I also have P.B Winterbottom, but it didn't hold my attention for very long.
Given that it only cost $5, that's fine by me.
I'm currently playing: God of War 3 (got all the godly possessions first playthrough, which I haven't finished yet...) Sly 2 (98%, just need the last mission. I'll do that tomorrow) Rayman: Revolution (played minimally, as my attention has gone into sly 2) Kingdom Hearts (Starting tomorrow) Jade Cocoon 2 (whenever I'm bothered. DAMN YOU WU!) I also got Ratchet and Clank a few months ago, but I'm yet to start it. I mainly got it so I had the satisfaction of owning all canon Ratchet games. EDIT: Quake Live and Adrenaline for online. This is balanced (erm...) with homework, and I'm quite impressed... |
Machinarium was great... but I can't see the point of replaying it in a near future
Beat Hazard seemed pretty mediocre to me. Audiosurf is much better if you want a game that plays your music.
Gettin my 360 back today(hopefully) probably gonna play the shit out of a bunch of stuff. Still on the fence for the L4D2 DLC. |
Got 1000/1000 on Bayonetta...
Moving on to Conviction, this game is awesome, even if the story is a bit so-so |
Super Street Fighter IV. Shit so fucking good.
MGS: Peace Walker demo. Seriously, a demo is my main game at the moment, probably put in 10+ hours already, it's just that awesome.
Playing the shit out of TF2 lately. Good times...
I popped in Banjo Kazooie Nuts N Bolts yesterday and checked the multiplayer on a whim. As it turns out, people are actually playing it again, and the multiplayer is fucking awesome. I played it for about 2 hours yesterday, and never had trouble finding a match.
It's on, bitch.
I have found my old copy of American McGee's Scrapland. It works on my 360, one of few of my awesome old games that do! Whee!
I just blew the dust off Stubb's the Zombie...I forgot how much fun that game was.
currently doing mirror's edge, what an awesome game.
Completing all the Master Thief Sprints in Sly Raccoon. Slowly.
Found a Resident Evil 3 disc at home. I don't even know how I got it. It's pretty fun, actually. The controls are really hard to get used to though.
Playing Nuts N Bolts. I am so glad that I found out that people are using the multiplayer. It's soooo good.
Seriously. |
I'm not very good at that mission, prefer the more stealthy ones |
Right now I'm playing Prototype and Starcraft I. I decided I won't even touch Starcraft II until I played the first one through again..
I'm playing a budget title called Deadly Premonition. The reviews for the game are either extremely negative or extremely positive. With good reason. The graphics are terrible. The outdoor scenes look like a poorly made PS2 game, while the indoor scenes look like a pretty decently made PS2 game. The controls are a bit clunky, but they aren't too bad. Apart from that the game is fantastic, though.
The dialogue is unbelievably fun to listen to. I drove around in the car for like an hour last night just pressing the button that releases the main character's monologues. He is fucking insane. The first dialogue that you hear from him is a phone conversation where he seems to be talking about a gay couple that he knows. He keeps going on about their interdependency, and how yeah, one of them is a sadist who does terrible things to the other, but that's because that's what Jerry needs. Jerry is only happy when these things are being done to him. You then realize that he is discussing Tom and Jerry. And then you have lines like "Look at you in your uniform eating that T-Bone Steak with no makeup". The story is basically Twin Peaks. Young beautiful girl is murdered in small town, and you're the FBI agent sent to unravel the mystery. It's exceptionally well told, though. And for 20 dollars new you really can't go wrong. I recommend it. |
Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and as always some Nethack.
Bioshock 2, I bought about a week ago and haven't played in a few days but I love it! It's so much better than the first one, it's the little things mostly like: projectile based hack device, a mining drill as a melee weapon instead of a puny wrench that can't even hurt a big daddy, multi-player even if it isn't the best, but most of all it's more cinematic with its cutscenes which are all amazing srsly!
Also idk what people are complaining about Sophia Lamb is every bit as interesting as Andrew Ryan was in the first game imo. |
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. Fuck, that hotel raid scene is making me all twitchy.
Got Matt Hazard last night, was dissappointed, returned it this afternoon and got Donkey Kong Jungle Beat+Bongos and F-Xero GX.
DKJB is fucking awesome to play while high and so is F-Zero GX is you don't mind playing it on easy mode. |
I'm pretty sure it's both, and I've heard nothing but good things.
Well I might pick it up when I go and buy War For Cybertron next month.
I played it for a few more hours last night and I just can't say enough good about this game. When it's supposed to be funny it's fucking hilarious. When it's supposed to be creepy it's really creepy. |
Oh yeah I'm also playing one cheap-a** korean MMORPG. It's called Fly For Fun. I don't know why I like playing it.. It's not too hard or complicated but hey, it's free and fun..
Halo Reach Beta
I'll save my final judgement for the full release, but thus far it is a disappointment. I enjoy the armor abilities, as they are essentially variations of equipment in Halo 3, though more prominent and more diverse. I do not like, spawning with different weapons, power weapons. After playing Invasion, one of the most broken game types I've had the misfortune to play, I came to this conclusion. Lets talk a bit about Invasion. If you go into it with a party bigger than 2, you likely will not be on the same team as your friends. Spartans can easily steal Elite vehicles at spawn, but not the other way around. Bungie decided that the vehicles are so important to Spartans, you can't even be outside the vehicle bay and get one, no you must die and spawn in the bay. Not that the vehicles will do much, as the controls have been changed from easy to play, to what the fuck why am I going in this direction. In addition to this, the map is such a clusterfuck good luck maneuvering anything larger than a tricycle through the maze of ruble and shit. Back to the power weapons, Spartans can spawn with what Bungie has called the "Pro Pipe"(HERP DERP) which is essentially spawning with rockets, only with more ammo. have fun as you easily kill anything that stands in your way to total dickery. Fuck you Bungie. I don't feel like ranting anymore, Im just sad that Halo isn't Halo anymore. |
I just finished Bioshock 2 today and I really liked it, except for the fact that there was no last boss!? Now would you kindly tell me why you hated this game so much mr. OANST??
Anyway I really liked the parts of the game where you could just walk around for a while and explore instead of constantly shooting splicers because the art direction was so epic! The graphics on the other hand looked worse than the first game's, maybe because there was more content in this one? I'm really awesome at multi-player btw so add me on psn, I want that "skin job" trophy lol...Harrison Ford <3 |
I bought my first Pokemon game today. Soulsilver cause heartgold is some gay shit bro.
I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but ME NEVER PLAYED A POKEMON GAME. Everyone I know hates me for it but I always get bored in the first area. So... here I go. |