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Nate 04-24-2006 07:28 PM

I wasn't going to mention this because I figured you would know already, but seeing as it's still there after so long I thought I mention that there are still gaps in the banner at the top of the industrial theme. I'm getting this in both Firefox and IE. I've cleared my cache and it's still happening.

Alcar 04-24-2006 07:49 PM



Nate 04-24-2006 10:26 PM

Not in my browser. One of the gaps is fixed but the other one is still there.

T-nex 04-24-2006 10:28 PM

ARgh Alcar why wont u tell what's wrong with the "10 characters" problem. So far 4 members have that problem, and you just ignore their question -_-

I have that problem too, fortunatly i can just go back one page and the text is there, but it's really annoying.

Alcar 04-24-2006 10:39 PM

I guess I'll have to leave the layout problem to Kristen. It appears fine on FireFox on my end, but I guess not on others.

T-nex, I can't explain that. I don't know what's going on.


T-nex 04-24-2006 11:02 PM

Please do something about it cos I have firefox, so it can't be the browser, unless everyone facing this problem is using firefox...

Could it be a bug? Hmm... Maybe you should send a supoort-mail to VBulletin...

Cloverfield 04-25-2006 08:18 PM


Not in my browser. One of the gaps is fixed but the other one is still there.

It should be fixed now ... if not, post a screenshot. Although I could see it on IE, but not Firefox.


I guess I'll have to leave the layout problem to Kristen. It appears fine on FireFox on my end, but I guess not on others.

I remember the issue from vB3.0. It's to do with the Javascript putting a blank space before the arrow for menus. I just removed it from the script again. Of course it can be fixed through formatting the style, but IE doesn't seem to like it unless you specify it for every single cell [like I did on the native theme] ... ugh.

Abe Babe...

Nate 04-25-2006 10:25 PM

Looking good to me. Three cheers for Abe Babe!

OANST 04-26-2006 01:55 PM

Problem that I'm having now is that I can't log out. I post from work and I don't want anyone who jumps on my computer to be able pretend to be me.

Slaveless 04-26-2006 02:56 PM


unless everyone facing this problem is using firefox...

I'm facing this problem and I do not have Fire Fox. I cannot quote people, nor reply to a message, without coping and pasteing it later into a Quick Reply. It gets really annoying.

Nate 04-27-2006 05:31 AM


Looking good to me. Three cheers for Abe Babe!

Strange, my home PC is still showing the gaps (that's where I had written the original message at the top of this page). Maybe I've just got an old version of IE.

Serves me right for being too lazy to install Firefox ATM.

Cloverfield 04-28-2006 11:36 PM

nate and OANST ... it sounds like caching issues. Try clearing your cache.

Like Alcar, I have no idea why that weird message would come up about the characters. Sorry.

Abe Babe...

T-nex 04-29-2006 12:04 AM

Maybe you should just remove that limit, because alot of members are affected by it, and it's specially annoying in the RPG forums where we write a large bunch of text and then it gets deleted by that limits...

just a thought...

Nate 04-29-2006 01:53 AM


nate and OANST ... it sounds like caching issues. Try clearing your cache.

I had; that's why it was so wierd.

Wil 04-29-2006 07:49 AM

You could just copy all your text onto your computer's virtual clipboard before you submit your post. I got into that habit several vB versions ago because it was so unreliable, to the point where I kept accidentally pushing everything I already had copied off my clipboard. -_-;

Gretin 05-01-2006 01:40 AM

I've just been using the Quick Reply function lately. I'm not that active nowadays anyway, so it doesn't make a heck of a lot of difference and the Quick Reply box is advanced enough to do what I want. :p

But I agree with T-nex, maybe it would be a good idea to remove the limit completely? Considering most members simply add things like "10 characters" to their short posts to make them long enough, the limit doesn't really seem to do much good anyway.

Alcar 05-01-2006 02:53 AM

We'll give it a trial then. However, to post, at least one character MUST be 'inputed'. That I can't change I'm afraid.


Wil 05-01-2006 06:23 AM


However, to post, at least one character MUST be 'inputed'.

Or ‘put in’.

Nate 06-06-2006 04:58 AM

When I insert a link, it only asks me for an address and not the text to be inserted with it.