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OANST 03-15-2010 11:08 AM


I prefer the nerdy-as-fuck-sounding "Time to go to the Crystatirum!"

Also, I was watching my friend fight the forest boss, and he whittled it down to about a quarter health, and went "If ever there was a time to summon Odin, it's now!" and we both kind of awkwardly coughed at just how goddamn nerdy that sounded.


In this thread OANST lets everyone know that he is a fucking nerd.

Wings of Fire 03-15-2010 11:17 AM


Also, FFXII was better than it looked. And it looked like Star Wars with Moogles.

Josh 03-15-2010 11:17 AM

If you're going to be a nerd, be a fucking nerd. Chicks dig that.

OANST 03-15-2010 11:43 AM


If you're going to be a nerd, be a fucking nerd. Chicks dig that.

That would be great incentive if I hadn't been in a relationship for ten years now.

Strike Witch 03-15-2010 02:59 PM

My favourite was VIII. A lot of people hate that, they're all "but the magic system was crazy and exploitable" and I'm all "I just liked the story."

Wings of Fire 03-15-2010 03:09 PM

Such a good love story. Fuck anyone who says Squall wasn't human.


Grieva 03-15-2010 03:12 PM

VIII? but the magic system was crazy and exploitable!

I don't know anyone who hated 8, it's always been a close second favourite to 7 for me

Havoc 03-15-2010 04:04 PM

Joe Kucan is coming to the Netherlands tommorow. I might just go there and get an autograph.

For those who have been living under a rock for the past 15 years, Joe Kucan plays Kane in Command & Conquer.

Disgruntled Intern 03-15-2010 10:30 PM


That would be great incentive if I hadn't been in a relationship for ten years now.


Still playing borderlands. Loving Zombie Island and The Secret Armory expansions, even more fun on the second playthrough.

Strike Witch 03-16-2010 12:27 AM


Such a good love story. Fuck anyone who says Squall wasn't human.


I love it when you see his internal monologue.

"Why is it always me?!"

AlienMagi 03-16-2010 05:48 AM

Assassin's Creed 2
Mount & Blade

OANST 03-16-2010 06:33 AM


VIII? but the magic system was crazy and exploitable!

I don't know anyone who hated 8, it's always been a close second favourite to 7 for me

I hated 8.

Granted, I only played it for about four hours before I decided that I never wanted to see it again.

Wings of Fire 03-16-2010 06:44 AM

That's a shame, because VIII had the best scene I've ever seen in a computer game.

OANST 03-16-2010 07:05 AM

I didn't have the patience to get used to the battle system.

Wings of Fire 03-16-2010 07:06 AM

Oh well.

I picked up Pokemon HeartGold this morning and I'm loving it to bits.

Mac Sirloin 03-16-2010 01:26 PM

I'm desperately trying to track down a copy of FFVII for PS1 that isn't overpriced or in shit-condition. It'll always be my favorite, but not the same way as all those other queers queefing, quoting and quarreling over it. For me it's different.

Anyway, I'm playing this:
It's damn addictive, the only medals I'm missing is the 'stomp 100 goombas' one and the 'play for five hours' one.

Daxter King 03-16-2010 10:14 PM

Okami, hopefully this time I'll be able to finish it.

Phylum 03-17-2010 02:02 AM

Trust me, the 2nd half is great. The end isn't quite as fun, if I recall correctly, but the end is nice. The final boss is a bitch, too.

It'd be nice to see different boss', though

Strike Witch 03-18-2010 12:36 AM


I'm desperately trying to track down a copy of FFVII for PS1 that isn't overpriced or in shit-condition. It'll always be my favorite, but not the same way as all those other queers queefing, quoting and quarreling over it. For me it's different.

Anyway, I'm playing this:
It's damn addictive, the only medals I'm missing is the 'stomp 100 goombas' one and the 'play for five hours' one.

You can get it and 8 on the PSP store for like, 15 bucks.

Phylum 03-18-2010 01:38 AM

On the PSN for $15AUD each. {I was clarifying that they were also available for PS3, and ensuring that it's understood that they cost $15AUD each} I plan on getting FFVII, MGS and Rayman (which I've never played) soon.

Also, I'm playing crap lots of Quake Live at the moment.

Strike Witch 03-18-2010 06:54 AM

I got the Awakening Expansion for Dragon Age today. A good few hours put in:

It's nowhere near as big as the game, but it's still a very meaty, well-written expansion pack full of some cool characters and drama. It just feels more streamlined, like, you can't engage in elaborate backstory conversation at any time, or romance has been removed. On the other hand, they've really dug up gold with the Amaranthine Commander job, what with fun and politics playing a part.

Also adopt a cat!

Mac Sirloin 03-18-2010 09:52 AM


On the PSN for $15AUD each. {I was clarifying that they were also available for PS3, and ensuring that it's understood that they cost $15AUD each} I plan on getting FFVII, MGS and Rayman (which I've never played) soon.

Also, I'm playing crap lots of Quake Live at the moment.


You can get it and 8 on the PSP store for like, 15 bucks.

I would do this, or even pirate it on PSP, but I don't own one and I'm completely strapped for cash.
If I bought a used PSP it would cost me roughly 83-93$, not accounting for tax.

Understand, however, that if I was in a position to utilize any of the alternatives I would.

Grieva 03-18-2010 12:41 PM

Thought about the FF7 PC version? some very cool mods for it

Mac Sirloin 03-18-2010 05:45 PM


Thought about the FF7 PC version? some very cool mods for it

I picked it up from a guy today. I'm barely ten minutes in but I don't have a PS1 memory card that I SHOULD have got but didn't.

Daxter King 03-18-2010 06:54 PM

Splinter Cell Conviction Demo, from what I played this is one of the few games that is delivering what it set out to do. Still wished it released before Christmas.

Grieva 03-18-2010 07:17 PM


I picked it up from a guy today. I'm barely ten minutes in but I don't have a PS1 memory card that I SHOULD have got but didn't.

On the back of the manual there's an ad that says something like "Playstation 1 Memory Card, Try completing Final Fantasy 7 without it".

I took it as a challenge, failed miserably :D

Phylum 03-19-2010 01:20 AM

It could be done in one long sitting...

Strike Witch 03-19-2010 03:27 AM

Shiiit Bioware.

Rushing off to defend a city but then finding it totally overrun!?
The the guy's like "torch it, it's the only way to be sure" and then showing me a detailed video of civilians getting roasted and crushed by my own damn catapult rock fires?! SHIIIIT

Mass Effect is for fucking babies compared to Dragon Age.

Jordan 03-19-2010 08:24 AM

Started playing Team Fortress 2 (X360) last night. So fun, but I suck at it at the moment.

Havoc 03-21-2010 03:14 PM

Played through C&C 4, both campaigns. As expected EA royally fucked up again. It goes beyond me how you can fuck up a franchise this bad. Gameplay sucks, music sucks, story makes absolutely no sense and the entire C&C feeling has completely vanished. Another one for EA's list of fail.

Also completed AC2, interesting ending though it leaves me wanting for more (and curious as to how the story will continue).

Settlers 7 looks promising.

Strike Witch 03-21-2010 04:06 PM

Is there a plot summary for C&C4 floating about yet? Do they explain just who the hell Kane is?

Hazel-Rah 03-21-2010 11:40 PM

just finished bioshock 1, great game, andrew ryan <3

enchilado 03-22-2010 12:02 AM


Havoc 03-22-2010 07:43 AM


Is there a plot summary for C&C4 floating about yet? Do they explain just who the hell Kane is?

No, that's the annoying part. They promised to wrap up all the loose ends like Kane's origin and stuff like that. The story does reveal something, but it creates more questions than it answers.

Basically it is revealed that Kane has been around as long as humanity has been alive. According to Kane he found us when we were still living in huts and made us grow to where we are now but he has been stuck on Earth ever since. It's not really made clear if Kane is Scrin or something else entirely, but his ultimate goal is to go through the Scrin portal inside the Scrin tower at the Tiber river.

It's kind of weird when you take into account the previous parts of the story, because Kane didn't know what exactly the Scrin would do when they came to Earth until he saw the tower and realized what it was for. So basically we still don't know who/what Kane is, why he was here for all this time and how he survived for thousands of years.

Wings of Fire 03-23-2010 03:38 PM

Umineko, a VN full of intrigue, magic and...


...interesting dialogue.

OANST 03-23-2010 03:41 PM


Strike Witch 03-23-2010 05:22 PM

It's actually the finest piece of Japanese literature ever.

T-nex 03-23-2010 05:54 PM

So when did c&c start to suck? I only really played till Generals... After that I gave up. I liked it more when it was Westwood's and only Westwood's.

Has anyone played Red Alert 3? Im considering to get it.

Mac Sirloin 03-23-2010 07:20 PM

Just Cause 2. Fuck yes.

Wings of Fire 03-23-2010 08:24 PM


It's actually the finest piece of Japanese literature ever.

You're not all wrong there, the narration, dialogue and music combined is intoxicating to the soul.