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AlienMagi 02-25-2010 06:34 AM

Postal 2, Team fortress 2 and AVP

OANST 02-25-2010 07:58 AM

I'm playing with people's emotions.

Alf Shall Rise 02-28-2010 02:04 PM

I finished Uncharted 2 and now I'm playing Little Big Planet because I never finished the story.

OddjobAbe 02-28-2010 03:51 PM

I have played a video game today (something I have not done in months). My cousin (who is two years younger than me) visited today, and he's really into Star Wars and video games. He got us all on that second Battlefront game, and both me and my brother thought it was going to be awful. We ended up having a bloody good laugh on it. I found it quite addictive - I must have been playing the same two maps for at least an hour after he left, trying to see how many little objectives I could acheive. The novelty wore off about ten minutes ago, though. I'm bored of it now.

Havoc 02-28-2010 10:38 PM

Playing the C&C4 beta. This was the first time I suspected and genuinely believed EA managed to do something that wasn't a total fuck up. New gameplay, meh who knows it might be fun.

So I start the thing up and I'm welcomed to the main menu. First thing that springs to mind when I hear the menu theme; Starwars. I mean... did Kane form an alliance with the Jedi's or something? What happend to the signature dark and mysterious C&C music? If you could ever fuck up something about a game, the music would be the last thing I would ever expect it to be.

And the multiplayer... well... EA had this great idea about ranking up. So the longer you play the game the more advanced and strong units you get. But in order to give newbies a chance against veteran players they made a unit cap. So the enemy might have stronger units, but he will also have less!

Yeah great idea if only that actually worked. Yesterday I played a match and since I just started playing I didn't exactly have a lot of choices yet. Still I am expected to fight some huge ass tanks and aircraft with my stupid newbie tanks. Nice going EA, you did it again.

Now my final hope is in the story. I demand a decent ending to the game series I've been addicted to since 1995. Yet somehow, I know, they are going to fuck it up. I'm sure they will have come up with some huge ass story twist that has nothing what so ever to do with the games before C&C 3. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Phylum 02-28-2010 11:02 PM

I fear CnC4 would have been better if it hadn't been a CnC game. There's nothing wrong with a new idea, but CnC fans want slightly more traditional RTS games. I doubt the final game won't be fun to play, but many CnC fans will dislike it.

From what you say about multiplayer, I must conclude: RTS+Ranking= No. RTS' always rely on strategy and skill, not time spent playing. (although the lesser do come from the latter, often)

That said, if someone with small tanks and good strategy can defeat someone with big tanks and no strategy, I won't mind as much.

Mac Sirloin 03-01-2010 04:07 AM

I love it when people blame all the problems with games on EA. Shows how dumb they are.

Havoc 03-01-2010 07:31 AM

Westwood started out with great games. Each one as good as the other. Then EA took them over, fired like 90% of the original team and took over the franchise. C&C3 was good and true to the franchise but EALA, the DEVELOPER of the game really messed up with C&C4. So yeah, if a franchise gets messed up because you fire the original team working on it, damn right I'm gonna blame EA.

Disgruntled Intern 03-01-2010 09:42 AM


I'm playing with people's emotions.

Despite the poor reviews, still one of my all time favorite games.

T-nex 03-01-2010 09:57 AM


Westwood started out with great games. Each one as good as the other. Then EA took them over, fired like 90% of the original team and took over the franchise. C&C3 was good and true to the franchise but EALA, the DEVELOPER of the game really messed up with C&C4. So yeah, if a franchise gets messed up because you fire the original team working on it, damn right I'm gonna blame EA.

Actually Westwood still lives on as Petroglyph. After Westwood disappeared, a bunch of the ex-employees got together and made a new company, and are making games. They made a futuristic RTS called Universe at War: Earth Assault which I only tried the demo of. Though I couldn't play it very well cos my comp sucked at the time.
It has an interesting gameplay though somewhat confusing. I guess you have to be an experienced RTS player to get it right from the start. It contains lots of massive robots which is cool.

Anyway I actually haven't played any c&c games past red alert 3 and Generals.

Anyway I actually dislike new RTS games cos the graphics are too good and tend to become confusing. I liked old-style RTS cos they are symmetric and have that outline kinds of thing. it was easy to tell where my units were.
Nowadays there's just so much to keep in mind when playing RTS games... You can rotate the map, zoom in and out, you have to remember a lot of short keys and blah.

Anyway. I'm happy that petroglyph lives on.

OANST 03-01-2010 10:06 AM

Hellooooooo, Wikipedia!

Havoc 03-01-2010 10:44 AM

What about Wikipedia?

Wings of Fire 03-01-2010 10:56 AM

I think he meant that he'll need to go to wikipedia to understand what Nikki is talking about.

T-nex 03-01-2010 11:18 AM

Or maybe Wikipedia made a game! :D

OANST 03-01-2010 11:24 AM

All of the above.

Josh 03-01-2010 12:13 PM

The Wikipedia Game is surprisingly fun, if you like reading and have nothing better to do.

Or the other Wikipedia Game, change all the links in one article so they link to something really obscure.

Sligoth 03-01-2010 04:55 PM

Munch's Oddysee, Bioshock and Obscure.

Daxter King 03-02-2010 09:10 PM

Bad Company 2, single player is a bit more linear than Id like, but multiplayer more than makes up for it.

Josh 03-07-2010 10:37 AM

Fantasy Telemarketer

Varrok 03-07-2010 01:47 PM

Torchlight, Portal, HL2, Xcom: Enforcer, Xcom... (That's what I played today)

Crashpunk 03-08-2010 12:54 PM

I found ages ago a really good Mario Flash game where you can make your own levels and save them to a Notepad. all in SNES style graphics.

Mario Flash

Strike Witch 03-11-2010 03:45 PM

I actually got into the closed Beta of Lego Universe. I'll let you know how it goes, it's only open on some days.

Daxter King 03-11-2010 06:10 PM

Played the Blur Beta a bit, its an alright game. The best was I can describe is if Need For Speed(Or any other racer close to that) and Mario Kart had a baby. Too much of the Need For Speed side for my liking.

The Just Cause 2 demo, game is really fun if you have some imagination. Think of a stunt, then do it. Really, really open game.

Also on a side note, I found out Ive spent over a month of my life playing Halo 3 multiplayer.

Mac Sirloin 03-12-2010 06:44 AM

Just Cause 2 let's you freefall for over a minute, grapple onto the helicopter you jumped out of and fly back up.

That is why everyone should buy it. It's like Saints Row 2 x 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

MeechMunchie 03-12-2010 09:21 AM


I actually got into the closed Beta of Lego Universe. I'll let you know how it goes, it's only open on some days.

Me too! It has a dramatic-sounding 'CODE OF SECRECY' and everything. Haven't played it yet, but I'm liking the plastic-as-currency idea.

dripik 03-12-2010 09:27 AM

Just Cause 2 is starting to get relevant to my interests. Until then, it'll be G-Mod, which I'm buying today, if everything goes well. And there's the occasional TF2 and Portal.

Lacy Hemsmire 03-12-2010 09:35 AM

Just finished playing Stranger's Wrath on my X Box. Because I'm one of the few people who is too cheap to get a 360. XD I'll probably go back to Abe's Oddysee or Silent Hill 2next.

Strike Witch 03-13-2010 05:10 AM


Me too! It has a dramatic-sounding 'CODE OF SECRECY' and everything. Haven't played it yet, but I'm liking the plastic-as-currency idea.

The online hours thing is fucking annoying though.

T-nex 03-13-2010 07:59 AM

Im playing Universe at war(by Petroglyph), which I) recently bought :D .... only to find out it was like 75% cheaper another place or something like that <.< Ah no big deal. It's not like the price I bought it for was expensive, but I felt sort of cheated >: ( .

Well hopefully more of that money goes to Petroglyph. Or do they actually get the money beforehand?

Anyway, like all RTS games... I suck at it. But it's pretty fun so far.

MeechMunchie 03-13-2010 08:20 AM


The online hours thing is fucking annoying though.

This. On Saturdays I can only play from 8 'o' clock at night to 2 in the morning. WTF?

Strike Witch 03-13-2010 04:10 PM


This. On Saturdays I can only play from 8 'o' clock at night to 2 in the morning. WTF?

I managed to do all the quests in Avant Gardens (lol) so I'm gonna wait until they open up a new area before I log on again.

I do like that the controls and mechanics all seem pretty responsive, and they're actually trying to give the game a plot.

Josh 03-14-2010 06:18 AM

I am in love with the Just Cause 2 demo.

Large explosive containers and grappling hooks: How real men get out of gunfights.

MeechMunchie 03-14-2010 01:13 PM


I managed to do all the quests in Avant Gardens (lol) so I'm gonna wait until they open up a new area before I log on again.

I do like that the controls and mechanics all seem pretty responsive, and they're actually trying to give the game a plot.

Epic pun. I think I might abstain until next Thursday. They're doing a big revamp so I thought it wasn't worth getting too familiar with anything yet.

dripik 03-14-2010 01:50 PM


I am in love with the Just Cause 2 demo.

I would be too, but it's missing something... Something like a big flashing message "You don't have Vista! Stop downloading now!".

After reading about the game and checking some videos, it was quite a downer to see the OS-related error mentioned above.

OANST 03-15-2010 07:06 AM

Final Fantasy 13 (yes, I used actual numbers. Fuck off).

It's......different. I've never played a Final Fantasy game that was anything like it. It simplified it's battle system to the point where you almost just kick back and let the things fight themselves. You only control the party leader in a battle. Everyone else just performs the best action available to their class. That's where the fun comes in, though. You can switch everyone's classes on the fly. It doesn't even take a turn to do it. For that matter, neither does using items. Also, when the battle is over you will get all of your health back, and all status ailments will be cured. It's.....easy.

Have you heard that the game is linear? It's linear. Linear as in I've been doing nothing but running in a straight line for 16 hours. That's not an exaggeration.

None of that really matters, though. The game is fun. Mostly. My only real complaint is that I keep maxing my levels out waaaaay waaaaaaay before I should be. A large part of the fun in playing an rpg is leveling up. You can only level up so far in a given chapter, though. So, I max out all of my characters and think, "Okay. I must be getting near the end of the chapter." Wrong. Wrong. Three hours later I get to the end of the chapter. Finally, I can start leveling up again. So, I start using all of my experience points in my different classes, and what do you know? I max out every single one of my characters in one fell swoop, and I still have points left over. I now get to play through an chapter without being able to grow my characters.

Whatever you do, for the love of god, do not grind in this game.

Wings of Fire 03-15-2010 08:39 AM


Final Fantasy 13 (yes, I used actual numbers. Fuck off).

It's......different. I've never played a Final Fantasy game that was anything like it. It simplified it's battle system to the point where you almost just kick back and let the things fight themselves. You only control the party leader in a battle. Everyone else just performs the best action available to their class. That's where the fun comes in, though. You can switch everyone's classes on the fly. It doesn't even take a turn to do it. For that matter, neither does using items. Also, when the battle is over you will get all of your health back, and all status ailments will be cured. It's.....easy.

Have you heard that the game is linear? It's linear. Linear as in I've been doing nothing but running in a straight line for 16 hours. That's not an exaggeration.

None of that really matters, though. The game is fun. Mostly. My only real complaint is that I keep maxing my levels out waaaaay waaaaaaay before I should be. A large part of the fun in playing an rpg is leveling up. You can only level up so far in a given chapter, though. So, I max out all of my characters and think, "Okay. I must be getting near the end of the chapter." Wrong. Wrong. Three hours later I get to the end of the chapter. Finally, I can start leveling up again. So, I start using all of my experience points in my different classes, and what do you know? I max out every single one of my characters in one fell swoop, and I still have points left over. I now get to play through an chapter without being able to grow my characters.

Whatever you do, for the love of god, do not grind in this game.

Who are you and what the fuck have you done with OANST?

OANST 03-15-2010 09:40 AM

Under the porch.

Wings of Fire 03-15-2010 09:44 AM

I... never figured you as a Final Fantasy person.

OANST 03-15-2010 09:58 AM


I... never figured you as a Final Fantasy person.

I'm not a massive fan, but I've played my fair share of Final Fantasy games. The last one that I played was 10. I didn't play 11 because I have no interest in MMO's, and I didn't play 12 because my PS2 is a piece of shit that only plays some games, plus I wasn't all that interested.

My favorite thing about 13 is that it gives me an excuse to constantly say, "Man, I've got to get some CP. I don't have enough CP", etc.

Mac Sirloin 03-15-2010 10:55 AM


I'm not a massive fan, but I've played my fair share of Final Fantasy games. The last one that I played was 10. I didn't play 11 because I have no interest in MMO's, and I didn't play 12 because my PS2 is a piece of shit that only plays some games, plus I wasn't all that interested.

My favorite thing about 13 is that it gives me an excuse to constantly say, "Man, I've got to get some CP. I don't have enough CP", etc.

I prefer the nerdy-as-fuck-sounding "Time to go to the Crystatirum!"

Also, I was watching my friend fight the forest boss, and he whittled it down to about a quarter health, and went "If ever there was a time to summon Odin, it's now!" and we both kind of awkwardly coughed at just how goddamn nerdy that sounded.