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Fez 12-28-2004 12:05 PM

I dont think the game is 3-4 years of work. Thats all.

Facsimile 12-29-2004 01:42 AM

I do. Now Fable is a different story...

Fez 12-29-2004 02:33 AM

I dont see why they took out the 3 way combos, it looked great in the trailer, why change it?

SeaRex 12-29-2004 09:06 AM

If the same team that did the single player game did the Xbox Live version, then I could see the game taking 3-4 years. All the little tweaks and amazing stat tracking would take a while to make, I imagine.

However, a different team did the multiplayer, so I'm going to have to agree with ferill. It doesn't feel like a game 4 years in the making because the re-built the bastard so many times.

Fez 12-31-2004 02:57 AM

Multiplayer rocks in it. Anyone notice you can practically use the Sentinal Beam as a sniper weapon as it has a huge range?

Hobo 12-31-2004 03:55 AM

Psh. Multiplayer only just has the edge over Halo 1 because of all the new vehicles and the Swords. I didn't like the new maps much and thought the majority of the new weapons were lame in multiplayer.

Alpha 02-07-2005 12:29 PM

Actually it was 2 year's and bungie's team was much smaller.

Leto 02-08-2005 12:18 AM

Now, I seem to be the super-critisism guy, but Halo 2 was pretty much rehashed shit. Sure, its fun, it has better graphics. More veichles, weapons, etc etc... But this is the same game, people. And the origional was much more, exquisite.


Was anyone else disappointed with the soundtrack in halo 2. Other than the new rocked up theme tune. I mean. Having crappy 'rock' bands like that crappy one that sang 'the reason'. Forgotten their name. and incubus. Bring back the amazing orchestra from halo 1. Or put it some metal.

C'mon, First movement of the oddysee was much awesomness. Just the rest of it sucked, 'cept for the song 'High Charity'. And sometimes the games music just- stopped. Voidness of musicness. Ness. But it was just strange not hearing music, which is my main beef with the game except reasons posted above, and the ending.

Halo 2.5?! PAH! What a pointless excuse to buy the extra costley hdd XboxNext. SUCH A MONEY GRAB! Lets hope it never exists and they release the last Halo 2 level as downloadable content. Bloody Gates...

(My insanely stupid rave, now complete. Be happy :p)

And whats this about Xbox live content?

Alpha 02-08-2005 12:14 PM

extra multiplayer map's is the xbox live content apparently some will soon be avaible to download.

Leto 02-08-2005 02:16 PM

Mmm. Great. More 'assumptions'. That's whats been said since the start, no?

Alpha 02-08-2005 02:19 PM

No that's what is being done.

Leto 02-08-2005 04:52 PM

How do you know for sure, eh? They 'told' you? Actually HINTED to you? Feh. All bullshit. Me non-believer, that's for sure. Me is no believer. Stopped believing since Halo 2 was 'supposed' to come out August 2003. Yeah, I know, had to remake the game. Don't care.

sligster 02-08-2005 05:01 PM


How do you know for sure, eh? They 'told' you? Actually HINTED to you? Feh. All bullshit. Me non-believer, that's for sure. Me is no believer. Stopped believing since Halo 2 was 'supposed' to come out August 2003. Yeah, I know, had to remake the game. Don't care.

it wasn't "supposed" to come out August 2003. It was some bullshit rumor started by obsessive fan boys.

Remember Kids: just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

Leto 02-08-2005 05:04 PM

Oh goody. You know, when every magazine in the world says 'August 2003', I just make a small assumption that it will be coming out when it was dated to come out. You know, just a little something I pick up.

Wanna play roshambo?

sligster 02-08-2005 05:17 PM


Oh goody. You know, when every magazine in the world says 'August 2003',

I don't recall any magazine stating this info. If they did it was most likely in the rumor section, because Bungie never released any official word.


Wanna play roshambo?
$3.50 says you lose :)

Al the Glukkon 02-08-2005 05:39 PM


Now, I seem to be the super-critisism guy, but Halo 2 was pretty much rehashed shit. Sure, its fun, it has better graphics. More veichles, weapons, etc etc... But this is the same game, people. And the origional was much more, exquisite.

C'mon, First movement of the oddysee was much awesomness. Just the rest of it sucked, 'cept for the song 'High Charity'. And sometimes the games music just- stopped. Voidness of musicness. Ness. But it was just strange not hearing music, which is my main beef with the game except reasons posted above, and the ending.

Halo 2.5?! PAH! What a pointless excuse to buy the extra costley hdd XboxNext. SUCH A MONEY GRAB! Lets hope it never exists and they release the last Halo 2 level as downloadable content. Bloody Gates...

(My insanely stupid rave, now complete. Be happy :p)

And whats this about Xbox live content?

*Starts clapping*

sligster 02-08-2005 05:50 PM


anyone who is stuck on the first few levels of legendary, use this:


it is written by Mike "Halo Ninja" Miller. He is an absolute god at legendary. This guide has helped me immensly, and it is updated with new levels every week.

Leto 02-08-2005 11:22 PM

Yeah, sorry sligster, my local magazines (and the UK one) all stated 'August' in the release date lists.

I did the first level on legendary, played for about 3 hours and was really satisfied, then when it was loading the next level, "Your disc is dirty or damaged.". ARGH!!! Put me just a little bit off legendary, until I finished last level on co-op. Stil a bit edgy though.

$3 fiddy? YOU'RE ON! *Puts on spiked cup...*


*Starts clapping*

And therefore, I resign from my presidency... :P

Alpha 02-09-2005 11:17 AM

Non beleiver there were ton's of confirmed release date's for halo2 none actually came true until bungie was forced to come up with a final release date.

Gretin 02-14-2005 07:03 PM

Okay, I assume this is the right place to post something like this:

Do I see a likeness, or is it my imagination?


Leto 02-14-2005 10:16 PM

Where is the second image from? Game/website? Then again, Master Cheif is a pretty generic cyborg design.

Sheriff-Murder 02-15-2005 12:19 AM

its probably just imaginatin

Gretin 02-15-2005 12:59 AM

The second image is a screenshot from one of the movies in the game Tiberian Sun.
It's a disc thrower, I believe, so it's not a cyborg, it's just a guy in a silly suit. :p
I just thought it was funny how they looked so similar...

Then again, Master Cheif is a pretty generic cyborg design.
Yeah, I was actually thinking when I played Halo, there's so many sci-fi movies/games out there now that it must be getting hard to come up with a design for a creature that looks original! :D

Sheriff-Murder 02-15-2005 01:53 AM

why is it so?

Alpha 02-16-2005 05:52 AM

If you ask me it look's like they copied MC :o

Cyber-Slig 02-16-2005 08:56 AM


If you ask me it look's like they copied MC :o

No you fool, Tiberian sun is way older than Halo. So actually, Halo copied Tiberian sun. ;) .

Alpha 02-16-2005 10:19 AM

Oh didn't know, Anyway seeing as this is the right place "Does anyone know beside's myself where the Scarab gun in halo2 is?." the one you can hold like~.

Just now I found that if you hold down the left arrow at the bonus DVD main menu you get to see a bonus gallery *SHOCK!! why would bungie hide such a cool art gallery.?

sligster 02-16-2005 05:26 PM


Oh didn't know, Anyway seeing as this is the right place "Does anyone know beside's myself where the Scarab gun in halo2 is?." the one you can hold like~.


Alpha 02-17-2005 09:32 AM

Finally someone who explore's as much as me.

Okay let's see if you how to commit the following

1.Make a brute freeze
2.Skip to last boss without entering the control room
3.Infinite plasma Sword
4.See Phantom's get stuck in a whirlwind
5.Stretch an Elites neck and Spartan!.

I have more but I'll tell ya dose later.

sligster 02-17-2005 03:36 PM


Finally someone who explore's as much as me.

Okay let's see if you how to commit the following

1.Make a brute freeze
2.Skip to last boss without entering the control room
3.Infinite plasma Sword
4.See Phantom's get stuck in a whirlwind
5.Stretch an Elites neck and Spartan!.

I have more but I'll tell ya dose later.

1. yes.... but he will still follow you around, and will hijack you if you get too close. If you get multiple Brutes, then kill all but one, the last one goes into berserker mode and will beat you silly ><

2. haha, ya got me there

3. ya

4. That was the one on the Arbiter, right? you can do alot of tricks w/ phantoms

5. yesh