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Mr. Bungle 09-05-2012 07:10 PM

Well, I'm interested in the third season. There's lots of potential for creepy zombie-killing shenanigans in an abandoned jail.
Let's just hope they don't fuck it up with more pseudo-dramatic BS.

Also, I just wanna say that I agree with OANST's sentiments towards Dexter. I rented the first disc of the first season, and couldn't get past the third episode. The writing was just plain bad, and Dexter was simply an uninteresting character.

OANST 09-06-2012 07:37 AM


caught up with Walking Dead. dunno what to fucking think of it anymore. used to be good.

No. It was never good. It was entertaining, but it most certainly was never good.

MeechMunchie 09-06-2012 09:01 AM

You need to hate more selectively. Currently you hate so many things it's becoming meaningless.

OANST 09-06-2012 09:20 AM

I don't hate The Walking Dead. There are actually very few things I hate. The Walking Dead is not a very good show, but it is somewhat entertaining.

I do hate Dexter though. That show is just garbage.

Nepsotic 09-06-2012 11:57 AM

That's all you've said though, you've said you hate it, because you don't like the writing, what the fuck does that mean?

OANST 09-06-2012 12:01 PM

It means that it is poorly written. The dialogue is terrible, and makes the actors look far worse than they actually are. It's stiff, unnatural, and awful. The only character that is even marginally well written is Dexter himself. He's the only believable character on the show, and that's fucking sad. The stories literally make no sense. They completely obliterate any ability to suspend disbelief as the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life happens in every fucking episode of that show.

Nepsotic 09-06-2012 12:16 PM

They make perfect sense! I can't understand, how you can't get, actually, forget it. Let's agree to disagree.

Wings of Fire 09-06-2012 12:20 PM

Dem nonstandard commas.

OANST 09-06-2012 12:26 PM


They make perfect sense! I can't understand, how you can't get, actually, forget it. Let's agree to disagree.

No. They don't. The entire show is an exercise in "There's no fucking way."

MeechMunchie 09-06-2012 12:32 PM

I've never seen the show, I'll play arbitrator.

I understand it's about a doctor who murders people. Why haven't they caught him yet?

Nepsotic 09-06-2012 12:43 PM



I understand it's about a doctor who murders people. Why haven't they caught him yet?

He can time-travel.

Nepsotic 09-08-2012 12:16 PM

The latest Doctor Who episode. Actually really enjoying it.

This whole series, up to now is looking much better than the previous two, these first to episodes have been better than series 5 and 6 combined, and David Mitchell and Robert Webb playing the robots was a very nice surprise.
These past two episodes have been much more enjoyable and much less heavy than any of series 6's.
The next episode looks epic, too. It's disappointing, series 6 had so much potential, but it was all wasted.

Mr. Bungle 09-08-2012 12:45 PM

I watched Fargo again last night. Such a fantastic movie. Never gets old.

Sekto Springs 09-08-2012 01:43 PM


He can time-travel.
I think I may have to agree with OANST on this one.

Nepsotic 09-08-2012 02:03 PM


I think I may have to agree with OANST on this one.

He can't time travel. He's just very very good. He's a forensics expert.

Sekto Springs 09-08-2012 03:54 PM

Is it one of those shows where a large part of the plot focuses on impossibly meticulous forensics techniques?

Nepsotic 09-08-2012 03:59 PM

No, it's nothing like that, it's just very clever. It's an epic programme, though, don't listen to OANST. Go to project free TV and watch a couple of episodes.

Mr. Bungle 09-08-2012 05:18 PM

No, it's not clever, interesting, or engaging. It's downright boring.

I watched Seven today. I thought it was pretty good, overall. Got a bit predictable at points, but that makes sense considering the whole "7 sins" murderer. Good movie.

Crashpunk 09-09-2012 02:47 AM

Doctor Who has gone stale, not only that, it's just down right bad. I thought the same of the last season as well but this latest is so far is just even more awful. Last nights episode was one of the worse. Terrible storyline and storytelling, bland characters and by god it was corny by Doctor Who standards.


David Mitchell and Robert Webb playing the robots was a very nice surprise

They were fucking annoying.

I hope it picks up soon, I've heard there is a new Weeping Angles Episode coming soon and let's hope they don't screw up one of the great monsters on Doctor Who.

In other news

I watched Hellboy last night. I understood the story in the end but I found it hard to follow while I was watching it. But I can't really call that a flaw in the film because it was probably my fault I didn't follow it. :tard:

Anyway, apart from that, I thought it was pretty decent film. Hellboy himself is just awesome and it was just an all round good sci-fi.

MeechMunchie 09-09-2012 03:32 AM


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Crashpunk 09-09-2012 03:42 AM

There's a comic!?

No I'm lying, I knew there was a comic.

Phylum 09-09-2012 05:05 AM

New Dr Who episode was average yet again. There was more good stuff here than last season, but on the whole it was crappy. Smith is developing that mean streak that Tennant developed when they acknowledged that it was time to kill him off, which is nice.

Nepsotic 09-09-2012 05:09 AM

Yeah, I couldn't believe he killed that guy, that was out of the ordinary, but on the whole I enjoyed it. Much more than any of season 6's. They seem to actually be putting effort into it again, I think.

Phylum 09-09-2012 05:17 AM

It's bad, misguided effort though.

I'm really disappointing about these. I used to love watching Dr Who with my dad, but I don't think I can stomach this episode again when it actually airs here.

Nepsotic 09-09-2012 05:48 AM

You really thought it was that bad? It was far more original than any of 6's, even if it was a little over the top. Also, I like the new opening.

Nate 09-09-2012 06:27 AM

I thought it was pretty good. All of y'all need to remember that Steven Moffat sees Doctor Who as a kid's show. And whilst I didn't love Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, it was fun. Which is all it needs to be.

Nepsotic 09-09-2012 07:44 AM

There was a tonne of innuendo in that episode, though, which I haven't seen since Eccleston. And some with Tennant.

Dynamithix 09-09-2012 08:49 AM

Make a Dr. Who thread already, jesus christ.

Varrok 09-09-2012 09:55 AM

EDIT: nvm, missed a page

Crashpunk 09-09-2012 10:43 AM


I thought it was pretty good. All of y'all need to remember that Steven Moffat sees Doctor Who as a kid's show. And whilst I didn't love Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, it was fun. Which is all it needs to be.

Yeah the last episode defiantly felt like it was made for kids, More so then any other Episode. I like it when it appeals to all audiences.

STM 09-09-2012 12:47 PM

I still thought the end was pretty grim. Had some definite adult ties to it.

Wings of Fire 09-09-2012 01:01 PM


Yeah the last episode defiantly felt like it was made for kids, More so then any other Episode. I like it when it appeals to all audiences.

The fact Nate liked it means it does appeal to a wider demographic than kids, it's just that kids was its target audience.

Laser 09-09-2012 01:06 PM


Explain further.

Well Deb and Dexter aren't technically related but they have been written to be supportive and strong siblings despite Dexter being adopted. Then the writers go all 'edgey' and make it so Deb is in love with Dexter.

It is such bullshit.

Mr. Bungle 09-09-2012 05:04 PM

I watched District 9 yesterday. I didn't really like it.

Sekto Springs 09-10-2012 12:39 AM


I watched District 9 yesterday. I didn't really like it.
You are a blasphemer, heretic, poopyhead, etc.

I watched The Many Deaths of Ian Stone (or whatever it's called). It was interesting until the second half, then it got super lame.

I also was lucky enough to get my hands on the workprint of Doug TenNapel's Mothman, which he made some three years before that Richard Gere abortion. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to talk about it. I JUST WANTED TO BRAG ABOUT ALL MY COOL CONNECTIONS.

Has anyone seen "Lo"? It's some movie about a friendly demon or something. Anyone seen it? It's been recommended to me by a few people.

OANST 09-10-2012 07:57 AM



Has anyone seen "Lo"? It's some movie about a friendly demon or something. Anyone seen it? It's been recommended to me by a few people.

Go back fifteen or so pages, and you'll see me talking about how much I liked it. It's certainly not a perfect movie, but it's a lot of goddamn fun. Also, it has this:

Havoc 09-10-2012 08:48 AM

Rewatching The Matrix films. Good times, they remain awesome even after so many years.

Bullet Magnet 09-10-2012 04:11 PM


I still thought the end was pretty grim. Had some definite adult ties to it.

The Doctor has done worse to people who have done less.

Nate 09-10-2012 07:17 PM


New Dr Who episode was average yet again. There was more good stuff here than last season, but on the whole it was crappy. Smith is developing that mean streak that Tennant developed when they acknowledged that it was time to kill him off, which is nice.

Are you suggesting that's a sign a new regeneration is coming soon? I doubt it. The pacifist Doctor was Russell T. Davies' thing. Moffat has never had any issue with the Doctor being vengeful.

Strike Witch 09-10-2012 07:19 PM

I thought the new episode was kind of stupid really. Felt like a mishmash of gimmick episodes held together with tape.