fucking christ, WoF.
First thing that came into my head, there are tonnes of other examples.
I'm going to buy Bayonetta when I can because I enjoy OANST's tales of beating up giant angel statues in heaven. |
That's what happened. |
I'm playing Darksiders. When it first started, I was a bit disappointed. It didn't feel like it was doing anything special. I was in a destroyed city, being attacked by zombies, using a guy who doesn't move very fast. Then, about an hour in, everything changes. It has turned into one of the most jawdroppingly awesome games I have ever played.
Yes, it's a lot like Zelda. But that's not a bad thing. And there is more than enough of their own thing going on to make it easy to forgive any elements that they may have borrowed from other games. And the dungeons are huge. HUUUUUUUUUUUGE. It took me three hours to get through the first one. |
I couldn't manage to bring my 360 back with me to Glasgow so I won't be playing anything til February time. Sorry DI, you can get to know me offline in a month or so <3. |
Uplift Nature Preserve? Really now? |
I recommend both Bayonetta and Darksiders to anyone who plans on buying a game soon. I loved Bayonetta, but I think that I recommend Darksiders a bit more. Solely because it's the only game of it's kind on the 360. |
EDIT: I went out and bought Too Human today, it's not that bad. The controls take some getting used to be otherwise it's a fun game. |
Holy Hell at Bayonetta.
I just killed the ball of faces with the mouth-tentacle-faces and stuff. |
So I started using elemental weapons in Borderlands, holy fuck is it easier. I used to just take the gun with the highest damage, which usually doesn't have any elements. I switched to a revolver which does like 200 less damage than my best one, but has x4 acid. I love shooting someone once and letting them corrode into death in seconds.
On that note: I bought a Shotgun that did 155 Damage x11 for about 1,600 000 dollars. It's the best shotgun I had in the game up to that point, since it also had EXCELLENT range and a 12 round barrel. It looks really cool, too. Then I came across a generic one that does 2,805 damage a shot with a two round barrel in a trash can about ten minutes later. It's got less ammo but reloads really quick. It's basically a super fast Sledge's shotgun without the automatic waste of both shots, and decent range and recoil. Pissed me right off. |
I wandered through a gravity-fucked universe of stars battling living flying boats that launch cherub missiles, rode a motorcycle down an exploding freeway shooting down Angelic cadillacs, had a massive battle with what can only be charitably be described as a ball of cherub faces that extruded more face tentacles from their mouths and hundreds of other orifices and talked in a disturbingly high and young choir voice, and then decided to call it quits when the Battleship-Shark-Lizard-Angel appeared. Oh yes, and Bayonetta fights him whilst surfing.
Awesome game. |
Zero Gear. It's bouncy.
I couldn't masturbate during that torture attack, I was laughing too hard. |
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
Oh God, it's giving such a rush. |
So who was your favourite boss? I liked the Battleship-lizard-shark thing's design, but the battle with the wind boss was more fun.
DI just joined my L4D2 game. He was promptly raped.
Castlevania: SOTN. I needed to look up a single factoid about what to do next (buy some jewel key thing) and BAM, I'm like 10 levels up and found 2-3 new areas of the castle. Fucking love Castlevania but I've owned SOTN for almost a year and put MAYBE an hour and a half into it before now.
I really fucking want Bayonetta now. You guys are a tease. I played the demo. It was hella fun. I only played a little of it because I didn't want to spoil the actual game. I'm thinking of buying it with birthday money...
Jak and Daxter: the Precursor legacy.
Half done in 4 hours. It was only eight dollars, though, and I now own the whole original trilogy. My old save file has 100/101 power cells, and the last one had been bugging me all of last year. I'm also trying to get all 2000 precursor orbs. Surprisingly easy. |
The first one was a hell of a lot easier then the second one, but the main issue I had with the second one was that Daxter's talking when Jak died was removed. I remember killing Jak over and over on the first one just to hear everything Daxter said. |