God would be cool, if he wasn't so..... restricting. You know? |
Define restricting, do you mean restricting as in stopping idolatry, sodomy and murdering your neighbours? Yeh that's terrible ;) |
No, restricting as in you're going to hell for having sex outside of marriage, having bastard children, take drugs and say my baby boys name in vain. That's my view on how restricting his his.
@Ridg3, when the Bible was written you have to remember that it was a different time with different social morals and etiquette. To be fair usually a couple that has sex after marriage has a longer marriage, religious or not, bastard children are generally harder to raise, the Bible says nothing about drugs (not including alcohol I suppose). So it's not that bad, and saying Jesus in vain is like swearing or using a divine name as an insult so you must be able to see why that's bad.
Great. Putting words in someone's mouth is a good way to win a debate :) No.. I'm more with Ridg3 on this one. Also, you can't use the whole "Bible was written in another time", cos essentially, that makes me think it shouldn't be followed anymore cos it's outdated. Which it is. You don't want that, do you? You have to argue for why it should still be followed even if it's outdated, cos if you don't follow it, you're going to heeeell!! D= |
@Nexy, well some of the bible is outdated, if I'm honest I believe God created the world but I don't know about the way it is portrayed in Genesis however, quite a bit of the late Old Testament and most of the New Testament can be applied to modern life such as love thy Melbourne.
ok,sorry gonna remove that,may i ask why do we have to argue and debate if god exists,if someone thinks he exists let him think that if not he doesnt have to,this is like a war for eternity :/
Oh yea. I'm all for Sodomy too :D That's one of the stupid restrictions I was talking about. (I just googled the word).
In fact, I find the whole "Your body is your temple" pretty stupid. If it's my temple, I should be able to decide it's rules and stuff, no? |
can i ask,if god made the universe,where did he came from? :I
For the record, I do the sodomizing.
Do you have proof for any of this at all? Or are you just talking out of your ass, as usual? |
My brother is a bastard child, and we all know how he turned out.
Though, in a loose definition so am I. |
How did he turn out?...
Picture in your mind the acne riddled, greasy haired, trenchcoated douchebag who uses five dollar words because he honestly believes doing so makes him a better person. Now imagine him actually believing that Norse mythology is real, and using crystals to divine the future.
He turned out worse than that. |
^ that my friends is at least partial evidence...no offence WoF
You didn't answer my question. Why is sodomy wrong?
I don't know, it's wrong because God said it's wrong...I suppose it's morally disgusting?
If anything I'd say its physically disgusting, but that's subjective, as some people are into that sorta shit.
Daxter is right but let me put an example to you...anal sex, the act of putting ones penis into another's anus for pleasure...yeh that's lovely.
It can be quite lovely, yes.
I enjoyed it.
He did.