You want to fuck a pony up the batty, dude you never weren't a brony, whether you admitted it or not.
I think the difference is that now he can admit it. It's a coming out! After all, I've been gay all my life, but it wasn't until I was 18 that I was able to admit it to myself, and not until some time later that I told anyone else.
I'm not gay!
I'm a brony E: Oh I get what you're saying. |
Well regardless, you're most certainly a faggot.
Why? Because I like the pinkage and fluffyness of ponies?
Amongst other reasons.
Geez. How did this thread reach 30 pages.
also yeah your totally gay. lol |
Anyway,if I may get back onto the topic. I'm only addressing the fans because most of the people in this thread don't seem to give a shit about the show. I just watched the season 2 finale, and it was the most EPIC THING EVER! I can't stress myself enough, but it just makes me depressed because I have to wait for season 3 *twitch*
Season 3 will be here in the summer. Unfortunately it's only half as long as the other seasons for reasons unknown. They will need to do at least another two full seasons to opt for syndication, something all the bronies are crossing their hooves for. Chances are the season is only half as long because they're testing for ratings, and won't renew the contract for more episodes unless ratings are good. If every Brony had a Nielsen Box, this wouldn't be a problem, and The Hub would become one of the most lucrative forays into children's television in history. |
13 episodes? A year? I'm not gonna be used to that as I pretty much watched them all within about 2 weeks on the internet. I regret that now. I should of spread them out over about 3 months. Watch 1 every 2 days. :'( I don't have any 'special' channels because of money problems, so how long after the series airs will it go up on the internet?
You're kind of new to this internet thing right?
Episodes will be piratable within hours of being aired. |
Its just that sometimes when I want to download a film or watch something I missed, its a few days after they come out.
I haven't really kept up with pony things, but if pony demand is anywhere near anime demand then the show will be up for download less than two hours after it airs.
Oh, so I guess my wait is as long as anyone elses.
I've watched every episode of Game of Thrones season 2 about 20 hours after they've aired in the US onlne, and that's a much better show. You'll be fine.
If you go to the /mlp/ board of 4chan just after an episode airs, there's a fair chance that an episode thread will be stickied with an episode download link in the first post.
Disclaimer: This may be false information, I've never actually been to /mlp/. |
I've never been to 4chan and don't plan to. But I suppose I'll give it a try. What I usually do is go to an app on my phone that allows me to watch and download youtube videos, I downloaded the whole of season 1 like that.
Game of Thrones is nowhere near as good as MLP, and the two shows are so different that you can't possibly compare them. MLP's still better though. |
There are no less than a dozen Youtube channels dedicated to uploading HD pony episodes the same day they air. The Hub/Hasbro either doesn't care or are they aren't wise to it, as they rarely get removed.
I heard that its because Hasbro want them to be uploaded or something. Because they like people being able to watch it whenever. And all the other Pony related videos don't get removed because Hasbro see it as free advertising or something.
I vaguely remember someone mentioning Hasbro being lax with removing the Youtube videos.
Probably because most of their exposure comes from it. |
In that case, I'm going to post one.
Vaudeville parody ftw. |
Shes talking to us!
Those Pony vlogs are pretty well-done. There's tons of them.
What it tells me is that even if the actual show is cancelled, the fans would probably pull together and make their own show of about the same quality. Crazy. |
Apparently its her real voice. The creator gets them from Volcaltwit. That doesn't explain how the animation is so perfect though...
It's her real voice in the "Twilightlicious" one, in this one it's from an immitator named "Rina-Chan".
Oh :( . Thts explains the difference in quality. Still, the animation looks real, how is it so good?
A lot of people have gotten their hands on the pony vectors from the show. It's simply a matter of animating it in flash, which is a no-brainer.
It sounds simple, what you're explaining, but when you say people have gotten their hands on the pony vectors, thats not simple. How did people get these, because I'm sure Hasbro didn't just stick 'em up online for a laugh.
I don't know how, but I've seen some very official-looking fanimations. If they aren't the original vectors, then they are goddamned identical.
You can probably trace the vectors pretty well from screenshots.