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Disgruntled Intern 01-03-2010 06:41 AM

L4D2's Scavenge mode with OANST. We fucking dominated.

MeechMunchie 01-03-2010 07:06 AM

Has anyone here played Gratuitous Space Battles?

Daxter King 01-03-2010 10:54 AM

L4D2 with Audiosurf on the side. Speaking of which, who runs the OWF Steam group? You can only join via invite.

Disgruntled Intern 01-03-2010 11:30 AM

OANST mentioned you guys have played. We can always use a third. Add me.

Mac Sirloin 01-03-2010 11:39 AM


Im pretty damn far in my second play through, though when I hit 50 I realized it will never get easier again really, so I said fuck it. I tried starting other characters, but the Hunter is the best and I cant go to shitty characters from his awesomeness.

Same here. I tried starting as the Hunter at about 3/4's of my way through as Brick, but they're way too different to bother. I think I'll start another when I get XBL back, but for now I'm just going to max out Brick.

Oddly, Sledge's Shotgun is really garbage when you play through the second time, but The Elephant gun is stupendous. Blowing up Banditmobiles in two shots? Yes please.

Daxter King 01-03-2010 12:40 PM


Same here. I tried starting as the Hunter at about 3/4's of my way through as Brick, but they're way too different to bother. I think I'll start another when I get XBL back, but for now I'm just going to max out Brick.

Oddly, Sledge's Shotgun is really garbage when you play through the second time, but The Elephant gun is stupendous. Blowing up Banditmobiles in two shots? Yes please.

Yeah, once you realize you can destroy the cars with normal guns, those parts get a lot easier.

DI, whats your tag?

Disgruntled Intern 01-03-2010 04:15 PM

Johnny Truant21

Daxter King 01-03-2010 07:36 PM

Added, Im Nightmare22m

Disgruntled Intern 01-03-2010 10:23 PM

Yeah, got it.

Played L4d2 sans OANST tonight, and I actually ragequit. I mean, holy fuck.

Godlesswanderer 01-03-2010 10:44 PM

Playing Red Faction: Guerilla, Borderlands on PC and Assassins Creed 2 and Modern Warfare 2 on 360.
Need some new things to play methinks.

MeechMunchie 01-04-2010 05:58 AM


Speaking of which, who runs the OWF Steam group? You can only join via invite.

I do - see sig. I invited Kastere, once I got over Steam's crappy Search. Hobo's SteamID didn't work - I suspect he was puling mah leg. Other than me, we've got crashpunk, AlexFili, Dripik and Josh.

OANST 01-04-2010 08:31 AM


Yeah, got it.

Played L4d2 sans OANST tonight, and I actually ragequit. I mean, holy fuck.

I did the same. I got tired of waiting for you to stop watching The Office, so I decided to play some Legend of Zelda instead. I was getting some really bad teams.

Disgruntled Intern 01-04-2010 09:11 AM

Yeah, that was actually Dorian. I work 12-16 hour shifts on the weekends.

OANST 01-04-2010 12:40 PM

I forgot to mention that I played the demo for Bayonetta........and it's fucking awesome. I did not expect to like it, but I am definitely going to buy this when it comes out. It seems to be everything that Dante's Inferno wanted to be. The biggest difference being that Bayonetta is actually fun.

Hazel-Rah 01-04-2010 12:53 PM


I forgot to mention that I played the demo for Bayonetta........and it's fucking awesome. I did not expect to like it, but I am definitely going to buy this when it comes out. It seems to be everything that Dante's Inferno wanted to be. The biggest difference being that Bayonetta is actually fun.

I know, every once in a while Sega suprises.

Wings of Fire 01-04-2010 01:04 PM


I forgot to mention that I played the demo for Bayonetta........and it's fucking awesome. I did not expect to like it, but I am definitely going to buy this when it comes out. It seems to be everything that Dante's Inferno wanted to be. The biggest difference being that Bayonetta is actually fun.

Thisthisthis. It's like Devil May Cry on crack with added awesome.

OANST 01-04-2010 01:10 PM

I'm conflicted, though. Darksiders looks really good, too.

Laser 01-04-2010 01:28 PM

Bayonetta For The Win.

Only get Darksiders if you like the newest Zelda game, I heard its quite similar to that

Daxter King 01-04-2010 02:54 PM

Bayonetta is made by Kamiya, so of course its good. Ikk agree that Darksiders also looks awesome. It seems Ill be buying both later because of money issues though.

MA 01-04-2010 07:21 PM


I do - see sig. I invited Kastere, once I got over Steam's crappy Search. Hobo's SteamID didn't work - I suspect he was puling mah leg. Other than me, we've got crashpunk, AlexFili, Dripik and Josh.

send an invite my way, MM. recently joined Steam. ma_owf

shit name, i know, but it was the only one i could remember that didn't have random numbers in it.

i am currently playing TF2. finally got around to it. i can feel my gaming mojo coming back.

Wings of Fire 01-05-2010 10:32 AM

I bought Tales of Vesperia today as I was well in need of a good JRPG.

First impressions: Looks gorgeous, battle system is going to take some getting used to.

MeechMunchie 01-05-2010 01:00 PM


send an invite my way, MM. recently joined Steam. ma_owf

Doesn't show up on search. Could you send me a link to your profile?

slig# 5719 01-05-2010 01:56 PM


I bought Tales of Vesperia today as I was well in need of a good JRPG.

I've never played the Tales of series but i've seen a few videos.

I'm a large fan of JRPGs but I haven't played a new one for some time. It's caused me to have a minor obsession over aquiring the Persona series.

Wings of Fire 01-05-2010 02:16 PM


I've never played the Tales of series but i've seen a few videos.

I'm a large fan of JRPGs but I haven't played a new one for some time. It's caused me to have a minor obsession over aquiring the Persona series.

You should get yourselves acquainted with Tales of Symphonia. The fanbase is retarded and the voice acting is...not too great, but it's one of my favourites.

Daxter King 01-05-2010 03:01 PM


You should get yourselves acquainted with Tales of Symphonia. The fanbase is retarded and the voice acting is...not too great, but it's one of my favourites.

Yeah, Symphonia is one of my favorite Gamecube games.

slig# 5719 01-05-2010 03:06 PM


You should get yourselves acquainted with Tales of Symphonia. The fanbase is retarded and the voice acting is...not too great, but it's one of my favourites.

Thanks, I just looked into it. Real time, multiplayer and above all PS2/Gamecube (you guys and your confangled next-gen consoles :p) makes it a definite possibility. A quick glimpse shows that this game's battle sytem is what Star Ocean Till The End Of Time's should have been (though I may be wrong).

Wings of Fire 01-05-2010 03:08 PM

Till The End of Time started off promising but got massively convoluted towards the end due to an absolutely ridiculous plot that's so meta it hurts and exponentially stronger enemies forcing you to make use of a minigame system you hadn't really been introduced to.

Tales of Symphonia is much smoother and the plot is far more interesting.

slig# 5719 01-05-2010 03:29 PM


Till The End of Time started off promising but got massively convoluted towards the end due to an absolutely ridiculous plot that's so meta it hurts and exponentially stronger enemies forcing you to make use of a minigame system you hadn't really been introduced to.

So true. I remember finishing the final boss quite smoothly (after dying god knows how many times and leveling up for hours of course) and unlocking a new dungeon. I thought "Oh a new dungeon this shall preoccupy me for a while." So I foolishly went straight into the dungeon and into a battle... My party lasted roughly ooooh five seconds. I still don't fully understand the inventing system.


Tales of Symphonia is much smoother and the plot is far more interesting.

That's good. I've been looking for a good RPG for me and my sister to play together. (currently we've only played Crystal Chronicles and The Third Age together.)

Mac Sirloin 01-05-2010 03:32 PM

ToS is indeed entertaining. It should also be quite cheap.

Playing through the Million billion XBLA games I have. Fucking Love me some Metal Slug 3. I think I'll go play that right now. Get unnecessarily good at it.

Wings of Fire 01-05-2010 03:40 PM


I still don't fully understand the inventing system.

I used a guide, it's possible to invent the two strongest weapons just before you face the dragon and you never need to level up again.

That's how broken that game was.