Obnoxious . :(
Ok, why does everyone keep saying I'm always talking about ponies! I don't! Fuck off me! Sekto's the only one making any sense here! This Pony thing is only seen around the forums now in avatars and this thread! When someone, mentions it a little everyone gets pissed off, and yet look at all the othe things going around, repeating themselves over and over, no one bats an eyelid! Ponies aren't dominating threads like they did in 4chan, so what the fuck is going on? If you guys are blowing your fuse at this youre certainly not ready for the rest of the internet. And no, I'm not being like this because they're ponies, I'll back anything else up like that if it deserves it. Fuck me. Leave it. Its the PONY thread! Fuck. |
I actually have you to thank, Joe, for introducing me to MLP in the first place.
If you remember, I kind of treated it then the way everyone else treats it now. Now I love it. You have created a monster. You are the Batman to my Joker. So does that make Nepsotic like... the Harley Quinn to my Joker? I'm not really up to date on the DC canon. Also, Manco, I'm not interested in dragging this out, so I'll meet you half way. Nepsotic, agree to reel it back a bit with the Pony shit, I've been doing damage control ever since I first changed my avatar and I'm tired of it. There's a million and one places on the internet where you can gush about Ponies until your balls are sore and you won't be hated. Go to those places in peace, and be merry. There is nothing left here. |
I'd also like to repeat that I did not bring up the Pony discussion in IHJS...V. And you're having a go at Ponies for taking up a couple of thread blog pages, just think about frosties and buttsex for a minute. At least we've got our own thread. I know I'm not the best brony representative, but fuck. It's a c.artoon. Fuck. |
Nepsotic, even though I agree with you that everyone on this forum is overreacting and their asses are so sore with steaming, hot hurt that their feces evaporates before it even evacuates their anus, it's not going to change. You have to know when you're licked.
Just keep it in this topic exclusively, and we won't have to have these debates over and over again. |
In that case, I have a sweet ass live Nyan Dash wallpaper.
http://www.oddworldforums.net/attach...1&d=1339900243 'S cute, right? |
In the sense that only a few people like it, but those who do really like it?
Your poo metaphor was shit!
I cried for 30 minutes before I saw what you did there. =(
What do you expect from a thread entitled 'Awards and Ponies'?
Also, I so hope that happens to me. |
Awww don't cry little STM ^^ *gives you a snuggle-huggle* |
Screw it. I want Twi back.
Yeah, bedroom eyes. |
Seriously Nepsotic.. are you really into ponies(like.. really really?), or is it just a persona you have made a habit or perpetuating? Just wondering :)
OK, 99.9999999% of the time, the 'attraction' people feel towards the Ponies are nothing to do with the 'Z' word or beastiality. It is, for the most part, the personalities. You see, when your brain becomes close and attatched to something it perceives that person (or animal, in this case) as attractive. When you watch a lot of those characters your brain would become attatched to them, thus explaining 'cloppers'. It's not the fact that they're a Pony. People like these characters and as I've said, become 'attatched ' to their personalities, obviously if there were no personality, and they were just ponies grazing in a field, no.one would feel that way. You like what you like, don't judge people, IT'S 2012, FOR GODS SAKE, GAHHH!!. :L |
Oh I wasn't judging. I was asking :) To sate my curiosities. IN THE BUTT.
What? You guys never had the urge to screw your pet once you got emotionally attached? You guys are weird.
Yes, actually. Espeically my dog and female friends.
I can relate to Nespotic, I feel exactly the same about lesbians.
Lesbians don't have different personalities. |
My eye twitches and I get extremely mad sometimes. The reason I shared that with you is because my friend said it happens when I am starved of ponies. Although I'm sure he is talking bollocks.
Any gooooood stories you guys have? Il mio gatto รจ morto. Not funny. I don't even know what Nepsotic means. |
My dick sometimes twitches if I'm starved of pornography, that's kind of the same thing right?
Nepsotic wanks over ponies, how long will it be before he ascends to magical anime girls?
yes. ascend. i'd take anime over fucking cartoon ponies. |
Hey! It's a touchy subject....
A touchy feely subject.
Thank you, Strike Witch.
You mean like this Nepsotic.
P.S I just searched "pony funny" to find this. http://cdn.randomfunnypicture.com/pi...rse_in_bed.jpg |
Achiga lose to Teruuu~ |