Sequence is weird, I think TotalBiscuit made a video of it.
Serious Sam series is on sale, including Gold Edition (First & Second Encounter HD + original versions) for £2.99.
6 Holiday coal already, it's a glorious day.
Well that sucks, I crafted 7 coal and got a 50% off coupon for The Binding of Isaac. |
I've got
Just got Wings of Prey as a reward for my TF2 achievement. Doesn't look particularly interesting to me, anyone wanna buy/trade it? |
I have 4 coal. I also picked up a copy of Defence Grid that I don't really want. I've posted on the OWF Facebook group about it, but no one's claimed it.
It'll go to the first person to PM me. EDIT: Defence Grid has been gifted to an rl friend. Sorry, guys. |
Ditto for my 50% off VVVVVV, though I might use it otherwise.
Sequence is great if you love games with RPG elements, and rythm games :) I own it already, and when i get back to DK, ima see if it works with my Dance Pad :p |
Out of crafting my precious coal, I got a -50% coupon for the Frozenbyte Collection (the Shadowground games and Trine). I'm willing to trade if anyone's interested. I also have a coupon for Airline Tycoon, but I'm not very optimistic about its trade value.
But even better, GTA complete pack for 10 euros. Motherfucker, it even includes GTA IV and the add-ons.
Got Deus Ex for 17 bucks. Fallout New Vegas is on sale for 5. Go get it if you don't have it yet.
I just crafted 7 more coal and got 10% OFF Square Enix, Eidos Interactive. That's 21 coal used up to make useless coupons.
FUCK YOU STEAM! Seriously, this isn't fair. People are getting CS:GO, Dota 2 beta keys and free brand new games like Batman: Arkham City. |
Magicka aka Type Really Fast To Make Things Explode, £1.99.
This is the game that gave us The Super Electric Exploding Ice Wall. Also both Bioshocks for £3.49. |
Why craft coal in the first place if every piece is a ticket in the lottery on Monday? The coupons are mostly shitty anyway.
Crafting coal doesn't give you any better presents than the achievements. That means that you'll probably get something really shit. It's definitely not worth it.
Everyone with an appreciation for 3D shooters NEEDS to get both Bioshocks.
EDIT: Also reading what people are saying about this whole Steam coupons for achievements thing they've got going on makes me glad I haven't bothered with it. Still, "Free" stuff though. If you don't count the effort and time spent getting the achievements. |
I'd rather craft the coal than keep it because, face it, there are millions of other people in the same raffle as you are, the chances that you'll win are extremely low.
But the chances of getting a shit present by crafting it is very high. There's shit-all point doing either.
Well yeah, that too. I mean, I got a lousy coupon for 50% off of MumboJumbo complete pack. Meh.
I crafted them because there isn't anyway I'll win the compatition. Plus a chance to get free games :)
I love Magika but it sadly doesn't run on my PC :( |
Meh I should have crafted them. Didn't get shit for them :(
Ah, well. It's a lottery, after all. There's always the Summer Sale.
For some reason I expected them to be quite generous with the lottery, as in the chances being quite high. How many prizes were given away anyway?
This guy won the grand prize. "Show all 2,203 games". Jesus. |
What was the grand prize?
How about the 2000+ games on his library?
Seriously they gave away 2000+ games? Wtf...
Basically, the grand prize was all current Steam games. That guy won it.
Well shit if I had know it was just one big prize like that I wouldn't even have bothered to participate.