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Sekto Springs 09-18-2012 07:39 PM

Actually, it has a huge backstory, so shut your mouth. It just hasn't been touched on in great detail yet. Wait till you see the Ice King's backstory... hoo boy.

Steamer_KING 09-18-2012 08:55 PM

After many years of seeing it on the movie theater, I watched it today again. Simply good.

Crashpunk 09-19-2012 05:57 AM

Watched Scott Pilgrim VS The World at a outdoor cinema (I say cinema, it was a projector in my mate's back garden :lol:)

I know people have mixed opinions about that film but I love it. It's one of the most enjoyable films I've seen in a long time and it's not just I'm a gamer (though I guess that's a big reason) but it's the fact that it's really funny at parts and the special effects are awesome; The sword fighting and the fight between those twins spring to mind.

OANST 09-19-2012 07:51 AM


Actually, it has a huge backstory, so shut your mouth. It just hasn't been touched on in great detail yet. Wait till you see the Ice King's backstory... hoo boy.

GLaDOS 09-19-2012 08:20 AM


Actually, it has a huge backstory, so shut your mouth. It just hasn't been touched on in great detail yet. Wait till you see the Ice King's backstory... hoo boy.

Ice King's back story is quite depressing actually, seeing as he lived through the Mushroom War and his "princess" (aka Betty) left him



Can I just point out to non-viewers that Ice King's back story doesn't involve him prancing around and singing pretending to be Marceline.

OANST 09-19-2012 08:51 AM


Can I just point out to non-viewers that Ice King's back story doesn't involve him prancing around and singing pretending to be Marceline.

It should.

GLaDOS 09-19-2012 09:25 AM

I find it weird how ice King and Marceline are about the same age, however Ice King looks about 80 and Marceline looks 18.

Sekto Springs 09-19-2012 10:55 AM

The rule of thumb for vampires is they never age beyond the year they became vampires.

OANST 09-19-2012 10:58 AM

How could that possibly be confusing. You disappoint me, Glados. This was not a triumph.

GLaDOS 09-19-2012 11:05 AM

I'm terribly sorry, how about a cake for my uncertainty on vampires.

Nepsotic 09-19-2012 11:05 AM


How could that possibly be confusing. You disappoint me, Glados. This was not a triumph.

*I'm making a note here, huge failure,
I just watched some PewDiePie, on YouTube,

That was on topic,

I do what I must, to not, get banned.*

Mr. Bungle 09-19-2012 10:35 PM


Actually, it has a huge backstory, so shut your mouth. It just hasn't been touched on in great detail yet. Wait till you see the Ice King's backstory... hoo boy.

What I'm saying is that you don't need to understand the backstory to really enjoy the show. It's engrossing and interesting, and adds to the vastness of the Adventure Time universe, but not a neccesity.

I Watched Monster the other day. It was alright. Charlize Theron was really good in it. It wasn't all that interesting for a good chunk of the movie, though.

Nepsotic 09-22-2012 12:14 PM

New Doctor Who was pretty good, I like the Earth episodes, though the third act was pretty boring.

Next episode looks like it may be the scariest Weeping Angels episode yet.

MeechMunchie 09-22-2012 12:30 PM

I liked it. I genuinely laughed at the "I'm in my pants" bit.


Phylum 09-22-2012 04:58 PM

It was alright, but there were so many gaps in it. It's like it built up to something really cool and then they copped out at the very end. It would have been better if they'd condensed the start and done more with the end. Too much setup for not enough payoff.

Also, that last line was so bad I went into cardiac arrest.

Nepsotic 09-22-2012 05:04 PM

What was it? I can't remember.

Sekto Springs 09-22-2012 07:30 PM

Who was the one here who said they say Beyond the Black Rainbow and liked it?
Because I just watched it, and it was fucking terrible. Like, I pride myself on being able to appreciate avant garde wank and experimental films, but that was just two hours of Instagram-tinted bullshit to tell a five minute story, and the payoff for sitting through all of the slow motion and retro tripe was the 'villain' trips and cracks his head on a rock? Are you fucking serious?

Fuck that movie. Fuck it hard.

AlexFili 09-23-2012 11:20 AM

Recently rewatched The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. I like Stephen King stories a lot. I've also been watching the first series of 24. Man is it dark! I forgot how violent it was. No wonder the BBC stopped showing it on TV!

The Doctor Who episode with the cubes was fun. I liked the cube that was playing cheesy party music non-stop!

Bullet Magnet 09-23-2012 12:12 PM

The loathsome Chicken Dance.

OddjobAbe 09-23-2012 12:35 PM

I watched Predator. God, it's shit.

MA 09-23-2012 04:10 PM

i love that film! i know it's shit really, but i used to watch it over and over again as a kid, i loved it. i knew most of the fucking words.


Sekto Springs 09-23-2012 04:41 PM

How can you think Predator is shit? It's the perfect, mindless, popcorn Sci Fi action movie. I firmly believe there are some movies that get amnesty from all forms of criticism because they are exactly the kind of movie you expect them to be.

Additionally, anyone who thinks Battleship was a dumb movie; carve "Captain Obvious" into your arm and hang yourself.

OddjobAbe 09-23-2012 04:46 PM


How can you think Predator is shit? It's the perfect, mindless, popcorn Sci Fi action movie.

I thought it was shit, not unentertaining. Here, I define "shit" as silly and cheesy, not offering any real intellectual stimulation, which is fine.

Wings of Fire 09-23-2012 05:03 PM

I wouldn't call anything that offers me genuine entertainment to be shit.

Predator is mindless fun. Fun is its own worth.

OddjobAbe 09-23-2012 05:11 PM


Here, I define "shit" as silly and cheesy, not offering any real intellectual stimulation, which is fine.

MA 09-23-2012 05:13 PM


Mr. Bungle 09-24-2012 12:51 AM

I watched the first episodes of Game of Thrones and Curb your Enthusiasm, respectively.

Curb is very funny. Very Seinfeld-esque humor (only with a bit of a sharper edge) in how they draw out one absurd situation and somehow make it very watchable, relatable, and downright hilarious. Gonna watch more of the first season tomorrow.

Game of Thrones was... I dunno. There are things I liked and things I hated. For instance, I liked most of the acting, I liked the setdressing and cinematography, and the score was pretty nice too. On the other hand, I loathed most of the writing. Having the characters use modern English slang (like when one of the characters said he was "fucking" some girl) completely breaks the fantasy and just plain sounds stupid. And they do this a lot. I honestly think the show would be much better off if it were stripped of its profanity. I also thought the villain was very cliche.

Anyways, I decided I'm gonna watch through Curb for the next few days instead of Game of Thrones. I've heard Game gets better later on, but right now I don't have the patience.



I believe you are referring to AHHNULD

Dynamithix 09-24-2012 02:23 AM

I watched Groundhog Day and Escape from L.A. a few days ago. Both were pretty good, Groundhog Day was better even though they are very different movies.

OANST 09-24-2012 07:18 AM

I watched This Is England, and Idiots and Angels yesterday. I enjoyed both quite a bit.

Crashpunk 09-24-2012 02:16 PM

This is England is very good. Have you seen the sequels This is England '86 and '88?

OANST 09-24-2012 02:17 PM

No. I saw This is England.

Crashpunk 09-24-2012 02:22 PM

Well you should go watch them. They are very good. :)

OANST 09-24-2012 02:33 PM

I saw This is England.

Crashpunk 09-24-2012 02:34 PM


Nepsotic 09-24-2012 02:38 PM

OANST, he means, that since you enjoyed This is England, you may also enjoy the sequels.

OANST 09-24-2012 02:44 PM

I saw This is England.

Nepsotic 09-24-2012 03:05 PM

Yes you did. Now you watch next two films.

Varrok 09-24-2012 03:06 PM

It should be "See how can be done?". How could you make such a mistake?! And you used a double [IMG] tag

MeechMunchie 09-24-2012 03:06 PM

Well, that meme's dead to me now.

Mr. Bungle 09-24-2012 03:15 PM

I watched about a half hour to forty-five minutes of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie a few weeks ago. I really, really didn't like it, but I have to commend it for getting me interested in the book.