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Varrok 06-09-2012 03:56 PM

I should seriously stop talking to this. It's pointless

Nepsotic 06-09-2012 04:13 PM

Have you watched it?

Crashpunk 06-10-2012 03:50 AM


Nepsotic 06-10-2012 04:55 AM

Good, good.
its great, you should watch it

Ridg3 06-10-2012 06:46 AM

You use the tiny tags faaaaaarrrrrr too much. It's just wasting what could potentially be something to make half your posts likable but I'm too scunnered having to read it.

Nepsotic 06-10-2012 07:12 AM

I'll bear that in mind.

Spooce-aholic 06-11-2012 03:48 PM


Who ever can find the fan fiction deserves a cookie.

Sekto Springs 06-11-2012 04:30 PM


Nepsotic 06-11-2012 04:39 PM

As far as I'm aware, this is the original,.though I may be wrong. I'm pretty sure it is though. Apparently Sgt. Sprinkles, the author, edited it so it was less horrific. I couldn't find it on FiMfiction.org or fanfiction.net butI'm pretty sure its the original. Read it and weep.

Varrok 06-11-2012 04:48 PM

Why is Nepsotic banned?

Nepsotic 06-11-2012 04:49 PM

I'm not banned! I think.

Spooce-aholic 06-11-2012 05:41 PM


As far as I'm aware, this is the original,.though I may be wrong. I'm pretty sure it is though. Apparently Sgt. Sprinkles, the author, edited it so it was less horrific. I couldn't find it on FiMfiction.org or fanfiction.net butI'm pretty sure its the original. Read it and weep.

I'll sleep well; I've seen scarier. It's kind of unoriginal.

Nate 06-11-2012 06:58 PM


Why is Nepsotic banned?


I'm not banned! I think.

I think Varrok was confused by your lack of avatar. The same thought had occurred to me too, but I'm able to check these things.

Sekto Springs 06-11-2012 07:24 PM

So, since everyone seems to hate normal ponies, let's all sit back and enjoy some humanized renditions.





Nate 06-11-2012 10:11 PM

I genuinely think those images are worse than anything with the ponies.

Sekto Springs 06-11-2012 10:30 PM

You have to agree that they're at least competently rendered.

Nepsotic 06-11-2012 11:17 PM

I'd rather look at pony-ponies. But not proper real life pony-pony-ponies. Just pony-ponies. I'd rather look at them.

Strike Witch 06-11-2012 11:27 PM


You have to agree that they're at least competently rendered.

No no, it's making it too anime, which sets off Nate's disgust-meter.

Sekto Springs 06-12-2012 12:11 AM

I didn't know Nate had a problem with anime.

MeechMunchie 06-12-2012 12:18 AM

I swear that everything on DeviantArt now is either a humanised pony, a ponyfied human, or a manga-fied South Park.

Sekto Springs 06-12-2012 12:24 AM

It's always been pretty terrible. I first joined back in 2003. Back then it was Sonic the Hedgehog.

Strike Witch 06-12-2012 03:57 AM

It's always Sonic the Hedghog.

Well now it's Sonic and Dobson.

Nepsotic 06-12-2012 07:39 AM

Humanizing anything now is just unoriginal. I get sick of seeing humanized Wheatley's round the web now.

Crashpunk 06-12-2012 07:48 AM

I actually like those more then the ponies. Maybe it's the fact that they are human females instead of ponies.

Still, if they were from an real Anime...I wouldn't be interested. At all.

Nepsotic 06-12-2012 07:52 AM

The only anime I'm remotely interested in is "Fist of the North Star'. I love a bit of gore.

Wings of Fire 06-12-2012 08:27 AM

I hate every post on this page.

MeechMunchie 06-12-2012 08:50 AM


Humanizing anything now is just unoriginal. I get sick of seeing humanized Wheatley's round the web now.


Wings of Fire 06-12-2012 08:51 AM


Sekto Springs 06-12-2012 08:52 AM

Wow. That artist completely copied my friend Dirk's style, right down to the signature.

MeechMunchie 06-12-2012 08:54 AM

You might also recognise her from the Ricky Gervais Show.

I quite like GLaDOS, simply because I associate her so much with her "giant machine/upside-down figure in bondage" look that it's difficult for me to picture anything else.