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OANST 09-04-2009 12:33 PM

I still have that, by the way.

Sekto Springs 09-04-2009 12:35 PM

Oh man, resend them to me. Fucking hilarious. I think the one where your co-worker handled the drug dealer was one of the funniest things I've ever heard.

OANST 09-04-2009 01:11 PM

Is there any way to post a wav file on here?

Sekto Springs 09-04-2009 01:14 PM

Mods! *claps hands* Make it happen.

Bullet Magnet 09-04-2009 01:36 PM

I'll come. And I won't sprint across the whole of London this time either. I'll use the Underground like a normal person.

Wil 09-04-2009 01:45 PM

I want to have seen you sprinting. You know we only have your word that you did. For all we know you were dropped off right outside the station.

*mandatory joke about losing glasses*

Munch's Master 09-04-2009 03:08 PM

Would I be interested? Yes. Would I be able to attend? Nope. Well, not unless it's held over the 2010 autumn break at the earliest, I'd imagine. As I'd be at uni, it'd be the only time and way I could attend without my parents having to know or being able to do anything- no chance would they let me go if they could prevent it, and until I start uni they could prevent it.

digidestiny 09-04-2009 03:30 PM


Yes, you've got the right idea I'm like a 10 speed without a seat.

so THATS where my seat went!

Bullet Magnet 09-04-2009 04:05 PM


I want to have seen you sprinting. You know we only have your word that you did. For all we know you were dropped off right outside the station.

*mandatory joke about losing glasses*

I lost my replacements, too.

Wil 09-04-2009 04:23 PM

Well you can hardly blame us for that.

abe is now! 09-05-2009 05:47 AM

I'd be glad to see you guys but... how can I reach London??? XD

OANST 09-05-2009 07:06 AM


I'd be glad to see you guys but... how can I reach London??? XD

The same way that everyone else gets to London. Rickshaw.

Anonyman! 09-05-2009 07:43 AM

Or walking. You can do it.

OANST 09-05-2009 08:35 AM

Walking is for losers. Rickshaw is the way to go.

Wings of Fire 09-05-2009 08:44 AM

Heaven knows there are enough chinamen around.

Munch's Master 09-05-2009 08:52 AM


Heaven knows there are enough chinamen around.

I think Joe's been replaced by a Skrull. A very right-wing Skrull.

MeechMunchie 09-05-2009 09:19 AM


I'd be glad to see you guys but... how can I reach London??? XD

Sedan chair, Zeppelin, mine cart, electric-blanketmobile, nuclear powered pogostick, giant rollerskate, FeeCo train, ball car... It's all good.

OANST 09-05-2009 09:29 AM

He said ball car.

Sekto Springs 09-05-2009 10:11 AM

Rickshaws are awesome. It's like the perfect representation of "efficiency tops ethics", and no country can beat China when it comes to that.

MA 09-05-2009 11:30 AM

would like to, but you wouldn't be able to accommodate my drinking needs.

in all seriousness, i haven't got a penny, and wont have for quite a while. maybe next time. :(

Hobo 09-05-2009 11:32 AM


would like to, but you wouldn't be able to accommodate my drinking needs.

Bring it on bitch.

Sekto Springs 09-05-2009 11:33 AM

Your drinking needs huh?
Well, I suppose I could fill a drum with urine just for you - but please refrain from drinking it around the rest of us.

Hobo 09-05-2009 11:36 AM

In all seriousness how long would you guys like to be in London for?

MA 09-05-2009 11:37 AM


Bring it on bitch.

i knew that was coming. we need a drinking contest once i've trained up a bit more.

no piss water Carling allowed.

Sekto Springs 09-05-2009 11:42 AM


In all seriousness how long would you guys like to be in London for?

If I went, I'd have to belay my stay for at least two weeks. My conscience (and by "conscience" I mean "cheapness") would not allow me to pay whatever unholy amount of money for a trip shorter than that.

Havoc 09-05-2009 01:48 PM

Very unlikely I'll have the time or money this year due to school and a trip to Vegas.

Hobo 09-05-2009 03:35 PM


no piss water Carling allowed.


Wings of Fire 09-05-2009 03:44 PM

Well depending on the date and how we're all going to put ourselves up, anything from a weekend to a nine days is what I can do.

Pilot 09-05-2009 04:35 PM

England is a very costly vacation- when I went there last there was a 'privelidge' tax that we paid just to be able to enter the country, and since the dollar was weak everything was mondo expensive.

I'm an Australia fan.

Wil 09-05-2009 04:54 PM

I should think Charlie can put up up to a dozen visitors.