Next time you rage about something, think of what you're raging about.
hy·poc·ri·sy (h-pkr-s)
n. pl. hy·poc·ri·sies
1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
2. An act or instance of such falseness.
I never said I thought bestiality is bad or that he would be a bad person if he did it. I just said I didn't know what he was.
well thank you, you obviously have the potential to look up the meaning of a word. i must look like a real fool to take the word 'hypocrisy' at face value rather than looking deeper into it in an attempt to scrape back some pride and basically say "ah, hang on, it doesn't technically mean that!" you're fucking pathetic.
It's funny because when I asked how it was hypocritical, I expected this exact response. I just didn't know who it would come from yet. Thank you for fulfilling my expectations. Keeps this place predictable.
holy shit, what is this? the exact same shit i always say to you when you start spreading your archaic opinions about like a viral plague. you recycle everything thrown at you and try to pass it off as your own response. just fuck off, Havoc. you're not even worth talking to. so frustrating and equally full of fucking bullshit. you've never made me feel like i was wrong, or stupid, or even offended. you're just shit at whatever the fuck it is you try to do here. honestly, even newbies occasionally make me rethink my actions. you, on the other hand, just make it worse for yourself. you frustrate me, Havoc. it's as simple as that. you fucking frustrate me. there's no sweet victory for you, you're just a lost cause. you won't listen because you already know everything, so i'm just gonna point and laugh from here on out.
all the best,