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Facsimile 12-18-2004 02:12 AM

No, hobo, the ATV was called the Mongoose.
But yeah, the Covenant PWN the Flood. But I do like the Flood for their 'melee your arse raw'ness on higher difficulties.

Hobo 12-18-2004 02:14 AM

yeah i kind of worked out that the ATV = teh mongooseness

Was anyone else disappointed with the soundtrack in halo 2. Other than the new rocked up theme tune. I mean. Having crappy 'rock' bands like that crappy one that sang 'the reason'. Forgotten their name. and incubus. Bring back the amazing orchestra from halo 1. Or put it some metal.

sligster 12-18-2004 02:14 AM


No, hobo, the ATV was called the Mongoose.
But yeah, the Covenant PWN the Flood. But I do like the Flood for their 'melee your arse raw'ness on higher difficulties.

legendary mode- 1st Flood encounter level (forget name)- midnight- sound turned all the way up. Whoa....

Fez 12-18-2004 03:32 AM

I liked the soundtrack in Halo 2, except for the band music, it was a big no no.

Anyone else notice the Flood Juggernaught (sp?) looks like that thing Keyes was in at the end of Halo 1?

Mojo 12-18-2004 06:50 AM

Hmm, I, for one, like the band-music. Maybe because of the guitars in it...

sligster 12-18-2004 05:51 PM


Anyone else notice the Flood Juggernaught (sp?) looks like that thing Keyes was in at the end of Halo 1?

not really... the Keyes Brain Flood was a giant blob held to the floor and cieling by tentacles. This is a fully mobile creature with legs and arms.

Hobo 12-19-2004 02:30 AM


Yeah, you're right.
Wait, you did post this last year, right?

I know that GTA3/Vice City is out on Xbox, but Rockstar can't start releasing them on both consoles at the same time until their contract with Sony expires.

Proven: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/2207229.stm

Fez 12-19-2004 03:15 AM


So whats this Drinol thing?

Cyber-Slig 12-19-2004 07:23 AM


Anyone else notice the Flood Juggernaught (sp?) looks like that thing Keyes was in at the end of Halo 1?
What flood juggernaught ?

Mojo 12-19-2004 07:53 AM

ferill, the Drinol was a creature that was supposed to be in Halo, or Halo 2, that was mentioned in the Halo 2 Limited Edition Bonus Disc. They didn't say what game, unfortunately. The Drinol was a big monster, that the Covenant only used if the brute strength of the Hunters (Lekgolo) weren't sufficient. Sort of like the Behemoth beast in Sudeki, or the Trolls, in LotR.

Cyber Slig, check the previous page, the post about an unknown Flood Type, in Halo 2.

Fez 12-19-2004 09:52 AM


Flood Juggernaut.


Esus 12-19-2004 09:59 AM

I wish energy swords had ammo in multiplayer. They can be really annoying.

Reptile 12-19-2004 11:59 AM

Holy crap!

Ferill where the hell'd you find that bad mofo!? Is it harmless? Can you kill it?

Fez 12-19-2004 12:02 PM

I got it off Hobo. He said dont ask......Something about handjobs......

Reptile 12-19-2004 12:24 PM

I see I'm not the only one...

Hey ferill, did you try the Scorpion Glitch? It's cool, check it out;

Load Coagulation, and set the vehicle option to Random, you should have a Scorpion and a Wraith. Have one player in the Scorpion and another in the Wraith. Now it get's awesome.

Have the player in the Wraith ram the Scorpion with the speed boost. It's better if you ram the Scorpion from the front or side. It may take a few attempts. If successful, the Scorpion should flip all over the map crazily, flipping and turning so fast and quick the Scorpion explodes killing the player inside, the Scorpion blasts all over the place and bounces of the walls and ground as if it were a bouncy ball.

Did I discover this first. Yay. It works! You can do it on Co-Op too.

SeaRex 12-19-2004 07:13 PM

That flood thing looks seriously awesome. Like Silent Hill monster design awesome.

Tell me where I can find it. No hand job cracks. Just tell me.

Fez 12-20-2004 02:32 AM

It was hacked out of the game, sorry.

Facsimile 12-20-2004 02:59 AM


I see I'm not the only one...

Hey ferill, did you try the Scorpion Glitch? It's cool, check it out;

Load Coagulation, and set the vehicle option to Random, you should have a Scorpion and a Wraith. Have one player in the Scorpion and another in the Wraith. Now it get's awesome.

Have the player in the Wraith ram the Scorpion with the speed boost. It's better if you ram the Scorpion from the front or side. It may take a few attempts. If successful, the Scorpion should flip all over the map crazily, flipping and turning so fast and quick the Scorpion explodes killing the player inside, the Scorpion blasts all over the place and bounces of the walls and ground as if it were a bouncy ball.

Did I discover this first. Yay. It works! You can do it on Co-Op too.

Sorry, but my friends found it a couple of weeks after the game came out.
It's hilarious, though.

And I liked the soundtrack for Halo 2 more than Halo CE. Except the main theme for this one sucks arse compared to the original one. But Halo 2 has that awesometastic song when you are the Arbiter and you are piloting the Rebel banshee. It sounds like YTSE Jam by Dream Theater, and it's metal man.
But then there's songs like the one in 'Through the bush, off the rock, nothing but Jackal' (or whatever it's called) which sounds like crappy porn music. I hate that song!

Mojo 12-20-2004 10:40 AM

You mean Follow? By Incubus? It Rulez0rz!

Software Bug 12-20-2004 12:37 PM

i like the sountrack : Earth City:p

Facsimile 12-21-2004 12:52 AM

Does anyone know the name of the song that I mentioned earlier, the one in the banshee?
I'm not sure if it's on the soundtrack or not, as it's not anywhere around my town.

sligster 12-21-2004 02:33 AM

Follow. I have soundtrack ^_^

Fez 12-21-2004 02:50 AM

Isnt it called 1st Movement Of The Odessy? By Incubus?

Mojo 12-21-2004 09:37 AM

Yeah, that's what I said, no? Follow (1st movement of the Odyssey). That is the EXACT title of the song.

Al the Vykker 12-21-2004 03:27 PM

I loved the Halo soundtrack, but HALO 2's soundtrack was F#$%#$% awesome this time around. I loved Incubus' "Follow," and so much of the music. However I agree I wish they would have had a final level that had the actual main theme in it.

sligster 12-21-2004 08:02 PM

Halo 1 Soundtrack was awesome...

Halo 2 soundtrack was good.... but the ,music not done by Marty isn't all that good... (with the exception of Follow)...

I hope Marty doesn't bring music in from other bands in Halo 3...

SeaRex 12-21-2004 08:06 PM

Cheesy guitars over orchestrated music is lame. It was lame in the 90's and, by God, it's lame today.

I hate the electric guitar in Halo/Halo 2's music. Otherwise, the music in the games is pretty OK.

Godlesswanderer 12-21-2004 09:41 PM

I liked the Halo 2 theme, more rock that Halo. To me it's like it's saying "We're here and we're not budging" or something like that.


God! I must be really tired if I think music's talking to me. I'd better go to bed :lol:.

Reptile 12-22-2004 12:46 PM

The best two songs were in Halo 2, The last level where Arbiter grabs the Banshee to assist Johnson, and the Halo 2 theme, the choir. It was like the first, only the exception that a girl sang the last bit.

sligster 12-22-2004 02:42 PM

New interview:

It's with Pete Parsons, Studio Manager

He answers questions about A.I., The Arbiter, Downloadable content, the ATV, and online Co-op!



EDIT: *laugh at Bungie glitch*
