Is that the one where the walrus rapes Pingu with a splintered broom handle while Pinga watches?
I've just watched Total Recall. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.
The new one or the original?
I heard the new one was a big heap of dung. |
Good to see a remake that stays true to the original, then.
Here all week. |
At least the original has AHHHNOLD.
Colin Farrell is about as interesting as a paper bag. |
He was good In Bruges.
Arnold made that film hilarious. His screams mostly ARHGG! ARHGGGG!
Also I really fail to see why they made a remake. It's fucking awful. |
I prefer Jingle All The Way.
I used to like Jingle All The Way, but after watching it recently I realised how bad it is. I prefer Kindergarten Cop.
Wait. There was a point in your life when you thought it was good?
I mean, it's called "Jingle All the Way", for fuck's sake. It does have Phil Hartman though. |
Phil Hartman's presence could magically make anything good.
Probably one of the reasons The Simpsons is so bad now. One of many, many reasons. |
I had no idea what it was about, but I heard it was good, so I checked it out, it was a really really sad movie by I loved it, a very well told story. |
The sequel (book) is supposed to be even sadder.
Because if you read it you're sad?
What's this film about? It sounds like a film about a dog. |
It's about a dog who befriends a pony. I shit you not. GO RENT IT NOW!
going to see that movie next week.
I watched a few movies today.
50/50 A movie about a young guy who gets a cancer and has 50% chance of surviving. I thought it was pretty good, not that sad as some made it out to be, I thought it was nice, the ending was good. Orphan A "horror" movie about a family adopting a strange girl named Esther who seems very kind but is actually some murdering woman who has a sickness that makes her look like a pre-teen girl. Yeah yeah, I spoiled it, boohoo, it wasn't even that good. Beyond the Black Rainbow Now this was an interesting movie. Plot-wise, it wasn't great but oh my god, visually it was stunning. Seriously, it was absolutely beautifully shot. The soundtrack was really good too, and so was the antagonist's acting. It's really hard to describe what it is, I think it could be called an art movie or something, it is very creepy, strange and is definitely going for a surreal/futuristic style. I really, really urge you to at least look up the trailer. One complaint I have about it though is that it's a very slow and confusing movie. It's not that long, but some of the dialogue scenes (which there aren't a lot of) can take up to 5 minutes just for a few sentences and it has a very slow pace to it, that could have been done better I think. But yeah, overall it was a very interesting film to say the least and I recommend it for people who like surrealistic stuff and fans of Stanley Kubrick, it has a lot of similarity to his movies. Oh, yeah, and I also bought the first season of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. I like the series. |
I saw Agora. Mediocre historical drama with Rachel Wieszszzsssq. +1 balls-points for making the prototypical Christian cult the bad guys. -1 for the stupid romance subplot.
The new Doctor Who. It's on iView if any Aussies want to see it legally without waiting until the 8th.
It was alright. I liked it more than the entire last season. All of that crap about Amy and Rory was stupid and could have been omitted. The scene towards the end really broke the momentum. I didn't like how they just accepted that there were daleks. Sure, it's not the first time that they've returned, but they could at least pretend that it's a big deal. It also buged me how he just flew off at the end. There's a ship full of daleks out there. Go and do something about it ffs. They could have done more with the asylum. It was creepy, especially with the sleeping daleks at the beginning, but once they started running past them any sense of fear vanished. I liked Oswin, but I'm not sure if that's because I have a few friends that actually talk like her. I have mixed feelings about the end. It was a good idea, but it could have been handled better. |
I think it was the best Dalek-themed episode since Dalek in 2005. That's not saying it's great, just that all the other ones have been shite.
On the plus side, Moffat has said that he wants to put the Daleks out to pasture for a while. This is a good thing. |
I agree that killing them all every encounter is silly, but he just accepted that they were there and didn't do anything about it.
Since I watched the first season of the Doctor Who (2005) I've been trying to watch the original series (or what's left of it)... I watched about 5 full episodes and I can't manage to continue... It would be at least interesting... if only the episodes weren't that extremely long... and filled with boredom for the most of the time, when nothing is happening.
Speaking of boredom, despite the warnings I'm watching S10 of The Simpsons... It's a celebrity-fest. And the most jokes are bad and lazy. There are some decent ones, but they happen rarely. I won't touch S11... But I might give a chance to the movie |
I really enjoyed that episode. Probably my favourite Dalek episode since Genesis of the Daleks in1975. Asylum really pays homage to classic doctor who with the creepy atmosphere, music, and the metallic four sided corridors that are narrower the top, and the doors which slided upwards. Oh, and 70's an 80's Daleks of course! I could sit here forever and talk about doctor who, which is why I'm going to stop now. |
I loved Dr. Who when I was a kid, especially Daleks. Couldn't give that much of a shit about it anymore.
Last night I watched Gran Torino, pretty good film. Although it had some pretty funny lines (all from Walt of course), the drama was pretty unnerving at times. The ending was pretty sad too, but it fit into the whole theme of the movie very nicely.
I agree, Gran Torino was a good movie, I've enjoyed it more than expected :)
Yeah, it was pretty great.
I'm planning on watching either Akira, Event Horizon or The Dictator tonight, any requests? |
The only one I heard anything about is Event Horizon, and what I heard is Dead Space ripped-off that
Watch Akira.
I think I'm going to watch that at a later date, it's pretty long. I think I'll go with Event Horizon.
Saw the half season finale of Breaking Bad. Wonderful. Just wonderful.
It was truly great. I was expecting a major character to die, specifically Skylar or Walt Jr, but I was satisfied with the killfest they provided. And the whole thing was worth it just for this face alone
I'm so pissed we have to wait an entire year for the second half of the fucking season. Such crap. Fuck AMC. I also watched True Grit, Pi, half of Cube, and the first season of Flight of the Conchords. True Grit was great. Another awesome Coen Brothers movie. They never fuck up. Pi was... confusing. I need to watch it again. The presentation was pretty neat, and the score was interesting, but the plot seemed pretty vague. Cube, from what I saw, was pretty crazy. Unfortunately, I was really high while watching it, and I couldn't handle the concept. So I watched Pi. I want to finish Cube though, it looked interesting. Flight of the Conchords is an outstanding show. These guys are too funny, and can write a pretty great song or two. Thumbs up. |
Have you heard that the BBC is going to be producing a British version of Breaking Bad? In it, Walt gets cancer and then just receives high-quality treatment for five years.