My statement is Mass Effect is a generally really bad and retarded, commercial as hell series (has some good and a few great moments though), but my opinion is a result of comparision to classic cRPGs which were awesome.
Oh, and the "endings" are a ripoff from Deus Ex (No, I'm serious. Synthesis ending is Merging with Helios, Control ending is the Illuminati ending, Destroy ending is a... destroy ending from DE)... on the other side, most (if not all [Citation_needed]) plot points are ripoffs |
It's not necessarily a bad game, but it definitely is the worst in the trilogy.
It's confirmed Bioware are making a better ending.
Ha! |
I like it a lot more than Mass Effect 2. Although it's a shame not to have a Krogan on the crew. Also it's a bit too linear story-wise, but otherwise great.
No Krogan squad mate?! Then it's definitely the worst out of the three. Don't tell me you can't have Garrus as a squadmate...
You can have Garrus as a squadmate.
Also, I've never fought with ANY krogan in ME3. That's a bit disappointing. |
They're allies, true, but gameplaywise it would be better if there is some more variety in enemies. I've never fought turians as well... or asari... or quarians... I just fought cerberus forces and reaper forces through the entire game. I'm also dissapointed the other races (Elcors, Hanars and have completely no importance in ME3. I mean, I only remember that races BEING in ME3, that's all.
Actually, I think Mass Effect 3 has more variety in enemies than the other two. And to be fair, you do fight Krogans, and every other race. You just fight versions of them that have been taken over by reapers.
And this is a game that concentrates on building an army to take out the Reapers. Why would we spend a great deal of time on races that have little to no military strength? |
I dunno, it's never been shown but I remember reading about the Elcor YEARS ago on the Mass Effect Wiki and it mentioned that militarized Elcor strap tremendous artillery pieces too their backs and just kind of meander in the direction of the enemy raining death. That would have been very, very cool.
I imagine the Volus depend on rolling down a very steep hill and simply bowling enemy forces over. |
Speaking of enemies, Banshees are fucking horrible. Just before you encounter one I was thinking to myself that I hadn't seen a Reaperfied Asari yet. I tried to imagine how that would work, with all their biotic powers and stuff. Must be one horrible creature that comes out of that combination.
I turn a corner, and fuck I was right. |
You never get to see this regiment, but it adds a little bit to your over all preparedness for the final battle. |
How come everyone seems to be fine with the fact that, as Varrok said, Bioware completely copied Deus Ex's endings?
I haven't played Deus Ex. So, I don't know.
Well now you don't even have to.
I've only seen the Deus ex endings out of context and I thought they were fucking stupid.
I've seen the ME3 ending out of context and I thought it was even worse. |
Someone at EA probably had a brainfart and went 'Hey! Hey that popular game that wasn't made by one of our studio's did really well! Let's copy their ending! No I don't care what you had planned for the ending, do as I say!'. |
Okay. I've beaten the game and got to the ending. And my general opinion of it is that it's not much of an ending at all. None of the plot points in the previous games make any relevance whatsoever, you don't see any Asari, Krogans, Turians, Quarians. What's worse, you had that stupid kid that LIES because he says only one option causes the Mass Relays to be destroyed... but all the options do that. Stupid damned kid.
One other thing, why was Joker flying away? It makes no sense at all. And now all the alien races are stuck on Earth which has been destroyed. Facepalm moment. I still love the game. I can't really start hating something due to the final 20 minutes of the game. Bioware reacts to comments so hopefully this issue will be resolved somehow, either by retcon, DLC or other solution. Love multiplayer too. It's really addictive and makes sense for the story. Here's an alternative ending to give you all the happy feeling you deserve. |
Speaking to the "stuck on Earth" point. The FTL drives in Mass Effect would allow them to travel from one side of the galaxy to the other in about 25 years without using Mass Relays. Most species could be back on their home planets in about ten years.
Another problem with the last few missions, just how do the Reapers manage to sneakily move the Citadel to Earth. This makes no sense for several reasons:
1) It would take time to move it 2) There would be people on the Citadel that would notice something 3) There would be at least one person on the inside who could open it Edit: There's a console you have to access to see the endgame messages. Also, I didn't even know you could choose between three endings. The whole "walk towards the colour" thing was never explained to me properly! |
Yeah after the assault on the Cerberus HQ nothing makes sense anymore. Suddenly the Citadel has been moved, conveniently, to Earth, even though the Reapers have no reason to but it there explicitly since there is no real 'main attack' in the Reaper's invasion. Obviously they needed an excuse for a battle on Earth but this is just forcing in a plot device like forcing an anorexic girl to eat 6 Big Macs in 2,353 seconds.
There's not even a movie of sorts to show how they are moving it or what happens on the Citadel during the move. It's just 'Good job on that attack, Shepard. Oh btw, the Citadel is now in orbit around Earth. Bye!'. |
EDIT: Damn ninjas! |
Devastated Earth/Sol system hardly has food for humans and not for huge multirace fleet to pack
I think he meant that the Quarians grow food for their entire fleet onboard their ships, since they didn't have a homeworld.
They still died in Mass Relay's explosion, so it doesn't matter anyway |
No, they didn't. The explosions weren't really explosions. They were more like bursts of energy that performed specific tasks.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if something burst destructive energy, and after that the thing itself is destroyed too, it's a clear definition of an explosion :P
The Mass Relays quite clearly seem to be destroyed as well, OANST.
They were supposed to be destroyed. They were destroyed because they were the conduits for that energy burst, and it overloaded them. It's clearly shown in Mass Effect 2 what happens when a Mass Relay is destroyed by means other than an overload, and it's an explosion that takes out just about everything in the solar system. I thought it was pretty clear that those bursts of energy caused targeted destruction.