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Disgruntled Intern 05-10-2010 12:37 PM

Kastere, that pipe is horrible looking. Do yourself a favor and upgrade to pyrex.

Anonyman! 05-10-2010 01:31 PM

It kind of does look like aluminum foil. But as long as it's functional I wouldn't give a poopy either.

Mac Sirloin 05-10-2010 02:01 PM

Nah, it sucks. I mean, it works, but it's gross and stupid. I'm going to get a new one right now.



EDIT: I've decided to just modify a soda bottle with my pipe to make a makeshift bong. It will look thunderously stupid, of course, but I get absolutely obliterated when I use a bong, and since I'm done in two days anyway, it's not like I'll have anything else to do.

Pilot 05-10-2010 03:17 PM

You ought to see my home made bong which I made out of pieces of 4" black ABS 'Y' pipe and galvanized steel for the bowl. I call it The Monolith.

Sekto Springs 05-10-2010 04:49 PM

I recently bought a Changjuk, a traditional Korean long pipe.
It's mostly for show, but I plan on using it for salvia.


I'm not an avid smoker of anything per se. I have an unimpressive, completely black hookah that I smoke on occasion. A friend of mine named it "Dark Angel", I just call it "my hookah" because the former sounds stupid.

I wanna specify that I haven't smoked salvia in this pipe yet. My experience with salvia was poor as my friend and I tried to smoke it out of emptied cigarettes. We got buzzed, but it was barely functional.

Anonyman! 05-10-2010 05:11 PM


You ought to see my home made bong which I made out of pieces of 4" black ABS 'Y' pipe and galvanized steel for the bowl. I call it The Monolith.





Nate 05-11-2010 02:42 AM


EDIT: I've decided to just modify a soda bottle with my pipe to make a makeshift bong. It will look thunderously stupid, of course, but I get absolutely obliterated when I use a bong, and since I'm done in two days anyway, it's not like I'll have anything else to do.

Bad idea. Heat + plastic = even worse fumes than you were intending on inhaling.

Sekto Springs 05-11-2010 02:57 AM

I assume he meant a glass soda bottle. Not that those are too popular these days.

Nate 05-11-2010 03:04 AM

I just had flashbacks to high school, when the teacher told us in no uncertain terms that plastic bongs were a bad idea.

Yes, my school was awesome.

Sekto Springs 05-11-2010 03:16 AM

I think most schools at this point know they can't stop kids from trying to pull dumb stunts like that, so at the very least they provide information on how to have a relatively safe experience. Same deal with handing out free condoms.

This reminds me of that story of those two desperate stoners that died after smoking poison sumac.

Disgruntled Intern 05-11-2010 09:11 AM


Ridg3 05-11-2010 10:51 AM

I'm not a big fan of bongs, I can never pull on it without choking. I prefer joints instead.

OANST 05-11-2010 11:03 AM

Throw some ice and water in that bitch. Makes the smoke nice and smooth.

Wings of Fire 05-11-2010 11:25 AM

This should be renamed the weed thread.

Then I don't have to look at it.

Disgruntled Intern 05-11-2010 11:53 AM

Now you know how we feel about the shit you post, WoF. Go rub one out to pokemon and stfu

shaman 05-11-2010 11:54 AM

Exactly. Karma does not dissapoint.

Wings of Fire 05-11-2010 12:02 PM

I knew I was being a hypocrite before I made that post, I'm just amazed that this discussion lasted all weekend.

OANST 05-11-2010 12:06 PM

Time works differently when you've been smoking the weed.

Aren't you at a university? Have you really never smoked pot? Christ, man. Get high. You're young, and it isn't even remotely dangerous.

Wings of Fire 05-11-2010 12:10 PM

My body is far too fragile to put anything into my system, look what three double vodkas do to me.

The thought of smoking anything just makes me feel uncomfortable.


Mac Sirloin 05-11-2010 12:13 PM

I made this while editing my post and forgot to post it.



Bad idea. Heat + plastic = even worse fumes than you were intending on inhaling.

If I wasn't as good at building things as I am I'd take this to heart, but MacGyver Bongs are usually safe if you're not an ungodly retard.


I assume he meant a glass soda bottle. Not that those are too popular these days.

Or a wine bottle. The only problem is boring the hole.

OANST 05-11-2010 12:13 PM

It's a much nicer feeling than being drunk.

Wings of Fire 05-11-2010 12:14 PM

That's good, because being drunk isn't a very nice feeling at all.

OANST 05-11-2010 12:17 PM

I apparently might be getting some shrooms soon. I haven't done that in like eight or nine years. Could be fun.

MA 05-11-2010 12:30 PM


That's good, because being drunk isn't a very nice feeling at all.

you aren't human.

unless you're referring to the paralytic spewing-up drunk, which isn't drunk and is actually stupid.

STM 05-11-2010 12:37 PM

I only got drunk once and that was happy not incredibly drunk drunk. But I like a merlot and drink sensibly. Indoubtiably

OANST 05-11-2010 12:40 PM

Are you drunk right now, by any chance?

T-nex 05-11-2010 06:00 PM

How can you guys smoke weed?? x_x I tried once, long time ago, and it hurt my throat so much that I spent the rest of the night gurgling down alcohol in order to try and make my throat more bearable.

Is it easier from a pipe/bong/thingy?

Sekto Springs 05-11-2010 06:04 PM

I think like anything you get used to the sensation, but my first experience with a joint was pretty awful. When I described it to a friend of mine, she said it was probably bad weed. I don't plan to smoke it that way in the future.

Disgruntled Intern 05-11-2010 06:16 PM

Good and bad pot alike will hurt and burn. I mean, you're smoking something. Something that's unfiltered.

Anyway T-Nex, when you work 48-56 hours a week and you're in school another 18, weed works wonders, sore throat or not.

Mac Sirloin 05-12-2010 05:09 AM


How can you guys smoke weed?? x_x I tried once, long time ago, and it hurt my throat so much that I spent the rest of the night gurgling down alcohol in order to try and make my throat more bearable.

Is it easier from a pipe/bong/thingy?

Yes, Bongs/Gravity bongs make smoking pot easier because the smoke passes through the water which filters out a lot of the rough stuff that doesn't get you high like ash and stuff.

Without getting too much into it, bongs let you consume a lot of Pot smoke very quickly with scant contact with your throat and minimal rough stuff. You can also get a vaporizer that uses magic to burn things without fire and is supposedly the most "comfortable" way to get high.

Most people cough a lot when they first start smoking weed simply because, as DI said, you're inhaling smoke.

I think like anything you get used to the sensation, but my first experience with a joint was pretty awful. When I described it to a friend of mine, she said it was probably bad weed. I don't plan to smoke it that way in the future.

The first time I smoked weed was through small holes in an empty energy drink can. If I'd known that I could've made a much, much better pipe out of an old toilet paper tube and some aluminum I would've, since that experience put me off pot for two years.

EDIT: I just realized that using the wine bottle bong requires one to use a lighter directly below their throat.