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Software Bug 07-19-2005 06:34 AM

I got a Xecutor 2.0 with Avalaunch

Leto 07-19-2005 03:53 PM

Mines with Evo X. Its fun to phuck with game files... ;)

Software Bug 07-20-2005 01:49 AM

Oh oh:p
look at bungie.net
If we must believe them i am going to get banned today.
well , i will see...

sligster 07-20-2005 06:26 AM


This time i hope bungie is fixing the cheating.


Software Bug 07-20-2005 06:38 AM

i saw that:p
im still not banned but havnt downloaded the update yet..

Leto 07-20-2005 09:35 PM

If your mod is one that can be turned on and off like mine, you will be fine. Just don't play with it on.

I sure as hell wouldn't miss Live Halo 2.


Yes. Softmods – that is, a modification made to your content without using a hardware-modified Xbox – are bannable. Delete them.
HOLY SHIT! Those mutha phucking wankers. I am never, ever going to support Bungie in the rest of my lifetime.

...I liked being a grunt and jackal in single player.

Talk about being stuck up pricks. They are completely dissmissing the modding community. I hate them, so, so much. Bungie is the complete opposite to iD software for this reason.


Sheriff-Murder 09-06-2005 02:32 AM

Somebody heard anything bout if its gonna be a Halo 3? (after the movie ofcourse)

Xavier 09-06-2005 03:25 AM

yes during the same advertising campain as the movie...

Sheriff-Murder 09-16-2005 12:06 AM

Cool, By the way, what is the movie about? halo 1?

Leto 09-16-2005 12:10 AM

Somebody kill this thread, please, please for teh luv ov gawd.

Yes, the movie is based on the first game. Supposedly.

Strike Witch 09-30-2005 05:07 PM


This thread is called Halo/Halo 2, but heres a pic from Halo 3 anyway.

Halo 3

Leto 09-30-2005 05:17 PM

im liek skepticle , but leik wowzorz lolroflmao.

Meh. I'll believe it when it's confirmed.

used:) 09-30-2005 07:38 PM

I hate Halo.

Leto 09-30-2005 08:48 PM

Yeah, but you don't have an Xbox, and seemingly don't want one, so you don't have a say on the matter. {Insert 'Shut Your Beak' type statement}

Everyone who has played Halo has found it fun in some way, even if they retain their 'Halo sucks and I'm so indie I <3 the Gamecube' opinion. Just like Area 51 is fun; I mean, the game is absoloute rubbish, but it was slightly fun to play. Every game offers some amount of enjoyment, even if slight.

Halo 1 > Halo 2 though.

Xavier 10-01-2005 01:00 AM


I hate Halo.

This kind of statement isn't intresting at all.
Please at least give us some arguments or facts about why you HATE a game.

Hobo 10-01-2005 02:10 AM

Yeah, be useful or shut up used:) *Official caution*

Al the Vykker 10-05-2005 01:51 PM

Not even going to post the article just the link and one name that I think will explain why I'm actually excited for the Halo Movie, also why we may finally have the video game movie that maintains the story especially in this case Bungie's universe - story and doesn't suck like other movie adaptations of games.



Leto 10-05-2005 02:07 PM



I want to die...

used:) 10-05-2005 02:22 PM

The name of the topic is Official Halo Thread and such, I was giving my thoughts and I see no crime in that and even if it is a little bit out of the limit, I think you are going haywire about that. Even if I summed it up in a crude manner.

EDIT: The reason I hate halo is the minimal diversity in the weapons, the storyline, and the design of the troops and aircrafts. I see Halo as having good gameplay yes, but with what I have said above, it just furthurs my opinion of the general public as being idiots.

So Miss Mod, if you wouldn't mind I think I have "fixed" my statement so can I please have my caution removed?

Dino 10-05-2005 03:20 PM


The name of the topic is Official Halo Thread and such, I was giving my thoughts and I see no crime in that and even if it is a little bit out of the limit, I think you are going haywire about that. Even if I summed it up in a crude manner.

At some point Used, you're going to have to learn that what's "right" is not always the right thing to do. Even if you think you're within your rights to do something, doing it is not always the right move.

What you said here is a good example - you can argue that what you said is allowable, but that doesn't change the fact that it had a negative affect... even if it was allowable and was "right", that doesn't make it good.

You cannot justify something like that by arguing that you've got a right to do it. The fact is, it all comes down to two things; being a twat, and not being a twat. You've chosen which one of those will describe your future behaviour incorrectly, and I think you need to rethink where you're headed with this new attitude problem of yours.

nads 10-05-2005 06:04 PM

I gave up on Halo after the auto-update in April. It never lagged before...

Of course, I've become very hateful towards Halo and am no longer the "OMG LOL IT'5 T3H H4L0 TO!!!!"

You want a replacement? FarCry Instincts...

used:) 10-05-2005 07:40 PM


At some point Used, you're going to have to learn that what's "right" is not always the right thing to do. Even if you think you're within your rights to do something, doing it is not always the right move.

What you said here is a good example - you can argue that what you said is allowable, but that doesn't change the fact that it had a negative affect... even if it was allowable and was "right", that doesn't make it good.

You cannot justify something like that by arguing that you've got a right to do it. The fact is, it all comes down to two things; being a twat, and not being a twat. You've chosen which one of those will describe your future behaviour incorrectly, and I think you need to rethink where you're headed with this new attitude problem of yours.

I think you're losing your head. Yes, my post may have been morally wrong, but was it illegal?

Dino 10-05-2005 07:56 PM


I think you're losing your head. Yes, my post may have been morally wrong, but was it illegal?

See you're doing it again. It's not illegal, but that isn't a valid argument. You're being a twat, and pretty soon everyone will just get fed up with you. If you don't want to end up banned and disliked then stop being a twat.

It's not illegal to hit yourself over the head, but does that make it a good idea?

used:) 10-06-2005 04:38 AM

This is unthinkable of someone like you to make such allegations. If I remember so clearly, there was another person who was in a similar position not too long ago.

Dino 10-06-2005 08:33 AM


This is unthinkable of someone like you to make such allegations. If I remember so clearly, there was another person who was in a similar position not too long ago.

You don't really get this do you? You're just too busy deflecting blame.

It doesn't matter who it comes from, it could come from AFOS and still be irrefuteable logic. If you act like a twat, you will be treated like a twat. If you don't want to be treated like a twat, then you need to stop acting like a twat.

BE NICE. It's really, really simple. We like nice people. Contribute, rather than spam. Adding a oneliner as your only contribution to a thread, although funny at times, is mostly just annoying and pointless. You knew you could do better than "I hate halo", and you DID have more to say than just that alone, so there was no point posting it in the first place. All it did was annoy people.