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Esus 12-14-2004 01:05 PM

I got Xbox Live + Communicator on Sunday :D :D It's just increased the quality of Halo 2 ten-fold :D
My tag is AsinineManiac - because my younger brother made it.... :(

sligster 12-14-2004 04:40 PM


I think they've improved over the original Halo. It takes skill now, not to get killed in Outskirts, or any level with Sniper Jackals, on Legendary.

god, I hate sniper Jackals on legendary...

at least in Halo 1 on legendary, when you got killed, you now what you did wrong, and you try not to do it again when you respawn.

But with Jackal snipers... it's just so cheap that you can't even stick your head around the corner without getting killed...


I got Xbox Live + Communicator on Sunday It's just increased the quality of Halo 2 ten-fold
My tag is AsinineManiac - because my younger brother made it....
sweet, I'll be looking fer you. My tag is Spoonz4Sale

Reptile: nope, no bonus.

SeaRex 12-14-2004 07:19 PM

*carefully jots down tags for friends list*

I should make an Xbox Live tag topic or something...

Strike Witch 12-15-2004 12:50 AM

With my Halo 2 SE I got, there was a special booklet called Conversations Of The Universe, which was packed with info.

Inside was:

-Guilty Sparks journal
-A letter describing a forerunner facility
-A communications transcript of two covenant ships going down(black box)
-A strange Almost unreadable letter
-The prophet of Mercys letter to Truth about the Flood
-A conversation between Cortana and another AI about Spartans(before Halo)
-A conversation between two Elites about Humans(mentions Sharkquoi)
-Another conversation between two unidentified covenant about Jiralhanae and Sangheili(mentions Nipple)
-A letter to John 117

I might post a couple soon

Facsimile 12-15-2004 01:42 AM

Everyone got that with the Halo 2 LE.
I however, read my friends, as I was too lazy to preorder before a week before it came out, and only got the standard edition.

Strike Witch 12-15-2004 02:44 AM


As you might imagine-though I know you won't- I've heard quite a bit of your recent adventures on the Halo. I'm glad you made it, I have to assume you always will. Recovery is going quite well and I am proceeding to fourth stage rehabilitation. It is significantly more painful than the previous stages, but I'm happy to be skinned once again. I hear that you will be testing the new Mark VI. I will definitly look for more reports on how it works out. The specs are obviously improved, but the choice to incorporate further covenant technology somehow makes my skin crawl.

We miss you, John. I've asked sergeant Johnson to let me know if you're ever near the M25l Recovery Station and perhaps I'll be able to come see you. I'm hoping I'll have a chance soon. Today, humanity feels pale and thin with only ghosts to defend her heart. I feel much the same.

I'll write again,


Thats one. Anyway, I'll post more soon.

Fez 12-15-2004 10:09 AM

Cool, i'd like to see the strange letter.

Mojo 12-15-2004 11:09 AM

There was a transcript of it a while ago, on HBO. Try searching on: Letter from Truth to Regret about Mercy.

Fez 12-15-2004 11:11 AM

Gah, I cant change my spoiler settings on HBO. Its shite!

And now I leave you with a quote that i'm sure everyone will agree with....


Esus 12-15-2004 11:50 AM

The letter was also put up (transcribed) on HC. I read it, but I don't remember it containing anything particularly interesting.

Sheriff-Murder 12-15-2004 01:13 PM

What do you think about Halo and Halo2
This is a general discussion to find out if peoples like halo or not.
So what do you think? ok to be more specific i want some peaples who dont like halo to tell why they dont like it.

Rich 12-15-2004 01:19 PM

I've never met a person who didn't like Halo or didn't say it looked good.
This will be a very one-sided discussion.

T-nex 12-15-2004 01:29 PM

Why would you only talk to people who don't like halo? Is this some kind of halo-hating klub?

I myself have not played the games. But from the looks of it, it seems cool...

Rich 12-15-2004 01:45 PM

Basically X-Box and PS2 try and out-do each other by releasing exclusives.
eg: San Andreas and MGS3 vs. Halo2

Halo is the X-Box's way of saying a big Fook you to the PS2.

SeaRex 12-15-2004 01:47 PM

Please continue discussion in the "official" Halo thread.


Nate 12-15-2004 01:50 PM

I think it was a good game from what little I played of it but I have little patience for FPSs, particularly as they tend to give me motion sickness.

Al the Vykker 12-15-2004 02:08 PM

Actually, the other letter in the Conversation from the Universe thingy, the one that was not encrypted, was not from Mercy to Truth. Its from another Prophet called the "Prophet of Supposition," to Truth. Perhaps this is a character who could play a role in HALO 3? Or perhaps hes merely a minor prophet like the one in the book The Flood that was on board a covenant cruiser when Halo was discovered and when the Pillar of Autumn showed up too.

Mojo 12-16-2004 03:27 AM


Basically X-Box and PS2 try and out-do each other by releasing exclusives.
eg: San Andreas and MGS3 vs. Halo2

Halo is the X-Box's way of saying a big Fook you to the PS2.

Actually, MGS2 was brought out on Xbox. But the Halo series are Xbox (okay, PC and Mac as well) only.

Here's the translation of the encrypted message:

To thine own eyes, Prophet of Mercy

Dearest Brother,

I hope this finds you well. My sorrow and anger precede me with regard to the atrocity and heresy at Halo. We shall avenge this destruction with some of our own. Work proceeds apace on our battle plan. The Sangheili will do what is asked of them, and the Jiralhanae will show the humans what our strength looks like at close quarters.

But this Message concerns neither the planning nor the discovery of the human homeworld. Rather, I question Brother Regret’s suitability for this great purpose.

I am aware of his tenacity and ambition, but I believe his youth and feckless reaching may prove to be grave risks to the perfection of this undertaking. You have noted his rashness in the past, and yet neither of us has acted.

I suggest that we continue as planned, but we would both do well to pay mind to Brother Regret, and provide wisdom and guidance as needed. This matter is too important to be left to inexperienced hands. Piety is no substitute for wisdom.

Perhaps I worry too much. You know that I embrace caution, but we cannot have inexperience or arrogance at this great juncture.

Be pure, be vigilant, and never rest.

By my own hand
Prophet of Truth

Fez 12-16-2004 10:59 AM

Cool, thankyou for that.

Facsimile 12-17-2004 12:46 AM


Basically X-Box and PS2 try and out-do each other by releasing exclusives.
eg: San Andreas and MGS3 vs. Halo2

Sony and Microsoft dont actually make these games, it just so happens that they are exclusive to those consoles. However Rockstar (GTA) are going to be unexclusive as soon as their contract with Sony expires. Konami (MGS) however I don't think they'll bother, as I heard MGS2:Substance sold poorly on the Xbox. Which is a shame, as I love MGS.

Mojo 12-17-2004 02:30 AM

Yeah, well, GTA 3/Vice City was already out for Xbox a month ago.

sligster 12-17-2004 04:16 PM

very interesting:

in coversations from the universe, there are two Elites talking to each other.

At one point, one Elite says "soon we may be able to use the Sharquoi". wtf?

What is a Sharquoi? New Halo 3 alien? Most likely....

It's not any other Covenant...

Grunt = Unggoy

Jackal = Kig'yar

Hunter = Lekgolo

Elite = Shangheili

Brute = Jiralhanae

Drone = Yanme'e

and Prophets =.... Prophets...

There has been some speculation that the Sharquoi could be a Drinol (a massive beast that the covenant keep chained up and use only when desperate ), but I dun think so....

the main point is, that this is a new alien that wasn't in Halo 2... we're already being fed clues...

Here are some pics and videos of an unused character found in Halo 2's character files... it's Flood, and many believe that it's an infected Drinol.


SeaRex 12-17-2004 07:30 PM

What are the names of those stupid-ass sacks of crap that the Covenant use as engineers/demolitionists? You know... the ones that got cut from the game... because they were stupid-ass sacks of crap.

It could be them.

sligster 12-17-2004 08:28 PM


What are the names of those stupid-ass sacks of crap that the Covenant use as engineers/demolitionists? You know... the ones that got cut from the game... because they were stupid-ass sacks of crap.

It could be them.

the Elites are talking about "using them in the war"- like a secret weapon. The Engineers have no defensive or offensive capabilities, whatsoever. I highly doubt it.

EDIT: I forgot to post the Infected Drinol pics... they're there now...

oddguy 12-17-2004 10:12 PM

That video is so cool. So...sligster, do you know where that video was found? Did Bungie release it, or was it an Easter Egg in the game?


Facsimile 12-18-2004 01:54 AM


Yeah, well, GTA 3/Vice City was already out for Xbox a month ago.

Yeah, you're right.
Wait, you did post this last year, right?

I know that GTA3/Vice City is out on Xbox, but Rockstar can't start releasing them on both consoles at the same time until their contract with Sony expires.

sligster 12-18-2004 01:54 AM


That video is so cool. So...sligster, do you know where that video was found? Did Bungie release it, or was it an Easter Egg in the game?


BOLL, the "Flash extraordinaire", posts on the H.B.O. forum, and he somewhat expertizes in finding hidden weapons and monsters in video game files.

In Halo 1, he was the first person to ever find the Engineer, Flamethrower, and Gravity Gun hidden in the data files.

Obviously in Halo 2, he's found that massive Flood thing, but I'm sure there will be more to come....

He basically found the file, and inserted the monster in the level that the file was found in. That's why there are so many of them.

He doesn't use any illegal equipment, so Bungie can't go after him- they've actually come to a liking of him.

Hobo 12-18-2004 01:55 AM

Gave it back two days ago. Not realising i was on the last chapter of the last level. Buggery:( it was too bloody easy and boring. my rating = 6/10. I want my ATV!

sligster 12-18-2004 01:57 AM


I want my ATV!


Hobo 12-18-2004 02:01 AM



Same to you too bitch:p

That flood thing looks like yet anopther uninspired zombie character. The convenant clearly beat the crap out of the flood on the character design.