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OANST 01-16-2010 07:30 AM


I beat the game.

I couldn't masturbate during that torture attack, I was laughing too hard.

Hell of a way to die.

Strike Witch 01-16-2010 05:21 PM

So who was your favourite boss? I liked the Battleship-lizard-shark thing's design, but the battle with the wind boss was more fun.

Daxter King 01-17-2010 08:52 PM

DI just joined my L4D2 game. He was promptly raped.

OANST 01-18-2010 07:41 AM


So who was your favourite boss? I liked the Battleship-lizard-shark thing's design, but the battle with the wind boss was more fun.

I really liked the fight against the big Cherub face angel with the creepy baby voice. I think that this is the one where you panther run up the tentacles to get to the head. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Mac Sirloin 01-18-2010 09:52 AM

Castlevania: SOTN. I needed to look up a single factoid about what to do next (buy some jewel key thing) and BAM, I'm like 10 levels up and found 2-3 new areas of the castle. Fucking love Castlevania but I've owned SOTN for almost a year and put MAYBE an hour and a half into it before now.

Jordan 01-18-2010 11:14 AM

I really fucking want Bayonetta now. You guys are a tease. I played the demo. It was hella fun. I only played a little of it because I didn't want to spoil the actual game. I'm thinking of buying it with birthday money...

Strike Witch 01-18-2010 01:39 PM


I really liked the fight against the big Cherub face angel with the creepy baby voice. I think that this is the one where you panther run up the tentacles to get to the head. Correct me if I'm wrong.

That's the one. Justitia. The sea one is Sapientia, the dragon-thing is Fortitudo, and the floating one at the airfield is Temperantia.

Disgruntled Intern 01-19-2010 10:10 AM


DI just joined my L4D2 game. He was promptly raped.


Phylum 01-19-2010 08:27 PM

Jak and Daxter: the Precursor legacy.

Half done in 4 hours. It was only eight dollars, though, and I now own the whole original trilogy. My old save file has 100/101 power cells, and the last one had been bugging me all of last year. I'm also trying to get all 2000 precursor orbs. Surprisingly easy.

slig# 5719 01-20-2010 10:13 AM


Jak and Daxter: the Precursor legacy.

I love those games, I don't have Jak 3 though.

The first one was a hell of a lot easier then the second one, but the main issue I had with the second one was that Daxter's talking when Jak died was removed. I remember killing Jak over and over on the first one just to hear everything Daxter said.

Takoto 01-20-2010 04:40 PM

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3: FES. It's my second playthrough.

Havoc 01-21-2010 04:44 AM

Back to Left 4 Dead. Damn does Left 4 Dead 2 suck some major balls.

OANST 01-21-2010 06:53 AM


Back to Left 4 Dead. Damn does Left 4 Dead 2 suck some major balls.

Whaaaat? Whaaaaaaat?


Mac Sirloin 01-21-2010 08:06 AM


Back to Left 4 Dead. Damn does Left 4 Dead 2 suck some major balls.

is like saying

"Back to having Five dollars. Damn did having ten dollars suck some major balls."

Jordan 01-21-2010 02:02 PM

My sister fetched me Bayonetta from town. It's so fun, but I'm not too into it at the moment. I can get a fresh start tomorrow after school.

Kareel 01-21-2010 02:31 PM

I'm playing SIREN right now. I will give cookies to anyone who knows that game. Such a lost gem.

Slog Bait 01-21-2010 05:12 PM

I didn't really like Siren.

After digging through all my ancient psx games I've caught myself playing Parasite Eve again. Oh sweet nostalgia.

Phylum 01-22-2010 12:32 AM


Back to Left 4 Dead. Damn does Left 4 Dead 2 suck some major balls.

ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE GODDAMN AUSTRALIAN VERSION!!!!!!!!! The lack of gore ruined the experience for many-a gamer. I don't know anyone who's read about the other versions and finds the Australian one good.

We're missing out, and need a R18+ rating.

OANST 01-23-2010 08:50 AM

I did a bad thing. I bought The Beatles Rock Band.

used:) 01-23-2010 11:25 AM

Just finished Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time last night. I really liked it. Good story and characters without seeming too derivative. Obviously, it was loads of fun too. I'll sit down and play the whole thing straight through someday.

Now, moving on to a bunch of other unfinished games.

Slog Bait 01-23-2010 12:47 PM


I did a bad thing. I bought The Beatles Rock Band.

My god what's wrong with you?

Mac Sirloin 01-24-2010 11:31 AM


I did a bad thing. I bought The Beatles Rock Band.

Enjoy your 40 songs.

I bought The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. I stood in the store mouth agape, looking for something to buy before I settled on it. It's okay, but the lack of map and vague instructions on the Objectives screen make it kind of hard to figure out what the fuck to do.

Hobo 01-24-2010 04:42 PM


I did a bad thing. I bought The Beatles Rock Band.

I love this game

Daxter King 01-24-2010 04:59 PM

Once you have a Co op partner, Spec Ops in MW2 is really fun. If they made a download of just it, Id buy it.

Taco 01-25-2010 05:10 AM

Lol I still haven't got MW2. I recently bought Medieval II: Total war Gold Edition, and installed the Third Age mod for it. Fucking awesome. any LoTR fans here?

Grieva 01-25-2010 06:15 AM

you could say that, haven't played the Medieval II mod, enjoyed both the Battle for Middle Earths though

Playin Half-Life atm for the first time, it's awesome! obviously the graphics are a bit dated now but that doesn't matter when the games this good

Daxter King 01-28-2010 05:03 PM

Bad Company 2 demo.

So good.

Mac Sirloin 01-28-2010 06:01 PM

I beat Dark Athena. Sweet merciful fuck does Riddick say some insipid, stupid shit.

Taco 01-28-2010 09:06 PM


you could say that, haven't played the Medieval II mod, enjoyed both the Battle for Middle Earths though

Playin Half-Life atm for the first time, it's awesome! obviously the graphics are a bit dated now but that doesn't matter when the games this good

Wait for black mesa source. It's basically HL with updated graphics and engine, like TR: Annyversary was to TR1

Grieva 01-28-2010 09:34 PM

I was gonna wait, it looks like it's going to be amazing, but I don't think it's going to be released any time soon, I'll be good to play HL again by the time it is

Laser 01-29-2010 12:09 AM


I beat Dark Athena. Sweet merciful fuck does Riddick say some insipid, stupid shit.

Thats why we love him so.

OANST 01-30-2010 08:15 AM

I started playing Mass Effect yesterday. I can't tell if I'm playing a game or watching a very dialogue heavy movie. I know I like it, though. I think I like it a lot.

Josh 01-30-2010 08:17 AM

Once you get past Eden Prime it gets better.

OANST 01-30-2010 08:20 AM

I just received the vision from the beacon, so I'm definitely not far into the game.

Hobo 01-30-2010 09:00 AM


I just received the vision from the beacon, so I'm definitely not far into the game.

Yup, about 20 minutes in if I remember correctly.

Phylum 01-31-2010 12:36 AM

I'm back playing MGS4. Act 3 is is a tad short, but it's awesome enough that nobody should mind. I was freaking out when I had to keep my eye on the guy and the patrol car was about to turn the corner and look straight at me. I forget how I wasn't seen... The raven fight took me close to 30 mins. I was constantly freaked out about being missled of the edge, especially at the very end. The second form was worse than the Laughing Octopuss'. The colour sucking was awesome.

Also, I had to sit through at least 40 mins of cutscene before I could quit.

Josh 01-31-2010 09:24 AM

I have been playing Mass Effect 2 with my brother. According to a guy on the Citadel, there is a 'Hanar/Asari Sex Video Game'.

Asari are the Japanese schoolgirls of the ME Universe. *Shudder*

OANST 02-01-2010 07:01 AM

I have so far logged over 21 hours into Mass Effect, and I have not bothered to advance the story past becoming a specter. How is it possible that 18 of the the 21 hours I've played have been side missions? How is that fucking possible?

I'm not complaining. I love it. This game is like fucking crack. I just keep saying "One more side mission", or "One more star system".

Josh 02-02-2010 08:41 AM

I have been playing Tomb Raider Legend.

What I don't get is, in TR:A, Lara is horrified when she kills Larson and the others and yet in this game she kills about a hundred men.

Grieva 02-02-2010 08:52 AM

meh, maybe after Larson she gets a taste for it