Your drinking needs huh?
Well, I suppose I could fill a drum with urine just for you - but please refrain from drinking it around the rest of us. |
In all seriousness how long would you guys like to be in London for?
no piss water Carling allowed. |
Very unlikely I'll have the time or money this year due to school and a trip to Vegas.
Well depending on the date and how we're all going to put ourselves up, anything from a weekend to a nine days is what I can do.
England is a very costly vacation- when I went there last there was a 'privelidge' tax that we paid just to be able to enter the country, and since the dollar was weak everything was mondo expensive.
I'm an Australia fan. |
I should think Charlie can put up up to a dozen visitors.
I just kicked his ass at Quake. So I'm sleepin on the couch.
Well I don't mind sorting out a few days worth of meet up stuff in London, I assume you'd all like to fuck off and do your own things too.
Though I am going to have to say maybe no <18s because I like beer too much. EDIT: :
Poor Kastere.
I'll bring king size sleeping bags for me and the gays.
How bout just one, big, pre-lubricated sack for all you poo-pokers to cram into?
And then I can house you all in south east London
Well Nikki (AKA YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!! is welcome to join us, or at least me.
Well she can fly her own ass out to London. After all, it only costs like five dollars for her.
I can maybe put one or two people up for a night or two, no food provided. But it'll have to be people I've spoken to frequently and like. So not you Peter.
Well i'm not ruling it out, see what everyone else wants to do.
I know certain people in London... Would they house? No idea... not to sure at all...MAybe Joe would =D ??? But that's pretty far away.
Or maybe us non-londoners could split a room and bring flexible matress thingies and sleeping bags ^^ |
Sure I could house you if you wanted, but I'll be living in another country.
Wich is why splitting a room sounds better :D or something...
As far as I am aware I am the only active adult member of OWF in London, so you all better be nice to me:p
Though really, either way, I probably wouldn't be able to make it. |
Wow. I am so jealous. Sleeping with random strangers from the internet, you guys have it good.
No. |
Of course for those of you who are interesting in "slumming it" with us yanks, we'll all be more than happy to fix you up a meal fried in cheese, lard, and motor discharge. A real 'merican experience. |
Odd, I always assumed you were American. Oh well. Nevermind then!
And yes, sir, I am a dick. But you, you sir... are the grand poohbah of dicks. |
I'd love to go, but i will be unable to attend. You motherfuckers come anywhere near Bristol on your travels you let me know...
Sheffield does sound a decent alternative venue. Also I am another able cooker. I can cook a lot of stuff to ok standard, but I can do a fucking amazing chicken chow mein. If you don't love my chicken chow mein you're not human.
I can cook some Romanian dishes and some generic, boring danish dishes, or I can just experiment and blow up the kitchen :D
Edit: Also, be nice to Kastere, Chris! >: ( |
I can cook, thus providing meals for myself and Zozo. (y)
I can cook. :hobo:
It's been established we can all cook. Honestly, who can't in this day and age? Thanks to the invention of the microwave, a thumbless mongoloid could prepare Turkey Ala King.
But I can cook without a microwave.
A kettle and a phone will keep me fed for a week.