010 03:54 PM


I'm playing Darksiders. When it first started, I was a bit disappointed. It didn't feel like it was doing anything special. I was in a destroyed city, being attacked by zombies, using a guy who doesn't move very fast. Then, about an hour in, everything changes. It has turned into one of the most jawdroppingly awesome games I have ever played.

Yes, it's a lot like Zelda. But that's not a bad thing. And there is more than enough of their own thing going on to make it easy to forgive any elements that they may have borrowed from other games.

And the dungeons are huge. HUUUUUUUUUUUGE. It took me three hours to get through the first one.

I'm just going to say now for anyone not in the know that that is OANST.

I couldn't manage to bring my 360 back with me to Glasgow so I won't be playing anything til February time. Sorry DI, you can get to know me offline in a month or so <3.

Strike Witch 01-11-2010 08:18 PM


I'm not looking for a realistic game. I want it to entertain me. Preferably with a trace amount of legible storyline.
Which it doesn't. So as much as i hate to say it, i'm out.

I'm with Shaman. ODST had about as much plot as the first level of the original game. Plus it was at that point I really started to get aggravated at Bungie's "oho we so clevah" references to shit that really just slapped you across the face.

Uplift Nature Preserve? Really now?

OANST 01-12-2010 07:55 AM


I watched my friend do this exact fucking fight on Friday. I can't believe how fun Bayonetta is just to watch.


I recommend both Bayonetta and Darksiders to anyone who plans on buying a game soon. I loved Bayonetta, but I think that I recommend Darksiders a bit more. Solely because it's the only game of it's kind on the 360.

Mac Sirloin 01-12-2010 10:56 AM



I recommend both Bayonetta and Darksiders to anyone who plans on buying a game soon. I loved Bayonetta, but I think that I recommend Darksiders a bit more. Solely because it's the only game of it's kind on the 360.

I was kind of split when I heard about Darksiders. I'm not a huge fan of the 3D Zelda games that aren't Wind Waker, but at the same time I'm not great at games like Bayonetta. I'd rather something badass and epic over constant, over the top action, though. So I'll probably go for Darksiders.

EDIT: I went out and bought Too Human today, it's not that bad.

The controls take some getting used to be otherwise it's a fun game.

Strike Witch 01-14-2010 05:02 AM

Holy Hell at Bayonetta.

I just killed the ball of faces with the mouth-tentacle-faces and stuff.

Daxter King 01-14-2010 03:11 PM

So I started using elemental weapons in Borderlands, holy fuck is it easier. I used to just take the gun with the highest damage, which usually doesn't have any elements. I switched to a revolver which does like 200 less damage than my best one, but has x4 acid. I love shooting someone once and letting them corrode into death in seconds.

Mac Sirloin 01-14-2010 04:13 PM


So I started using elemental weapons in Borderlands, holy fuck is it easier. I used to just take the gun with the highest damage, which usually doesn't have any elements. I switched to a revolver which does like 200 less damage than my best one, but has x4 acid. I love shooting someone once and letting them corrode into death in seconds.

The Siren is probably the easiest class because of that, since she get s ton of Elemental buffs. Using The Berserk Action skill when X4 Explosive damage makes everything so satisfying. You basically Quintuple amputate someone with a critpunch. I've found that Incendiary and Shock rounds work best, I can't find any Corrosive guns that have a reasonably high damage or Element multiplier to justify buying.

On that note: I bought a Shotgun that did 155 Damage x11 for about 1,600 000 dollars. It's the best shotgun I had in the game up to that point, since it also had EXCELLENT range and a 12 round barrel. It looks really cool, too.

Then I came across a generic one that does 2,805 damage a shot with a two round barrel in a trash can about ten minutes later. It's got less ammo but reloads really quick. It's basically a super fast Sledge's shotgun without the automatic waste of both shots, and decent range and recoil. Pissed me right off.

Strike Witch 01-14-2010 08:55 PM

I wandered through a gravity-fucked universe of stars battling living flying boats that launch cherub missiles, rode a motorcycle down an exploding freeway shooting down Angelic cadillacs, had a massive battle with what can only be charitably be described as a ball of cherub faces that extruded more face tentacles from their mouths and hundreds of other orifices and talked in a disturbingly high and young choir voice, and then decided to call it quits when the Battleship-Shark-Lizard-Angel appeared. Oh yes, and Bayonetta fights him whilst surfing.

Awesome game.

Disgruntled Intern 01-15-2010 01:26 AM


OANST 01-15-2010 07:46 AM


I wandered through a gravity-fucked universe of stars battling living flying boats that launch cherub missiles, rode a motorcycle down an exploding freeway shooting down Angelic cadillacs, had a massive battle with what can only be charitably be described as a ball of cherub faces that extruded more face tentacles from their mouths and hundreds of other orifices and talked in a disturbingly high and young choir voice, and then decided to call it quits when the Battleship-Shark-Lizard-Angel appeared. Oh yes, and Bayonetta fights him whilst surfing.

Awesome game.

Wait until you see the Joy angels. You'll probably stop to masturbate before continuing.

MeechMunchie 01-15-2010 11:49 AM

Zero Gear. It's bouncy.

Strike Witch 01-15-2010 03:31 PM


Wait until you see the Joy angels. You'll probably stop to masturbate before continuing.

I beat the game.

I couldn't masturbate during that torture attack, I was laughing too hard.

Wings of Fire 01-15-2010 04:20 PM

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.

Oh God, it's giving such a rush.

OANST 01-16-2010 07:30 AM


I beat the game.

I couldn't masturbate during that torture attack, I was laughing too hard.

Hell of a way to die.

Strike Witch 01-16-2010 05:21 PM

So who was your favourite boss? I liked the Battleship-lizard-shark thing's design, but the battle with the wind boss was more fun.

Daxter King 01-17-2010 08:52 PM

DI just joined my L4D2 game. He was promptly raped.

OANST 01-18-2010 07:41 AM


So who was your favourite boss? I liked the Battleship-lizard-shark thing's design, but the battle with the wind boss was more fun.

I really liked the fight against the big Cherub face angel with the creepy baby voice. I think that this is the one where you panther run up the tentacles to get to the head. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Mac Sirloin 01-18-2010 09:52 AM

Castlevania: SOTN. I needed to look up a single factoid about what to do next (buy some jewel key thing) and BAM, I'm like 10 levels up and found 2-3 new areas of the castle. Fucking love Castlevania but I've owned SOTN for almost a year and put MAYBE an hour and a half into it before now.

Jordan 01-18-2010 11:14 AM

I really fucking want Bayonetta now. You guys are a tease. I played the demo. It was hella fun. I only played a little of it because I didn't want to spoil the actual game. I'm thinking of buying it with birthday money...

Strike Witch 01-18-2010 01:39 PM


I really liked the fight against the big Cherub face angel with the creepy baby voice. I think that this is the one where you panther run up the tentacles to get to the head. Correct me if I'm wrong.

That's the one. Justitia. The sea one is Sapientia, the dragon-thing is Fortitudo, and the floating one at the airfield is Temperantia.

Disgruntled Intern 01-19-2010 10:10 AM


DI just joined my L4D2 game. He was promptly raped.


Phylum 01-19-2010 08:27 PM

Jak and Daxter: the Precursor legacy.

Half done in 4 hours. It was only eight dollars, though, and I now own the whole original trilogy. My old save file has 100/101 power cells, and the last one had been bugging me all of last year. I'm also trying to get all 2000 precursor orbs. Surprisingly easy.

slig# 5719 01-20-2010 10:13 AM


Jak and Daxter: the Precursor legacy.

I love those games, I don't have Jak 3 though.

The first one was a hell of a lot easier then the second one, but the main issue I had with the second one was that Daxter's talking when Jak died was removed. I remember killing Jak over and over on the first one just to hear everything Daxter said.