Zack Snyder is definitely a huge contributor to the slow motion fixation. |
Speaking of The Matrix, anyone else think it's one of the most overrated and overhyped movies ever?
It bored the absolute fuck out of me.
Yes. It's terrible.
Well, I'm glad to see I'm not in the minority here.
I liked it. It was an action spectacle which actually focused on the spectacle, rather than making up some quasi-emotional bullshit.
But that woman who plays Trinity, good God, I didn't even realise actors could be that bad. |
I don't think it's awful. The action scenes were well done and it had some well shot scenes. I just thought the story tried too hard to be complex and was ridden with plotholes and stuff that just didn't make sense.
It's an okay movie, just not worthy of the mounds of hype it gets. |
Oh, and I think the Matrix sucks too. There are worse films* though. *Intentionally bad films are actually awesome. |
I'll take that as yes. I think. Not sure.
Damn. I love that song.
Rango is a fantastic film. There are so many funny moments and great character designs, it's rapidly becoming part of my top ten films list right about now. I really enjoyed the action sequences in this film and Kung Fu Panda. I actually prefer action scenes in CG animated movies than those in real life.
If they ever make an Oddworld/Stranger film, I hope they take inspiration from Rango. |
Oh, and today I found out that my Chemistry teacher Mr. Brotherton was the 1992 European Dungeons & Dragons Champion. I'll never see him the same way again. I never figured him for a Barbarian, for one thing... |
I'm going to see Dark Shadows tonight. I just read the reviews for it, and.........Even the good reviews think it's a piece of shit. So, like I originally expected then. Oh, well. I love Dark Shadows too much to not see it.
Did anyone ever see Wristcutters: A Love Story? It looks pretty cool.
Also, I've heard some really good things from friends about Cabin in the Woods. You guys should convince me to shell out some cash and see it. |
I was going to watch Cabin In the Woods last week but my friend backed out in the last minute, damn it. I'll probably buy it when it's on DVD, it seems really promising.
Oh and I'll probably go watch Men In Black 3 at the premiere. |
I saw Cabin in the Woods. It's very good.
I have no desire to see Avengers. I have no interest in super heroes, and seeing shit blow up is not exciting to me. Seeing as I'm obsessed with Dark Shadows, and own more than 700 episodes of it on dvd, I'm going to see that. |
I always give Tim Burton's movies one chance before I resume hating the hack he has become. Dark Shadows will be a matinee, seen three weeks from now, probably on a Tuesday, at like 1 in the afternoon. I'm confident that's all it deserves.
As for The Avengers, I promised a review, but looking back, I can't think of anything worth saying about it. The film gave me a migraine that lasted two whole days. It's a big budget action movie with guys in rubber suits and a CG green gorilla man fighting CG aliens with CG powers. I couldn't even tell you what actually happened in the movie. It had Joss Whedon's trademark snarkyness, and there were a few lines that made me chuckle. |
I guess Tim Burton casting Johnny Depp in his morbid films is becoming more and more commonplace these days.
I'll probably go see it some time. At least before MIB 3 comes out. |
Saw the Avengers again, still pretty good. I might see Dark Shadows soon, but I need to wait for the OANST seal of approval.
I watched Livide, a French "horror" film. What a piece of garbage, it tries to be many things at once and fails at pretty much everything. The start was actually promising but when the main characters decide to go treasurehunting in an old house you know it's going to be bad. I guess I won't go too much into detail so I won't spoil it but it really wasn't that good.
I saw Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie.
Yeah, there's not going to be a better film than this. It's not going to fucking happen. You're going to go to bed tonight and wish you saw this movie sooner than I did. It changed my life. I'm a better man. I'm more than a man after seeing this masterpiece of the ages. Go and buy it and watch it and watch out for that wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolf! :
Re-watched "The Strangers", a passable horror movie that came out sometime in the last five years. The first half is really chilling, but like most horror movies, it doesn't know how to end itself.
Tim and Eric is - how can I put this - for those with a very select taste in comedy. The genius of Tim and Eric is how hard they work to make something look cheap.
If you like them's, look into Tom Goes to The Mayor, their first televised show. Also Tim and Eric's Awesome Show, Great Job! and Check it out! With Dr. Steve Brule are some real winner shows, but Tom GTTM is just a good introduction to the dry and unsettling texture of their comedy. Here's an episode of Tom: Also, and you'll definitely appreciate this, Bob Odenkirk (and David Cross) were huge influences on them and their show Mr. Show with Bob and David has some similarities to Awesome Show and other Tim and Eric shenanigans. Mr. Show is a bit more improv-sketch based but it's fucking hilarious. Odenkirk produced their early stuff, as well. Have some choice clips. |
The WOOOOOOOLF clip was hliarious. As was the Big Cups one. The first one didn't do anything for me, which is strange because I absolutely love Bob Odenkirk, he's one of my favourite comedy actors. Him and David Cross.
And yeah, I've watched a fair amount of Mr. Show, so if Tim and Eric's style is anything like that, I'm sure I'll love it. I'll have to get one of the seasons on DVD. And that Tom Goes to the Mayor episode was just brilliant, I need to watch more of that. Thanks for the info! |
I spent my morning watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Fucking fantastic film, and fucking funny too.
Here come the Men in Black! Galaxy Defenders! |
Just saw Shame
very good and very sad. |
I'm really looking forward to seeing the Tim and Eric movie, and am very glad to hear it turned out as well as it did.
Okay. Saw Dark Shadows. In all honesty, it's probably the best film Burton has made in twenty years, but it still isn't very good. If taken scene by scene, you could almost think it's a good movie. The way Burton works is that he films very interesting scenes of very interesting things, but has no fucking clue how to turn that into a coherent story. Most of the plot lines come from left field, and ultimately are just left out there to catch butterflies, and ignore the rest of the game. There are a few parts, mostly at the end, where you will just sit there dumbfounded, asking yourself why the fuck that just happened, and if there is anyone that you can slap for letting it happen. That being said, it is entertaining, and there were some very subtle nods to the original show that only people who watched it will get, such as an under her breath comment that Dr. Hoffman makes about David thinking that his mom is some sort of immortal, cyclical creature, and Victoria changing her name from Maggie Evans. Speaking of Victoria changing her name from Maggie Evans, that was easily the stupidest part of the film. It was clear that it was just a nod to a character from the series that they didn't include, but it made no fucking sense, as Victoria made up the name Victoria on the train from New York to Maine, after already getting the job to be the governess, showed up at the door, said "My name is Victoria, I'm the new governess", and they were all like "Oh, yeah, come in, Victoria. We've been expecting you". No, you weren't. You were expecting Maggie Evens, you dumb shits. |
I saw The Avengers over the weekend with Abbey, Shannon, and her son. The first half of the movie bored me to tears. I left to smoke about three times during the first half of the movie, and I only ever do that once during a film. I will admit that the second half was kind of fun, and that The Hulk was pretty great. The "puny god" section in particular was amusing.
I saw Memento the other day. What a boring movie. I just couldn't get into it at all. I found the acting lame and emotionless, and a lame, uninteresting plot that I just could not get into. Hell, I fell asleep about 3/4s through the movie. Maybe it's just not my kind of movie, I dunno. Just did not find it interesting.
Same. The plot was dull. Chopping up a bad plot does not make it into a good plot.
You people are weird.