Yesterday I had so much fun my friend a couple blocks away was on and he was talking so much crap to these really crappy players...oh boy. Then I played some more team skirmish and unfortunately had an off day yesterday but came back in the last couple hours of playing. My ratio is now 43/69 I shouldnt have played with some crappy players I know from in town.
I'm doing totally suck at Halo 2 Live right now... granted, I suck at Halo in general, but still.
I think I'm like level 10 or something. However, I keep losing so many games, I know I won't keep my rank for very long. I think it's only fair that I've leveled off at 10... it's an accurate representation of my skill level... which is mediocre. Let me know when you get Live, ferill. I shall buddy list your ass. |
I want broadband so I can get Live! It sounds so much fun, especially with the headset. I wanna yell at people I don't know! |
I am currently on the level where you fight the Heretic Leader as Arbiter.
His holograms are annoying. Drones are cute. I heard the Flood can drive vehicles, is this true? |
Yes, very annoying. But if you can get one out of a tank, its no problem.
When fighting the leader, look past the 2 holograms and you'll see him fly off behind the ship, concentrate your fire on him then. |
Halo 2 is superb, except for 3 things:
1) The pistol, rocket launcher, shotgun, and sinper rifle were all shafted. 2) The Regret and Tatarus battles sucked like a cheap hooker. Bajeebus. In fact, any fight with a Brute sucked. 3) Quarantine Zone. Additionally, I have concluded Bungie made the game soley for the purpose of the SMG and Plasma Sword. I now conclude with the universal fact that the Scarab boss is the coolest damn battle. Ever. Anyone who disagrees needs to go kill themself. |
The new pistol makes me happy. Dual-wielding those things can be pretty bad arse.
I agree with the statement that Regret sucks balls. Seriously. Two punches on normal. C'mon. |
Heroic he's a lot harder to fight and also a lot harder to get on his throne to try and take him out. He also takes a lot more hits to bring down.
Apparantly it's impossible on Legendary, as he has infinite spawning guards, and he take a lot of hits to kill.
So, have you guys all learnt how to do the rocket lunge? It's great. I love glitches that help me and not others. |
Tell. Me. Now.
My Fave level's are probably the first 3, there needed to be more Earth levels.... Anyone else know how to get the hand-held Scarab gun, I do :p |
I heard that Regret was tough but not impossible on Legendary, while Tatarus, on the other hand, was infuriating. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time or the privilege to play the game on Legendary. |
My favourite levels are Metropolis, Delta Halo and then The Great Journey. In that order.
does somebody know when and what updates are on xbox live?? doesnt tell anything like they said on xbox live... |
Got X-Box Live back up and running . Halo 2 for it too . Anyone want a game ?
I'll kick ya arse:p
I'm VERY resorceful in Halo 2 and real life. I use my surroundings to help me out, and constantly come off as an annoying prick. I always "Do the other thing" as Lucipher would put it. |
We'll see :D What's yer gamertag ? (if you have X-BoxX Live)
mine's : Tim H C
weird huh:p |
Oh Tim send me a friend request . My new nick is Covenant Killa7
who is also in the "We Are 183"?
I think I regonized some guys of here there SeaRex and Mojo at least |
INVITE MORE PEOPLE!!! :p It doesn't matter if they're good. Hehehe... By the way, if any of you guys are in Halo 2 on Live... and, you know... aren't really interesting in "winning" or playing with "skill," you should drop me a line. I'll invite to my "clan." My tag is Zeruel. Xav (Zulag) is in it too. Whoop! Or, if your one of those types that plays with... you know, "talent," you could just join Al's Clan. But that's far too much pressure to play well if you ask me. ;) |
But I wanna talk with you guys during like a custom game or something that we can just make to I dunno play for fun non ranked and just talk about random crap. Peace. |
If I had the time and money to aquire X Box Live, I'd be blowing brains out with you all full time. But alas, I don't... Silly monetary limitations.
If you don't want to know any advantage getting glitches, stop reading now. The Rocket Lunge (Which is what I like to call it. I could also be The Super Lunge. Whatever) Get a rocket launcher and a plasma sword. The rocket launcher can be out of ammo, it doesn't matter. Have the rocket launcher out, and get within range of another player, so that the target thingee goes red. It has to be red while you are in normal view mode, and not zoomed in. (It is possible to do it while zoomed in, but only if you are in normal view range.) Switch from the rocket launcher to the plasma sword, and right in the middle of the change, pull the trigger to attack. If timed right, you will go flying across (at the speed of a rocket, apparantly) to the player, and you will lunge at them when you get there. The best time to press it, is exactly when the target thingee has sort of disappeared. It is hard to get right, for a while. If you don't move, and he doesn't swing the sword, then you pressed it too early. If he does swing, with the sword not quite powered up yet, then you pressed it too late. It's a lot of fun when you do get it. The best way to learn is set up a split screen game with no one playing the second player. Have fun. |
Mmm... implosions. |
Thanks your that Fax! I'll try it!
Right, for the Scarab gun. Start a game on Metropolis. Drive the tank to the end (Might want to kill off all your marines first) Kill the 2 Wraiths to come out of the tunnel at the end of the bridge, then look to the skies for a Banshee, shoot it abit to get its attention and then drive into the tunnel, so it follows you. When you hit the checkpoint, the driver of the banshee will dissapear and you can take the banshee. Fly back out of the tunnel and look on the top of all the buildings untill you see a plasma rifle. Pick it up. It fires Scarab bolts and wont over heat or run out of battery. |
Of course, I can't be arsed to play through the level right now; but if I did and found out that there was no "Scarab gun," I would be moderately annoyed. |
He's not joking. I did it myself this morning. However, it's not as easy as ferril makes it sound. After running into problems trying to pull this off on 1-player, I decided to try it with Co-Op. My brother jumped in the warthog and sped past everyone on the bridge and went to the tunnel. There, he killed all living souls as I took care of the kids on the bridge...except the banshees mind you. Then, when my brother gave me the clear, I got on foot and lured the banshee into the tunnel. Now...when the banshee gets stuck between a car, don't try and push it out. Just move around and the banshee will take care of itself. The hardest part is timing when to highjack the banshee. You can't do it until the "Loading...Done" is triggered...otherwise it explodes. On Co-Op, one guy jumps in the banshee as the other triggers the Loading. If done correctly, you have the banshee. Once you have it, getting it through the tunnel takes some time. Once you're out, you can fly to the bridge and get the gun. Yay!
-oddguy |
I've tried to get it before but I kept messing up.
One time I tried doing it on Co-op by myself, so I went across the bridge using my 1st player untill the banshees showed up. When I checked on my 2nd player a banshee was right next to it, apparently trying to fly into the ground. |
Sounds great. I'll have to check that out. So have any of you tried the lunge glitch?
I have, works wonders in MP:p