I cant get xbox live at the minute, save a spot in your clan for me :D
will do bro :)
Cheers. I usually play in defence, i'm great to have in CTF.
I played Halo 2 for the first time the other night at Luke's party. I had never even touched an xbox before then. I sucked horribly. Heehee, I got to the point to where I would just shoot anyone I could, including people on my own team. Either way, I would squeal in victory. It didn't take very long for everyone to start asking things like, "Since when did we start killing our own team members?!"..."Since Amber joined."
Playing through it again on Heroic now. Awesome. So brilliant.
How do I unlock the multiplayer map, 'Foundation'? I saw a video of it and it looks like the best of the bunch, yet I know you need to unlock it somehow. I hope I dont need to complete legendary, I'm not that good. |
*minor spoilers*
I'm just starting to appreciate how Biblically symbolic Halo 2's story line is. C'mon. The oracle reveals that the ark must be used to escape the flood. It's so blatantly... there. However, I wished they included a few more cut-scenes to create a better understanding of what you were actually doing. Gravemind's interest in the In Autumn Clad (the human ship similar to the Pillar of Autumn) completely baffled me ... I had no idea what was going on. The long cut-scene explaining the Covie religion on the LE DVD was great... I wish they had finished and put it into the game. |
-oddguy |
Bah, and I completed it from easy, skipped normal and am now doing Heroic. Darn.
Foundation is about the size of Wizard in Halo 1, but with a Warthog to fight over.
-oddguy |
*large spoilers*
For some reason, she said that MC was only Gravemind's "distraction" and that it was really focused on the In Autumn Clad... or the Covie City... or the particular quadrant of space they were in at the time. That's the point... I really don't know. I got confused. *end spoilers* Gah! What the hell Oddguy?! I beat the game on normal and didn't get shit! Are you sure there wasn't else you are supposed to do to get the level? |
I think this may be of help, SeaRex. Bear in mind, that Bungie ****ed it up, and the level is meant to unlock as soon as you finish the game, but it doesn't, so this is what you have to do:
You start a new profile. Start a co-op game with your old one that has finished the game (Difficulty doesn't matter) and have the new profile be second player. Load up the last level. Play through the level as new profile. Whenever you are asked to do a tutorial thing like 'Press Y to dual weild' do it. Do all of the tutorial things that appear. Finish the level. The new profile has Foundation. Old one sadly does not. I know it sucks. I really don't want to have to give up my old character, but I will at some stage soon. By the way, all of my friends have done it, so I can vouch for this working. And that level is great when you drive the warthog into the airlift. |
I still dont have it, i'm hoping for tomorow!
I didn't do any of that stuff to get the extra multiplayer map. I just beat the game. My Halo 2 is Limited Edition though, if that makes any difference.
-oddguy Oh, and I went back to Foundation. There are actually two warthogs. Pardon my mis-statement. |
Bah, I'll do the last level on co-op with my brother. Or I'll just wait for them to patch the game. Whichever comes first. |
-oddguy |
So what do you all think of Halo 2 compared to the original? There are a lot of people bitching about it, but I find it great compared to the first. Sure, there are a couple of things I don't think they should have changed, but not much. And I love the campaigns story! I'm so glad it actually has one, unlike Halo: CE's one with it's tiny amount of plot, with most aspects like the Covenant being strongly religious not even being delved into during the game.
***Spoilers*** And yay for the brutes causing a great divide between the Covenant. I'm goin' for the elites, though. |
I thought H2 was a huge improvement over the original. Even though the repetitive levels weren't eliminated, they were reduced greatly. The in-game graphics also got a well-needed polishing.
On the downside, the cut-scenes still suck and MC's plot still requires several play-throughs before you know where the hell you are and what you're doing. Playing as the Arbiter was my favorite part of H2. Not only was getting into the Covie mentality great, the Arbiter's plot made something vaguely resembling sense. Also, his story arc came to something pretty damn close to a conclusion, which is more than MC can say. |
I've just been playing through, and I can honestly say Delta Halo is the best level. I love it. Especially after the flood-fest of the Arbiter level before it - which makes it almost relaxing.
I thought it was a great game. The story improved from the first game...I liked being able to get more information about the covenant. Also, variety of weaponry was awesome. You could blow up a sentinal, then use the fallen beam as a weapon. Now that was cool. And being able to take advantage of more vehicles in multiplayer is great.
-oddguy |
I don't think the game was based on MC anyway . It was more on the Arbiter . Do you think they will put new unit models for multiplayer up fer download? |
No, I don't think so. Although I believe a brute could work, I don't think they will.
Do brutes even have armour? I know some don't, but I can't remember if they all don't. I have my fingers crossed very tightly, however, for Sidewinder to make a return. The wraith would be in its perfect element there. |
Halo 2 Glitches fixed...
ALL MUST READ! http://xbox.ign.com/articles/566/566...html?fromint=1 -oddguy |
Unlocked Foundation earlier. Wonderful. Really is.
I got it, what a Game! Loved every minuet of it, but I shall now go into my gripes :P
*SPOLIERS* 1. The Gravemind - WTF what this thing? some sort of queen flood? I didnt see the point because the plot stayed the same after he was introduced. I didnt like him. 2. New Human weapons - I loved the BR and SMG to bits, shame we only got to use them on the first few levels. Needed much more Earth levels. 3. Vehicles - The driving was new and different, I dont like it. Bungie, do it again. 4. THE ENDING! - This pissed me off proper. They need to make Halo 3 now ^_^ |
You could use the BR and SMG on most levels. In Delta Halo and the one where you kill POR, they were in cases all over the place. In the levels as Arbiter when you need to lower the library's shield then nick the index, tons of the flood were wielding them etc.
yeah, Gravemind is some sort of Queen flood :p Without him, the Arbiter would never have went against the covenant and never would have tried to stop them from activating Delta Halo, therefore he was very important. Also makes the Arbiter work with the humans. I liked the vehicles :p |
But when you used the human weapons against the flood they sucked. I can see why there are so many Human-Floods.
-oddguy |
This game rocks, the ending was great. Im working on beating it on legendary now which is making me go crazy.
I unlocked Foundation by reading on another forum that you have to be on the last level using a banshee to do a right loop left loop then a flip, and finish the rest of the game. They are saying that Halo 3 may be on Xbox 2, but thats way in the future and also it is just talk. |