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Hulaabeo 11-05-2012 02:58 AM

My friend got me into Doctor Who, I started watching from the 2005 series. I thought it was pretty cool, so I thought I might as well see if I can find any other DW episodes. I found the older ones, Like Tomb of the Cybermen and Robots of Death (I thinks that's what they were called). I found those pretty cool too.

Then I stumbled across Torchwood...

Nepsotic 11-05-2012 07:02 AM

You poor bastard.

Strike Witch 12-26-2012 06:19 PM

Christmas special was alright

I hope this doesn't keep happening though.

Nate 12-26-2012 06:45 PM

I liked it. And I liked the new opening credits. I could go either way on the new TARDIS, though; the overall style was a bit meh, but the circumferencing console is quite cool.

SW: I assume by 'this', you mean the similarity to South Park. I just hope that she doesn't turn out to be the most important person in the universe! You know, like Donna. And like Amy.

Phylum 12-26-2012 07:01 PM

I liked it, too. I completely agree with Nate on the TARDIS design. The rotating part above the console was excellent.

I knew that Clara was going to die once it became clear that she was the same character as Oswin. I'm wondering if she's going to die at the end of each episode, leaving the Doctor with a new version of the same companion to meet each week. The trailer didn't seem to support that, but I don't imagine they would give it away too early.

I really like this companion already. She works much better with Smith than the Ponds.

Wings of Fire 12-26-2012 07:02 PM

By keep happening she means keep dying.

I liked her, but at the same time I thought she was sort of trying too hard to be a well written female character in a setting where it's just not appropriate. It's HAHA VICTORIAN VALUES SUCK on one hand and LOOK AT OUR LIBERATED WOMENZ on the other.

Phylum 12-26-2012 07:57 PM

I must have missed that amidst the lizard-woman and her wife.

STM 12-27-2012 01:50 AM

I just thought the plot was a bit crap really. It was kind of fun and Matt Smith gave off his usual flair for the Doctor with his little jokes, but the whole snow monster thing was a bit silly. That being said though, I was wondering if perhaps this creature is a precursor to the Yetis? The consciousness and all...

Nepsotic 12-27-2012 04:41 AM


I must have missed that amidst the lizard-woman and her wife.

I'm guessing you didn't watch the Silurian episode in series 5?

Wings of Fire 12-27-2012 04:50 AM


I must have missed that amidst the lizard-woman and her wife.

They are aliens. That was just sci-fi writers being sci-fi writers.

AlexFili 12-27-2012 08:26 AM

Problem is there is a lack of long story arcs and lack of friendly aliens (this has changed as of recent times, but still... why are all the aliens they find evil? Where are all the friendly ones?!).

The idea of a character dying at the end of each episode reminds me of Captain Scarlet and Kenny from South Park.

OANST 12-27-2012 09:07 AM

You were right. This thread really does antagonize me. I should really stop reading it. But then, how would I know what to hate?

Varrok 12-27-2012 11:03 AM

People mostly hate things they don't understand. Reading the topic might lead to understanding.

STM 12-27-2012 11:57 AM

Varrok just called OANST dumb! I seen'd it!

Nepsotic 12-27-2012 12:05 PM


They are aliens. That was just sci-fi writers being sci-fi writers.

They aren't aliens, actually. Silurians occupied the earth before humans.

OANST 12-27-2012 12:12 PM


People mostly hate things they don't understand. Reading the topic might lead to understanding.

The more I understand Dr. Who, the more I hate Dr. Who.

Phylum 12-27-2012 01:12 PM

I saw the Silurian episode. I think Nep missed the point I was trying to make.


lack of friendly aliens (this has changed as of recent times, but still... why are all the aliens they find evil? Where are all the friendly ones?!).

A Town Called Mercy? The Beast Below? The Christmas special that was on the other night? I'm sure there are more, but the characters are so insignificant that I can't remember them.

The last few series have included quite a few inexplicable alien extras who are friendly.

Nepsotic 12-27-2012 04:37 PM

loads, actually, especially the first series, and in the classic seasons, most of the aliens were friendly.

hedjeroo 12-27-2012 05:19 PM

Sassy potato dwarf was a fantastic character and I really need to look at the minisodes they released with these other characters, I feel out of the loop with them otherwise.

Nate 12-27-2012 08:11 PM

I just had another thought. I'm glad that for once the new companion isn't from early 21st century earth. Well... who knows where she'll have been from next episode, admittedly. But it always bugged me that with all of time and space, he keeps finding girls from the same era. And then they keep returning to that era for increasingly unlikely plots.

Phylum 12-27-2012 08:22 PM

There are a whole host of ways in which the writers justify this, but realistically it's the only time period they can write for a companion character. There's already enough inconsistency between episodes as to what it means to be a 21st Century girl.

Nate 12-27-2012 09:28 PM


There are a whole host of ways in which the writers justify this, but realistically it's the only time period they can write for a companion character. There's already enough inconsistency between episodes as to what it means to be a 21st Century girl.

Why must a companion be from the 21st century? Why must they even be human (as compared to human-shaped)? There have been many interesting, relatable secondary characters from all races and time-periods over the last seven years. And bear in mind that the classic series had a much wider range of companion over the years.

OANST 12-28-2012 05:35 AM

They should have the next companion be one of those garbage can things!

Manco 12-28-2012 06:05 AM

If they actually did that I might watch the show.


Queen Skillya 12-28-2012 01:17 PM


They should have the next companion be one of those garbage can things!

That shoot lasers and are sentient and want to take over the world!

Nate 12-28-2012 02:25 PM

Still more interesting than Rose.

Wings of Fire 12-28-2012 02:30 PM

It's one of the tragedies of life that to mention how bad Rose was, you first must mention Rose.

Nepsotic 12-28-2012 02:44 PM

She was better than Martha, I fucking hated her. Thinking she was the shit. Bitch.

STM 12-28-2012 04:28 PM

It's because she's black, isn't it. Bloody racists.

Varrok 12-29-2012 12:43 AM

My judgement wasn't based on that (I mean, no one is perfect, right?)... she still failed