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Djwolf9000 07-16-2014 03:30 PM


We'll be running our own livestream soon, probably on Monday. Will sort out details nearer the time.

I hope that you will not die so much like the streamer

V_O_T 07-16-2014 03:30 PM

Wicked! Can't wait to see pros play the game lol.

Also, infinite grenades for killing all mudokons? Y/n?

Ledeux 07-16-2014 03:42 PM

wheres the second half at!

Ledeux 07-16-2014 03:44 PM

also its looking absolutely fantastic!

Crashpunk 07-16-2014 03:57 PM


I thought I forgot to do something tonight...

Scrabaniac 07-16-2014 04:07 PM

Ok just finished watching the whole lot, It truly looks amazing, even though it was very painful to watch that guy play it :P I am in love with the menu screen and the transition to the beginning of the game going through Abe's peephole :P

Holy Sock 07-16-2014 04:13 PM

MOD EDIT: Deleted the embedded video, because autoplay is annoying and Twitch doesn't appear to support setting it to False.

Watch live video from PSNation on Twitch

JennyGenesis 07-16-2014 04:27 PM

No more watching anymore of the game for me now, I'm simply going to wait till next week! By the way, I found the gamespeak controls odd, in the sense that you only hold one of the shoulders buttons for commands yet the first set of commands are always available on the D-pad?

Holy Sock 07-16-2014 04:31 PM

Much better I think.

JennyGenesis 07-16-2014 04:36 PM

Anybody notice this? The game's logo is in the corner of the screen in the FMV, now either the new n tasty written on the board is the product within the game or the boards really represents JAW's predictions of how well the game will sell :P

Phylum 07-16-2014 05:51 PM

Is there a way to turn off autoplay in that embedded video? That would be a considerate thing to do for people with potato internet, or using mobile devices.

MeechCrunchies 07-16-2014 06:23 PM

Has it been uploaded to Togg yet?
I can't view Twitch, Youtube, or any major streaming site.

Connell 07-16-2014 06:38 PM

Just got home from work and gave up an hour of sleep to watch the stream. It looks great. There are probably several things I'd have said or asked if I was in the stream but right now I'm just too tired, although I do know I am extremely determined to get to the top of the leader boards for this game! Watching him play was pretty darn excruciating... I was squeezing the sides of my bed in frustration wishing I could duck for him etc. Reminded me very much of playing Oddysee with my sister and the infuriated rants I would go on ;)

Djwolf9000 07-16-2014 09:02 PM

Hey guys,i didn't get it (my english is not that perfect),Stewart was saying about subtitles and he mentioned russian and i didn't get it,is he was talking that New 'n' Tasty already inclides russian subtitles or it's going to have a russian?

Djwolf9000 07-16-2014 09:03 PM

And i didn't heard the size of the game

Xavier 07-16-2014 11:51 PM


Has it been uploaded to Togg yet?
I can't view Twitch, Youtube, or any major streaming site.

I'm sorry for the wait but the process takes some time (Download + Conversion + Thumnail snap + Upload).

I tried to do it this morning but the download took ages so I wasn't able to convert it yet. I'll try to do this tonight. ;)

Djwolf9000 07-16-2014 11:59 PM

If someone needs recorded stream,here you go http://youtu.be/dYv1F_-Ijs4

Xavier 07-17-2014 12:18 AM

Ah nice, that might be better then the one ripped from Twich. Thanks for sharing.

OWI_Alex 07-17-2014 12:47 AM


Hey guys,i didn't get it (my english is not that perfect),Stewart was saying about subtitles and he mentioned russian and i didn't get it,is he was talking that New 'n' Tasty already inclides russian subtitles or it's going to have a russian?

Hi. New 'n' Tasty has Russian subs at launch, in the EU version of the game.


Ok just finished watching the whole lot, It truly looks amazing, even though it was very painful to watch that guy play it :P I am in love with the menu screen and the transition to the beginning of the game going through Abe's peephole :P

Yay! Yes! And Yay!


No more watching anymore of the game for me now, I'm simply going to wait till next week! By the way, I found the gamespeak controls odd, in the sense that you only hold one of the shoulders buttons for commands yet the first set of commands are always available on the D-pad?

Yep. Hi, All o' ya, Wait and Follow me are on the D-pad all the time. Whistles, farts and laughs are via D-pad and R2. :)


And i didn't heard the size of the game

File size? It's approximately 4.7Gb.


Anybody notice this? The game's logo is in the corner of the screen in the FMV, now either the new n tasty written on the board is the product within the game or the boards really represents JAW's predictions of how well the game will sell :P

It's the product! ;)


Good stream :) When abe chants,will the birds still appear above his head in hard mode? Looks out of place if there is no health for him. Regardless, it looks brilliant. The quality of a AAA product with out the big companies behind it. Great work guys :)

The birds are there on Hard, yeah. Technically although it's still one shot kills from Sligs, you /do/ still have health. I think bats don't kill you in one hit, for example, and you can still absorb birds.

Varrok 07-17-2014 01:03 AM

Where does Abe get all these bottle caps from? I mean, they don't have Soulstorm Brew there. And even if they had, Abe's not a heavy drinker... or is he??

DarkHoodness 07-17-2014 01:09 AM

Gotta have something to get you through the day. Ever think about how he doesn't get drunk off brew in AE? :P Perhaps he's a closet alcoholic.

Varrok 07-17-2014 01:30 AM

That's why he's always happy and/or angry

Wil 07-17-2014 01:30 AM


The birds are there on Hard, yeah. Technically although it's still one shot kills from Sligs, you /do/ still have health. I think bats don't kill you in one hit, for example, and you can still absorb birds.

I think folks might find it interesting to learn Abe had invisible health in the original Abe's Oddysee, it's just that only bees (and in Exoddus, Fleeches) reduced it by anything less than 100%.

MeechMunchie 07-17-2014 01:39 AM

Not quite invisible - Abe indicated his health via the pitch of his groans.

OWI_Alex 07-17-2014 01:41 AM


Not quite invisible - Abe indicated his health via the pitch of his groans.

So invisible then, just not inaudible. :p

JennyGenesis 07-17-2014 02:02 AM

Bats don't kill you in one hit?


V_O_T 07-17-2014 03:18 AM

That... actually makes perfect sense lol. Now that I think about it, he did technically have that hp system. Its explanations like this that make me go "Oh yeah. All good then :)" lol

Im picturing exoddus now how its going to look and im incredibly excited for the future of OI and JAW. You do know you guys are going to reach your 250k units goal within like, 2 weeks. lol

Scrabaniac 07-17-2014 03:43 AM

It looks like bats are easier, but UXB's are harder :P I couldn't really make heads or tails of the timing of them :P

Djwolf9000 07-17-2014 03:48 AM


That... actually makes perfect sense lol. Now that I think about it, he did technically have that hp system. Its explanations like this that make me go "Oh yeah. All good then :)" lol

Im picturing exoddus now how its going to look and im incredibly excited for the future of OI and JAW. You do know you guys are going to reach your 250k units goal within like, 2 weeks. lol

It would be cool if they could reach 250 k just for one day,like Superhot kickstarter :D

Xavier 07-17-2014 03:50 AM

I hope the JAW livestream will get us at least to the moon cutscene. Please guys, at least the moon.

I'm realy excited to see oddworld come alive again! I hope they will reach those 250K in no time. They should add a little progress bar a bit like with Kickstarter on oddworld.com so we can track it and celebrate when we know they will start on AE or something new. :p