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Taco 03-24-2010 12:00 AM

I've never played a final fantasy game in my life. Uguu~

Also, I just finished Serious Sam HD and now have nothing to play... I think I need a good old RTS, any suggestions?

Havoc 03-24-2010 03:36 AM


So when did c&c start to suck? I only really played till Generals... After that I gave up. I liked it more when it was Westwood's and only Westwood's.

Has anyone played Red Alert 3? Im considering to get it.

C&C started to suck when EA took over. It started with C&C Generals, which has nothing to do with C&C at all. Then came C&C 3, which was a step in the right direction but was paired with so many bugs and balance mistakes that it wasn't fun playing. Single player was okay, though.

Red Alert 3 is pretty fun IMO. They kept true to the comic style formula and the funny and crazy units. The story is nothing to write home about but the gameplay is okay, though maybe a bit complicated between the three factions (every faction has a different way of building, makes no sense really).

T-nex 03-24-2010 03:42 AM

I really hated Generals. It was the most boring piece of modern-war related game ever... Even though it wasn't related to modern weapons at all...

But I only ever played it at net cafes with my friend.

I really like Red Alert. Red Alert 1 is my fave though. I also only tend to play single player. I tried online with different RTS and got pwned pretty hard :( It's not fun when you write "Noobs only" only to find out you're playing against some asshole who targets noobs just for the wins.

Meh.. The first c&c will always be my fave. Nothing can beat those yummy retro style RTS games!

Oh and get Universe At War! It's really fun. I've been playing it lately, and I'm considering trying an online game but I'm too scared x_x

MeechMunchie 03-24-2010 10:18 AM


I think I need a good old RTS, any suggestions?

Dawn of War, Command & Conquer, Rise of Nations, Total War, Starcraft... What do you want?

Wings of Fire 03-24-2010 10:27 AM

Age of Kings is always good, as is Total War.

MA 03-24-2010 01:27 PM

i just played Gothic 3 for, on average, 13 seconds. not including loading time or FMV's, just plain gameplay.

what a fucking waste of money. as soon as i heard that electric guitar playing, i was already half an inch away from the ESC key. i knew as soon as i had watched the shite intro that i'd made a mistake.

also, if i can play Oblivion perfectly fine with hardly any lag, why the fuck does this rip off play like its having a seizure? next time i'll read up on the reviews beforehand.

Wings of Fire 03-24-2010 01:34 PM


Prior to its release in early October 2006, Gothic 3 was nominated as the best game of E3 by IGN. Since the release, most concerns have centered around bugs. Hyper's Daniel Wilks commends the game for its "ton of quests, rewards exploration and approachable combat". However, he criticised it for "system hogging, feeling unfinished and atrocious voice acting".[
Actually it looks like it garnered fair scores all around.

MA 03-24-2010 01:43 PM


atrocious voice acting
this as well. it felt so fucking amateur.

Mac Sirloin 03-24-2010 07:23 PM

Just Cause 2 has a very odd progression in its voice acting; The characters in the opening video (the one pooping all of the plot into your mouth so you don't have to find it all out yourself later) has adequate to pretty okay voice acting, Then you meet some awful, awful character named Jade Tan who has bad voice acting, and thus it progresses worse and worse, the only exception being The Sloth Demon: Your Black Market dealer friend who has possibly one of the most confusing and awesome accents ever (Think Texas, Mexico, Canada and a slew of European clicks and phlegms and you have it).

Seriously though, you have a never ending parachute and your grappling hook is more important in a fight than the strongest guns.

Grieva 03-25-2010 06:30 AM

Playin Metro 2033, seems ok but theres a lot of loading screens, every time any other game would have a checkpoint, they have a loading screen. The lighting is very cool, spotting where enemies are hiding from their headlamps feels pretty rewarding :D.

Took a risk buying it as my comp's quite a bit below the minimum spec, need to find some tweaks to get the frame rate out of the high 20s.

Jordan 03-26-2010 06:13 AM

I got Pokémon Soul Silver yesterday. I haven't been playing it much, I want to savour it as much as I can. It's okay, the music is awesome and nostalgic. But it's so god damn easy at the moment. I suppose I can't complain, I'm not even past Sprout tower.

Wings of Fire 03-26-2010 08:28 AM

Oh, it gets harder.

Jordan 03-26-2010 09:19 AM

Thank god. I was a little worried there.

T-nex 03-26-2010 09:45 AM


Dawn of War, Command & Conquer, Rise of Nations, Total War, Starcraft... What do you want?

You forget the Dune RTS games.

MeechMunchie 03-26-2010 11:25 AM

Of course, because that was a totally comprehensive list. I suppose you'd like to point out Age of Empires, Civilisation and Total Annihilation too.

T-nex 03-26-2010 11:44 AM


Of course, because that was a totally comprehensive list. I suppose you'd like to point out Age of Empires, Civilisation and Total Annihilation too.

Nuh... I just personally thought Dune should be mentioned cos its an awesome game :D

Daxter King 03-26-2010 12:10 PM

360 broke down, so Ive been playing some Okami still, and Im trying to look for my Republic Commando disc, since thats the only game I want to play on Xbox 1.

Havoc 03-27-2010 04:18 AM

The Settlers 7 is disturbingly addicting.

Mac Sirloin 03-27-2010 11:57 AM


360 broke down, so Ive been playing some Okami still, and Im trying to look for my Republic Commando disc, since thats the only game I want to play on Xbox 1.

When it gets better get Just Cause 2. I'm so impressed with it.

Daxter King 03-27-2010 12:03 PM


When it gets better get Just Cause 2. I'm so impressed with it.

Yeah, I enjoyed the demo a lot, seems like Mercs 2 done right. The only thing missing is co-op, I honestly don't know why they didn't try to implement that.

So I started Paper Mario 2 over again, since I was a dumbfuck and for some reason deleted my original save, and kept all these shitty games on my memory card. That last part was a real fucking bitch too.

OANST 03-27-2010 02:08 PM

This is supposedly the technology that the new DS will use in all of it's games. It's fucking incredible and I can't wait.

Basically, the camera keeps track of what position your head is in, and creates depth in it's imagery based on that.

Daxter King 03-27-2010 02:25 PM

All that lighting and position stuff looks annoying as hell, unless they fix it, then Im not interested really.

T-nex 03-27-2010 02:59 PM

I think it's an interesting technology and I can definitely see very great things coming out of it. But the presented game didn't catch my attention much. But I also assume it was just something simple to demonstrate the technology. I really hope they bring this to the next level :D

Anonyman! 03-27-2010 08:07 PM

Dwarf Fortress. LOTS of Dwarf Fortress. And Europa Universalis. And STALKER. I have been a busy boy.

Phylum 03-27-2010 09:38 PM


Yeah, I enjoyed the demo a lot, seems like Mercs 2 done right. The only thing missing is co-op, I honestly don't know why they didn't try to implement that.


Can we expect any multiplayer or online co-op?
Sorry, not at all. The main reason was the single player game was really, really big and it was very advanced with the grappling hook stuff and other features we wanted to do, so basically we didn't have time without sacrificing something from the single player campaign. We weren't willing to do that trade-off. But if we had worked for another 3 years (laughs)...

The stock response

T-nex 03-30-2010 11:20 AM

:D ... I found Red Alert the Premier edition for about 20 bucks today. it's quite awesome and the box is made out of a gold'ish metal. I just hope the game is good. Im happy with this item anyway cos it's pretty to look at. Yey.

And I found a box set of all 3 Gothic games for even cheaper. =D =D =D

EDIT: Lololol ... I forgot to tell what's in the Premier box... Well Firstly I got a nice lil poster with the Red Alert girl *rarrr*. And a bonus dvd with goodies, wallpapers, bloopers and more. Also some exclusive content.
And a music CD with all the soundtracks I think.

Josh 03-30-2010 11:38 PM

Just found my old copy of Just Cause in a draw. I remember why I put it there now.

OANST 04-05-2010 08:50 AM

I'm a little pissed with FF13. After 85 hours of play, and maxing out all of my primary roles, I am still not powerful enough to beat the final boss' first form. Color me irritated.

Hobo 04-05-2010 08:53 AM


Also, I just finished Serious Sam HD and now have nothing to play... I think I need a good old RTS, any suggestions?

Play it again on a real difficulty.

Mac Sirloin 04-05-2010 12:31 PM


I'm a little pissed with FF13. After 85 hours of play, and maxing out all of my primary roles, I am still not powerful enough to beat the final boss' first form. Color me irritated.

You can't grind in FF13, right? Like, you HAVE to beat every boss with the same stats as just about everyone else.

OANST 04-05-2010 12:35 PM

You can grind a bit as you get further in the game, but mostly they force you to stay underpowered for the whole game.

Ridg3 04-05-2010 01:11 PM

I prefer it that way, I enjoy the extremely difficult boss fights, example; Sephiroth from FFVII. My mate said to me that the Shiva battle was really hard, pfft was it fuck...I have more trouble with the standard enemies.
Also, I'm not a big fan of the Crystarium system...just a shittier version of the sphere grid.

Nate 04-05-2010 06:57 PM


I'm a little pissed with FF13. After 85 hours of play, and maxing out all of my primary roles, I am still not powerful enough to beat the final boss' first form. Color me irritated.

This may well be the nerdiest thing you've ever said on these here forums.

OANST 04-06-2010 12:14 PM


This may well be the nerdiest thing you've ever said on these here forums.

Which one? Color me irritated, or the fact that I put 85 hours into a Final Fantasy game? They're both pretty nerdy, but one has to be more so than the other.

Havoc 04-06-2010 01:22 PM

I think the latter is higher up on the scale TBH...

T-nex 04-06-2010 01:24 PM

I didn't know that "color me irritated" was a nerdy expression. Well it's actually the first time I've seen it ever!

Lord Stanley 04-06-2010 01:34 PM

Like any true Oddworld fan, I've been playing AE.

slig# 5719 04-06-2010 02:45 PM

I finished "last story" on Sonic Adventure 2: Battle on the Gamecube today. God, the first project shadow is a bloody annoying boss when you don't know what your doing.

Wings of Fire 04-06-2010 02:46 PM


I finished "last story" on Sonic Adventure 2: Battle on the Gamecube today. God, the first project shadow is a bloody annoying boss when you don't know what your doing.


slig# 5719 04-06-2010 02:48 PM

the big red dinosaury thing