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-   -   My Custom Oddworld sprites. (Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga styled.) (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=14513)

Stranger's Girl 10-20-2006 03:32 PM

Cute. I like it, Arxryl. ^_^

Arxryl 10-20-2006 04:33 PM

If anybody wants to have a shot at editing any of my sprites feel free to!
(as right now I can't do much more spriting on them. I just can't think of how to...)

Creepy Doc 10-22-2006 12:56 AM

Pretty cool!

I like also your new signature picture :D!


(P.S.: I used Goofy as a base sprite.


But it worked well anyway!

Arxryl 10-22-2006 09:58 AM

Thank you For all of your kind comments! they are greatly appreciated!

Cullen Heath 10-22-2006 08:11 PM

Wow, that Goofy-Abe is really cool. I like all of them, man. Great job, looking forward to more.;)

Arxryl 10-22-2006 08:38 PM

Yeah. I'm working on CoM sprites as of now, so if anyone has a suggestion of a Chain of Memories sprite i could make, tell me!

Matriar 10-24-2006 02:07 AM

How about Lorne Lanning? :lol:

Arxryl 10-24-2006 04:43 PM

heh heh heh. that's such a crazy idea, but heck! I'll try it when I get the chance!

Arxryl 11-10-2006 10:00 AM

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Sorry for the double post, but I finished Lorne Lanning! I know it isn't the best sprite I've done by far, but I think it's an accurate representation...

Bullet Magnet 11-10-2006 06:33 PM

Make him walk. Make him do Abe's voice. Make him direct the OWI creative department.

Arxryl 11-11-2006 09:01 AM

Heh heh heh. that's a good idea. I'll work on the animations later.

scrab queen 11-12-2006 06:40 PM

WOW! awesome sprites! I'll see if I can make a good scrab, but I can't say that it will be the same style as the others. All I know is to make them small, 2d, and slightly chibi-fied. And because I get visited by the windows blue screen of death all too often (83 and counting), I think Arxryl will have to animate them when I get enough. Is that okay?

Edit: forget about it, MS paint sucks. Maybe you can use it as a guide to making a new scrab sprite. (note: scrabs squat slightly on thier legs, and they aren't always in line with each other.)

Arxryl 11-12-2006 09:56 PM

That's a good sprite you have there! and yes I know they don't have their legs aligned much, but I needed to simplify it a bit to get it in the right style. However I am glad you are watching for detail.
Agian, that's a good sprite. and if anyone else wants a crack at editing or making some custom sprites and posting them here, go ahead!

Matriar 11-16-2006 01:14 PM

I just think it's chest is a bit too broad but else, it looks good! :)

Arxryl 11-16-2006 02:34 PM

I think the reason it's chest looks so large is because in the original picture of the scrab, you don't see the other side of it due to the lighting on the scrab. but that's just what I think.

aaj111 11-21-2006 09:44 AM

I must see a Paramite. Those are so cool, especially the animated ones.

Arxryl 11-21-2006 10:31 AM

Well thank you. I am trying to find a way to make a sprite of a paramite, but I am running into many a problem. Like size, shape, animation, and other things. However, in my existence on the oddworld forums, I shall bring you a paramite! Alive or dead!

aaj111 11-21-2006 01:28 PM

Yay. Yeah, Paramites are kinda weird shaped to begin with, With their spider like bodies.

Arxryl 11-21-2006 02:28 PM

Yes, but mostly transforming the paramite into a roughly chibi animatable sprite is the hard part. heh heh heh

EDIT:Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
here's a paramite sprite for you!

and a small animation...Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Creepy Doc 11-22-2006 11:22 AM

Hey, you did that paramite-animation very well! It looks really good. :)

Can you make an animation about a yelling paramite?

Arxryl 11-23-2006 08:05 AM

I'll try and make one, but I have pink eye today as well as having Thanksgiving...

Creepy Doc 11-24-2006 02:31 AM

Oh... okay then.

dripik_12 11-24-2006 04:17 AM

That paramite animation looks cool:)

aaj111 11-24-2006 06:10 AM

I love it. O.o

Arxryl 11-24-2006 09:27 AM

thanx! I also have the screeching sprites done and once I can make an animation with them, I'll post them here!

scrab queen 11-24-2006 03:36 PM

WOW... :fuzblink:

Cullen Heath 11-24-2006 07:11 PM

Ha, he can make anything! Great. I am looking very forward to the screeming Paramite;)

Arxryl 11-25-2006 07:32 AM

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Here's the sprites and here is the animation...
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
I know it isn't too fancy, but I just wanted to see how it would animate.

dripik_12 11-25-2006 08:51 AM

WOW:eek:That looks great:D

aaj111 11-25-2006 09:09 AM

It's awesome, but the little 'mouth' usually spreads out a little more than that, I think. Or maybe it's just because it's slow or not the real thing that makes it seem not right. lol, I love it.

Cullen Heath 11-29-2006 08:54 PM

Wow, these are all so great. Thanks for showing them to us, I love them.

That new Paramite on is great. Well done.;)

Creepy Doc 11-30-2006 03:54 AM

Wow, that looks nice! Good job.

Arxryl 11-30-2006 02:37 PM

Thanx guys! all of your comments have made me feel very good about these little sprites. I'll try to bring you more of them, but as of late I haven't had much more time than to come here and post.

Fuzzle Guy 12-02-2006 01:25 PM

Make an oddworld christmas one

Arxryl 12-02-2006 08:04 PM

I should make a GIF animation of that... that's a good idea.

Arxryl 12-03-2006 11:42 AM

Sorry for the double post, I just wanted to show you my new Christmas sprited sprites!
Merry early Christmas!
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
I will be working on a gif animation for these guys, so stay tuned.

Cullen Heath 12-03-2006 12:01 PM

These are cool, but what are those last three?

Creepy Doc 12-03-2006 01:21 PM

Great! :D

...Stranger as a gnome? :lol:

Arxryl 12-03-2006 08:32 PM


These are cool, but what are those last three?

the last three are outlaws form stranger's wrath. My brother made them, and I put them into christmas colors.

snuzi 12-03-2006 08:45 PM

Wow, great job on the sprites, Arxryl. They look awesome :)