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Daxter King 12-24-2009 01:43 PM


Dead Rising. It's not so much that it's fun, but that I just want to beat it to show it that I'M THE MASTER.

I can't think of a whole lot of things more annoying than the Transceiver or people crying in the security room. I got sooooo irritated.

The bosses in that game really make no sense. They're human, but survive countless bullets. That game was too frustrating for me to endure.

Mac Sirloin 12-24-2009 01:49 PM


The bosses in that game really make no sense. They're human, but survive countless bullets. That game was too frustrating for me to endure.

I don't understand what the point of the fucking clown fight was. Even less so the grocery store dude.

But I found waiting for the story missions in the security room more asspissing than any of the stupid fucking bosses. Why do the people have to be crying and shit? Why? It's so obnoxious.

Disgruntled Intern 12-24-2009 03:27 PM


I am STILL playing Dragon Age. And I haven't even finished it once. It's like all my skill and ambition just VANISHED the moment I bought this game, and I keep rerolling.

It offs my pisses it does.

ha, you cunt. I've already beaten it with my Elf warrior. The archdemon fight is BALLS.

Currently working on my Elf blood mage and Dwarven rogue at the same time. I'm a busy boy.

Also, fuck dead rising.

EDIT: Anonyman, I know it sucks for a while, but pick a couple of talents and fucking STICK WITH THEM. My warrior was a god damned force to be reckoned with once he hit level eleven.

Hobo 12-24-2009 04:41 PM


Taco 12-24-2009 04:44 PM

I'm playing Dragon Age Origins. It reminds me of LoTR a lot, the graphics are mediocre, and it's a whole new stupid universe that I don't understand.

Daxter King 12-24-2009 08:32 PM


I don't understand what the point of the fucking clown fight was. Even less so the grocery store dude.

But I found waiting for the story missions in the security room more asspissing than any of the stupid fucking bosses. Why do the people have to be crying and shit? Why? It's so obnoxious.

I dunno, I only borrowed it a bit form a friend and played on his save. I killed the hardware store guy, then killed all the zombies in the hardware store. Thats about all I played.

Anonyman! 12-25-2009 12:01 AM


ha, you cunt. I've already beaten it with my Elf warrior. The archdemon fight is BALLS.

Currently working on my Elf blood mage and Dwarven rogue at the same time. I'm a busy boy.

Also, fuck dead rising.

EDIT: Anonyman, I know it sucks for a while, but pick a couple of talents and fucking STICK WITH THEM. My warrior was a god damned force to be reckoned with once he hit level eleven.

My current Dorf Commoner Duel Weildan Warrior seems to be kicking some ass. Boss fights are harder than with my mage but I'm generally having more fun. I've just got a bad case of Morrowind fever methinks, especially with the origins. cant decide wat to be

also have to make an evil gay elf



I'm playing Dragon Age Origins. It reminds me of LoTR a lot, the graphics are mediocre, and it's a whole new stupid universe that I don't understand.


Wings of Fire 12-25-2009 02:52 AM



Token fantasy = Tolkein derivative. Not that that's always a bad thing.

Taco 12-25-2009 03:51 AM

Well at least there's no lizard-people and cat-people like in oblivion. Not that Oblivion wasn't awesome. I found it a lot easier to get into, even with the cat and lizard people...

Mac Sirloin 12-25-2009 08:48 AM

I think my favorite fight in Dead Rising so far is the crazy priest who attacks you with a sword, either ignores or dodges bullets, and inconsistently flinches. The biggest problem is that they have no pattern, and the physics that apply to you when you're hit (flying like twenty feet away) don't apply to them. The clown was goddamn cake compared to this.

Anonyman! 12-25-2009 12:08 PM


Token fantasy = Tolkein derivative. Not that that's always a bad thing.

I'm aware of that. I'm pointing out that the game is pretty much set in Middle Earth with a few name changes. And a little more GRIMDARK.


Well at least there's no lizard-people and cat-people like in oblivion. Not that Oblivion wasn't awesome. I found it a lot easier to get into, even with the cat and lizard people...
That is one of the least weird things in that universe. In Morrowind, one of the living gods Vivec had sex with the Daedric Lord of Rape or something. He was a hermaphrodite. Also Sotha Sil split his form into two so he could spit roast Almalexia.

Disgruntled Intern 12-25-2009 07:35 PM

I personally liked the lizard people. Although I thought they looked better in Morrowind. They looked all cone headed and fucking bug eyed in oblivion.

Then again, everyone was bug eyed in oblivion.

Phylum 12-26-2009 01:01 AM

I got Metal Gear Solid 4 for Chrissy.

The stealth sometimes reminds me of AO, with it's series of flawless slow walks to the next safe point, which isn't safe for long enough. I'm getting better at the shooting, but hiding is funner.

MeechMunchie 12-26-2009 08:49 AM

I love Nirn. (Elder Scrolls planet) I thought the Argonians were good, and the Daedric Princes were well concieved.

Also, playing Day of the Tentacle.

Anonyman! 12-26-2009 10:03 AM

Khajiit were also cool. Drug addicted cat thieves? Yes please.

I always played Dunmer though, especially in Morrowind. Them raspy voices.

Leto 12-26-2009 02:51 PM

ELDER SCROLL TALK? relevant to my interests.

i'm gonna get dragon age just because i wish there was a new elder scrotum.

Jordan 12-26-2009 03:28 PM

I've been playing some of the games I got for Christmas. Audiosurf, Sonic Adventure DX, Star Ocean and a bit of Tekken 6. I've been on Audiosurf the most though, it's so addictive. And from what I've played of Star Ocean I've really enjoyed.

shaman 12-26-2009 03:42 PM

ODST. Yeah i know i'm late fuck you.

I've heard mixed reveiws, but i think it's pretty good.

Anonyman! 12-27-2009 12:14 AM


ELDER SCROLL TALK? relevant to my interests.

i'm gonna get dragon age just because i wish there was a new elder scrotum.









also i hope you enjoy semi turn based tactics kinda setups because thats what dragon age is

Leto 12-27-2009 12:38 AM

it's really really sad, but because i followed the oblivion (and fallout3 slightly) development/release so religiously, hearing Todd Howard's and Pete Hines' voices i find slightly..theraputic.

also i got a warning on the elder scrolls forums from Pete Hines himself. nerdgasm :B

i want an ngage just for shadowkey. i've been trying to get emulators to work but they're pretty pants. ive had so many opportunities to buy ngages for cheaps over the past year, but always put them off. now i rly want to shadowkey, on like the bus and shit.

slig# 5719 12-27-2009 12:52 AM

Been playing Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. Resort is much better.

I wish I could play Dragon Age the new Star Ocean but I don't have a 360. This has made me want to play "Till the End of Time" again.

Wings of Fire 12-27-2009 09:21 AM


the new Star Ocean but I don't have a 360.

Didn't like it one bit, battle system built on gimmicks.

Disgruntled Intern 12-27-2009 07:24 PM

Left 4 Dead 2. Online. I invited Kastere to play with me and my friends, and he poo-pooed all over my soul

Hobo 12-28-2009 05:12 AM


Left 4 Dead 2. Online. I invited Kastere to play with me and my friends, and he poo-pooed all over my soul

Steam ID?

And you Kastere.

Also; Jordan you got Xbox live so you can kick my ass at Tekken?

AlexFili 12-28-2009 05:37 AM

Guitar Hero Metallica and The Beatles Rock Band (or soon will be).

OANST 12-28-2009 08:12 AM


Left 4 Dead 2. Online. I invited Kastere to play with me and my friends, and he poo-pooed all over my soul

I would have played with you if you weren't being such a bitch. SO INSTEAD I RUINED BATTLESTAR GALACTICA FOR YOU!

MeechMunchie 12-28-2009 08:17 AM


(To DI) Steam ID? And you Kastere.


Mac Sirloin 12-28-2009 11:24 AM


Left 4 Dead 2. Online. I invited Kastere to play with me and my friends, and he poo-pooed all over my soul

You are a silly goose. I don't even own L4D2.

Steam ID?

And you Kastere.

Also; Jordan you got Xbox live so you can kick my ass at Tekken?

I think my current steam ID is either
Mac Sirloin
or mac sirloin

I can't remember.

Also I never play anything on it because my computer is currently dead and my dad throws a big shit tantrum if I use this one.

MeechMunchie 12-28-2009 01:27 PM

Second one. I don't know why Steam search is space sensitive.

MA 12-28-2009 08:01 PM

playing Moonstone, fucking memories. so ahead of its time, and so tough. also Settlers and Chinese Battle Chess.