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OANST 11-17-2009 07:20 AM

I'm playing Pixeljunk Monsters. It's a kick ass tower defense game that Kastere would love if he had a PS3.

Strike Witch 11-17-2009 02:27 PM

I got a new 360, so it's back to grinding in Dynasty Warriors Gundam.

enchilado 11-17-2009 08:51 PM

I'm playing the Abe's Oddysee demo.

~and can't wait until tonight when I can download the full version...

Leto 11-17-2009 09:12 PM

sup 1997, PSM called and they want their demo disc back

Wings of Fire 11-18-2009 06:23 AM


I got a new 360, so it's back to grinding in Dynasty Warriors Gundam.

I'm a fan of both Gundam and Dynasty Warriors, is it actually worth getting this?

OANST 11-18-2009 07:20 AM

I am a fan of both cheese and hamburger. If I were to mash the two together would I end up with tasty goodness or abomination?


Sekto Springs 11-18-2009 07:24 AM


If I were to mash the two together would I end up with tasty goodness or abomination?

Highly debatable when it comes to the cheeseburger.

Also, it didn't work too well with Kingdom Farts.

Wings of Fire 11-18-2009 07:30 AM

I fricking loved Kingdom Hearts, sir. Though the FF bits seemed tacked on.

Sekto Springs 11-18-2009 07:33 AM


I fricking loved Kingdom Hearts, sir. Though the FF bits seemed tacked on.

You would.
I couldn't tell if it was a Disney game with FF characters or an FF game with Disney characters.

Why is it always the most unorthodox ideas that are the successful ones?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I can only imagine the executive's face when that idea was pitched to him.

OANST 11-18-2009 07:39 AM

I actually wouldn't touch either of those games with WoF's dick, but the formula stays the same. If you like both of those things, you will probably enjoy the mash up.

Wings of Fire 11-18-2009 07:48 AM

You'd touch my dick?

Sekto Springs 11-18-2009 07:49 AM


If you like both of those things, you will probably enjoy the mash up.

That's what they said about chocolate bubblegum.
They were wrong...

OANST 11-18-2009 07:50 AM


You'd touch my dick?

If I had to brush something distasteful off of my desk? I might use your dick to do that. If you're properly equipped, that is.

MeechMunchie 11-18-2009 10:41 AM

I think you're liable to break the desk in half.

Crashpunk 11-18-2009 10:51 AM

I'm playing Team fortress 2 and Garry's Mod Mostly
I would be playing Left 4 Dead 2 demo but my Steam Can't download it for some stupid reason :(

And i Can't wait for New Super Mario Bros. Wii

OANST 11-18-2009 10:55 AM

I'll be pre-ordering this awesome game as soon as I can.


MeechMunchie 11-18-2009 10:59 AM

I really, really, really hope that is a joke.

Mmm, confusing: http://achrongame.com/

OANST 11-18-2009 11:01 AM

Did you watch the video? IT'S AWESOME!

Leto 11-18-2009 01:37 PM

tbh i, too, loved kingdom hearts. ._.

Sekto Springs 11-18-2009 01:42 PM


tbh i, too, loved kingdom hearts. ._.
You also like furbies and bumsecks.
I've come to expect as much.


I'll be pre-ordering this awesome game as soon as I can.





Fuckin amazing

Leto 11-18-2009 01:52 PM

oh god i didn't actually click that link, haha. that's awesome.

OANST 11-20-2009 07:54 AM


I'll be pre-ordering this awesome game as soon as I can.


It turns that it's a viral marketing campaign for Dante's Inferno. Now, I knew it was a joke, but I have to say that I didn't expect this. Pretty clever.

Wings of Fire 11-20-2009 12:01 PM

My download for Psychonauts finished last night.

That was a pretty intense first level.

OANST 11-20-2009 12:12 PM

Just wait until you play the Milkman level. Just you fucking wait.

Wings of Fire 11-20-2009 12:17 PM

The fact that TVTropes has a screenshot of a Psychonauts level as the page picture for That One Level fills me with much apprehension.

OANST 11-20-2009 12:22 PM


The fact that TVTropes has a screenshot of a Psychonauts level as the page picture for That One Level fills me with much apprehension

That level really isn't that hard. It's just that all the levels leading up to it were more about exploration and puzzle solving than they were about platforming, so the sudden jump in difficulty made it seem harder than it was.

Nate 11-20-2009 04:20 PM

I agree with OANST; I've played much more frustrating levels in other games than Meat Circus. The second time I did it, it was positively easy.

slig# 5719 11-20-2009 04:49 PM

I walked down to Blockbuster a couple of days ago to see if they had any more second hand games in for the ps2. It turns out they did so I bought Futurama, Sonic Gems and Spiderman 3, 3 for £10. I check the discs to see if they are fine on my way home and lo and behold inside Sonic Gems was both Sonic Gems and Sonic Mega Collection Plus (WOO free game). Tried them out and they all work, so i'm playing them along with Xenosaga Episode 2.

enchilado 11-21-2009 01:22 AM

I downloaded Abe's Oddysee, but I'm going to finish Exoddus again before I play it too much.

~it's so much better than AE!

Josh 11-21-2009 03:28 AM

Ugh, DJ Hero hurts my hands.