I figure I'm buying 1400 points, so I'll get Rez, This, and some community game, probably.
Also, this HAD to be made my someone from Something Awful or something, there's so much internet shit. |
i am working on munch`s oddysee.
Same, I'm on the level after the poop chute :p
Playing alot of Halo 3 as of late, with some Rock Band and Banjo N&B on the side. I'll probably fire up Gears 2 sometime this week though.
I have currently been playing Bioshock and Fable 2.
Needless to say, I love the both of them. But..I'll say Bioshock is more kick-ass XD Because you can attack people with wasps. How kick-ass is that? That, and the dialog of the Splicers, its so funky :D "Oh, he's terribly funny..but his wife has put on so much weight!" I almost fell off my bed when I heard that :lol: |
I'm beating Munch's Oddysee for the millionth time, just running through the game looking for as many glitches as possible, and maybe even a few "short cuts" in those longer levels. I figure I've already done it for AO and AE, why not MO?
Still attempting to beat SW at 100%. At this point I'm wondering if it's even possible. |
Re-playing my way through Half-Life 2: Episode 1 with the commentary enabled. Quite fun, I learned a few cool little things about what goes on behind the scenes.
Playing Final Fantasy 10 as Tidus only, gets challenging around Sinspawn Gui D:
Replaying the original Monkey Island. Even better than I remembered it being.
Street Fighter IV. had the game since 2 pm Thursday. Had about 24 hours play at least. DO THE MATHS.
I've been playing the original Banjo Kazooie and Little Big Planet.
LBP has been frustrating me. My daughter was playing around with the level creator while I was at work and it went through a shit ton of the tutorials with her. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be an option to watch them again. The shit is complicated and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to make a decent level. |
Oh, and I don't see you surviving against that big sinspawn at the mushroom rock beach. |
Playing the Orange Box on 360. Anyone else been running into alot of modded games in TF2?
Played Kameo again. I adore the graphics on this game, they are very lovely :D
Unfortunately I can't find that damn dinosaur-thing equipped with cannons! Damnit, I want it! |
Playing The Simpsons game.
Meh. |
If you're a big Simpsons fan, pick it up.
It's honestly just...Meh. Not good, not bad. It has its moments, but those usually come in the form of random dialogue spouting out of an NPC. Example: "The only thing that makes me feel like a man is my gun. Well, that, and my freakishly huge genitals." - The black cop...Lou? I think that's his name. |
Started F.E.A.R 2. Goddamnit I forgot how bad and fast this game can get under your skin.
Also: I was napping on the couch the other day and I woke up to find Abbey making a level in LBP. And she was fucking making it. I look at her and I'm like "How did you do that?". She just shrugs her shoulders. I wanted to shake her like a rag doll while screaming "Tell me how you did that!" in her face. I mean, fuck. I'm officially an adult. My five year old has an easier time figuring out modern technology than I do. |
Are the tutorials not available on youtube?
I bought The Maw a few days ago. It's a lot of fun, so far. I know that a lot of people were complaining about the length, but they have released one expansion and intend to put out two more.
I've been playing Rez HD and figured out that I need to Analyze every level to get closer to Eden.
Also, I finally, finally finally got a Hard Drive, and while it's only got like 13GB of Space, it's fucking fantastic to have all of my XBL Arcade games in one spot instead of download delete download delete. Also also, I laid down Five bucks for the Resident Evil 5 Collectors edition preorder, Which happens to come with a ton of shit. TOO BAD I CAN'T PLAY THE DEMO BECAUSE MY STUPID LIVE SUBSCRIPTION HAS MY ACTUAL AGE. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- |
Got Dead Rising.
Kick ass, it is. I like using the Law Mower. Though, those dick-headed survivors keep on carking it. After all, one seems to think that throwing themselves into a herd of zombies with nothing by Cooking Ingredients is a good idea. DAMN YOU... Oh, yeah, I got run over to. Crazy convicts in a zombie-infested mall! |
Finally got around to Mass Effect. I spent about the first half hour of game time double-taking every time I had a conversation since everyone's face is hypnotizing due to the fact they look fucking real. Awesome so far otherwise. I think this is the first time I haven't been bored doing early sidequests. Because of the faces that look into my soul.
The Club. I like Nemo.