Anyways, what would you rate the Map Pack on a scale of one to ten? |
Sanctuary: 9/10 - My favorite map. The Red base is dead. No life, no scenery, nothing. Blue base, however, is very nice. There's waterfalls, ponds, green grass, vines...... The middle structure also looks very nice, as do the sides. Turf: 7/10 - When I first heard about it, it seemed pretty cool, but when I went to play it, well... it was cool, but it reminded me too much of Counter Strike. I dunno... it just felt wierd and somewhat out of place. Warlock: 8/10 - One of my favorite maps in Halo:CE was Wizard, and I believe they did a fine job transferring it over to Halo 2. Overall: 8/10 lets hope the next 5 are just as good EDIT: Backwash- the last of the remaining 5 maps to be revealed has been.... revealed. It's set in a 343 GS- esque swamp! http://carnage.bungie.org/haloforum/...pl?read=599910 |
new update with descriptions of the 5 next maps and pics of Relic and Backwash:
http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory....ay06&p=3280163 Pics: Relic- http://www.bungie.net/images/news/in...nlinerelic.jpg Backwash- http://www.bungie.net/images/news/in...nebackwash.jpg EDIT: btw, yes that is Penitent Tangent on the right in the Backwash pic. |
Cool Relic has sniper towers (Silent Cartographer here I come).
has somebody tried this glitch?
1 player uses a wraith, the other1 uses a ghost. the ghost drives backwards into a wall and the wraith boosts into the front of the ghost, the ghost flies spinning through the air through the invisible wall and can land on the highest buildings! its really fun, get the ghost to shoot while its spinning it looks funny if the other player watches it. |
Yep it works better with a warthog and scorpian.
if any of you play Halo: Custom Edition for Halo PC, then you've probobly heard about the Zelda mod.
For all of you anxious to see this Zelda mod, beta footage has been released, and it looks amazing. I might just reinstall Halo PC. http://www.halomaps.org/index.cfm?pg=3&fid=1059 |
Thats ok... The youngest registered pro gamer, Lil Poison, is 7 years old. And I mean, PRO. I've seen vids of him playing... it's amazing... extremely hard to believe he's 7. his site: http://www.lilpoison.com/ |
Very bright kid yep lilpoison is great just show's yo how smart kid's are
Probably just a 30 year old with testicular problems scamming. (Sorry, I don't really trust much people)
Heh. I've been playing with this guy called whiteindian (We get pwned on Halo 2 together! :p), and all this time I didn't know it was the guy I sit next to in form class. Hwayo! Apparently the Killer Map Pack thing is free on the 28th of June. It just says that at the download page. |
And actually, the Map Pack has been pushed back to July 5. The DL page hasn't been updated. |
I mean just the maps thjat arent free are free on the 28th. It's all good.
Hey, we sucked tonight, eh? :p It's what you get from TS3 players and small indians. |
Yep, he's pretty white. But his guest was even worse... I mean, for a kill to suicide ratio, he had 1:8. :p He thinks 'B' is jump. Idiot.
Gak! You know how there are four maps avaliable for download currently? The ones that cost and the ones that don't? The ones that don't are supposedly free on the 28th. Well, on the download page it says that. |
And I will just wait two days......
Sorry, but whadafak? Please, actually consider tetlling us what you speak of before clicking the 'post spam' button.
Sorry I use to think that it was coming out june 5th but I made a mistake it's July 10th
Aw dang. :p And we have to wait a lot longer over here, so I do hope it hasn't been delayed EVEN LONGER.
Whoops typed it wrong I meant July 5th! (I was thinking about my B.Day..)
The best edition I think from this playlist update, was "Double Team." I mean given sometimes you do have to do other gametypes besides team slayer my friend who hasn't played in months played together with me and it was a lot of fun nice and simple 2 Vs 2. I'm looking forward to backwash with those new maps in July.
Are u extremely retarded or dont u have any eyes?
halo 2 has been out in stores, for a very long time now! |
Backwash that I mentioned is a new map coming out in the expansion. My other talk (not sure who you were referring to in your post so I'll clarify anyway) was about the latest playlist update on xbox live that features the ability for 2 people to team up against two other people for ranked team slayer and other game types. |
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...negative18.jpg One thing I'd like to bitch about it lag. I mean, whenever I play Rockets on Foundation, I fire, it travels foward, then jumps straight back, then travels foward again. O.o |
I've been noticing more and more problems with lag lately on Halo 2. I'm not sure its coming from me cuz Im running on a cable connection, but maybe comcast is to blame. *shrug*
Sry, i just saw 1 typed:
Halo 2 is set back to 5th june. Cant find the reply though... |
Last 5 maps are out.
Backwash isn't really as fun as they lead on. Gemini is interesting, and unique. Relic is a really fun CTF map. Elongation is ok. Terminal, I absolutely love. The train is awesome. |
They're all just ok.
Relic is good for CTF, but I can't help but get annoyed when playing it on it. Dunno why, but it just inherently annoys me. Backwash, is my favourite. It's not that great, but it beats the others. Only because of the fog and the fact you can completely lose somebody just by running around a nearby tree. Gemini: Has some nice elements, but it felt a tad... boring. Not different enough to any other map. Elongation is boring. Worst of the bunch. Just like Warlock was. Just like Coagulation was. See a pattern? Terminal.... is pretty darn good. Just worse than Backwash. The train is brilliant, but it's a background feature. I was hoping it would integral to the map, but you can completely ignore the tracks (and thus, the danger) if you want. I love the various rooms on it - phone machines, car garage, car park etc, but it fails to do much for me. I spend most of my time messing around the train. |
I might chip in with someone to buy the disc just so I can pass it around with friends and they dont have to spend the money downloading the five new ones.
**** yeah. Didn't Bungie think one person would buy it then pass it on to the rest of their friends?
Perhapz. I guess they made enough money off the game itself, anyways...
For you people who have it, how many blocks are we talking about here? Blocks of space it takes up, that is. |
As to lose money? O.o I don't get you.
Oh yeah, is anyone excited about Halo 3? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...unch/misc1.jpg |
HELL YEAH, I cant wait :D |
Well, it's been announced that it's being made... For Xbox 360 AND get this, Ps3. Simultaneous launch when Ps3 comes out.
But otherwise, no news. Hence my fat squirrel sarchasm. :p |
Man , I just played Halo 2 on live (with modded xbox)
I dont have mods bechause i hate cheaters and such but i like burning games since i dont have a very big money bag:p And again i encounter ****ing cheaters. Those guys piss me off. They are flying everywhere. This time i hope bungie is fixing the cheating. |
What chip you got? Ive got an Aladin something-or-other. |