I hate computer games.
In all seriousness, shut up. |
Would anyone here recommend Pirates, Vikings & Knights II? I'm installing it anyway, but you're all intelligent people.
Playing Sudeki, Battle for Wesnoth, Rise of Legends and trying to get Test Spring to work with the Mobile Suit Gundam mod... ASHADSDSHAGAQW=EUHXCZ_HGF x3 It is getting into my nerves as much as making Sacrifice work.
Still Mass Effect 2. I sort of rushed the first one, but this one still surprises me with how much loner it is. Im over 2 hours over my ME1 playtime, and I still only have half my squad. Grunt and Mordin are badasses. That is all.
Just bought Quake 3.
I suck... |
I am playing Dragon Age: Origins and have just sexed Zevran. It would not kill my elf to show SOME emotion. |
I love this game. I actually care about the characters, and that almost never happens for me. None of them are cliches. They all have fleshed out, genuine personalities, and they often do or say things that you didn't expect. The only complaint I have is the mining. I like it, but it takes too long. There are just too many planets to explore for me to not get impatient with the constant mining I have to do. |
I now know never to talk to the Illusive Man unless I want to do his mission right then. God damnit.
Finished game, saved mankind, lost team member in last fight (no achievement for me) and righteously pissed off the Illusive Man . Final cut scene pretty much guarantees M E3 Only a couple of places to save in the last battles, none in the final one, Not a bad idea to save when you can, because if you make some bad choices things can go to shit in so many different ways. Up to and including have NO ONE to export in the next game. Truly wanted to get in Samara`s shorts , but alas not to happen. Oh, and if you want a short game of it Have sex with Samara`s daughter! Some fun !! :D Happy now? |
Finished Bioshock 2 a couple of days ago...
it's very good, but not as good as I wanted it to be. |
Non spoiling Protip for Mass Effect 2 players: Upgrade your ship. A lot.
Anyhoo, playing Ratchet and Clank: Up your Arsenal and Jak 2. Ratchet and Clank is really fun, but the writing is incredibly fucking bad. I mean, every conversation is basically: "The shitcuntian cockwillows sure put up a fight, Clank!" "You can say that again, Ratchet, my ass ravaging friend!" "Claaaaaaaaank!" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Jak 2 is mediocre. |
Non spoiler: It influences certain aspects of later parts of the game and can help in the last mission, I'm not positive about the latter though. |
Nooooo. All my fish died in Mass effect 2!
Just finished Bioshock 2, was pretty good.
I would have liked more interesting deaths for key NPCs, they didnt have the impact of beating Ryan to death with his own golf club in the first one. Playing as a big daddy was fun, especially when your drill's maxed out. |
which one is that? is it the hazmat space gypsy?
if so, internet high-five, broseph. I sicken myself |
Im a bit disappointed you cant sex up the Justicator.
I'm not. She has a weird mole on her chest, and her tits are set really low. Weirds me out.
Heres this: The video is horrible, but the song is awesome. |
This game sounds intruiging and mystifying. However, it's threatening to take over this thread; can someone please make a Mass Effect 2 thread next time they want to talk about it?
Sex SPOILER maybe
I blew my sex chances because did not know that the sex biz was triggered by the omega 4 relay jump. heat of battle and all that get the juices flowing i guess.
By that time had screwed the dialog options to the point that Jack would only say "Fuck Off" every time i would try to talk to her. |
*infracts Voodoo Hand for not listening to my instructions*
No, not really. But I'm serious that I don't want any more ME2 discussion in this thread. |
Mea culpa
Mea culpa
Sorry, shot that off before I saw your post. |
I'll get Bayonetta tomorrow, meanwhile I'm playing bioshock2 on live.
That's right I'm back on gold! |
playing Yume Nikki. :D
I started playing Parasite Eve 2 on the PSX again yesterday for the first time since the day I got it in 2000. I used to be crap at it, but I'm finding it a lot easier this time. I must have just been worse at games generally back then.
Other than this, I've playing SAW on teh 360. Still stuck on this puzzle with a guy in a fire chamber or something. |
I'm currently playing Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance. It's pretty annoying, actually.
Playing Serious Sam First Encounter HD. Good fun
Nah, PC
Bioshock 2 Multiplayer. Despite the moronically unbalanced weapons and plasmids (granade launcher anyone?) and the lag heaven you enter every single time you play (PC version), this game is strangely addictive. Probably because I'm an achievement whore and I want to unlock those new goodies.
And I'm playing through Fallout 3. I'm using the Prima strategy guide (which I think is the thickest book they ever published, counting over 750 pages it's almost as thick as a phonebook O_o) so I can get into every detailed corner of this great game. I'm kinda laying the foundation for Fallout: New Vegas. |
I'm currently playing through Uncharted 2 now. I borrowed it from a friend but I never really played it, and it's been a while now that I've had it - so now I'm going to actually spend time playing it.
I don't agree with this, it's pretty fun to play it with a guide to, it just has a different feel to it.
I'm playing Bayonetta now on Normal it's way more difficult than what nowadays games have accustomed me to. And it's awesome! |