I have nothing to say apart I have the 1,000th reply.
Yep. |
But the 1001st post
Which is a dishonour to your house |
That means I have the 1000'th post! :tard:
Someone delete a post from the first page, just to spite him.
Someone just delete this whole thread.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-21_jyYvyZx...oreyouknow.jpg |
Havoc has no reason to be mad now, new avatar. It's me! As a Pony! Made with Pony Creator. The keyboard is my cutie mark because I love Dubstep. I'm not sure why I'm mad, I just chose the mouth and eye style that reminds me of me most, turns out I must be a miserable bastard.
Ew dubstep.
And what exactly is wrong with dubstep?
Start with things that are not wrong with dubstep.
I know the appeal bass-heavy music can have, but in the case of dubstep, I just think it's lazy and sounds unpleasant. |
I just can't get enough bass drops and beatdowns. But anyway, that's a completely different topic.
Also, I don't even have black hair and my skin is nowhere near that colour. I don't know why I picked them. |
I remember the days when "The bass overpowers everything" was a criticism.
I remember the days where I didn't know what dubstep was.
Man, those were the days. |
You're all a bunch of grumpy old bastards.
I actually have legal proof I'm not a bastard.
You're still grumpy and old and you can't do anything with that
I'm definitely grumpy, I'll give you that much.
Did you know that 6 out of 7 dwarves are not Happy?
Can we petition to close the thread and forbid ponies from being posted or discussed on the forum in any way shape or form?
Why? Why does it bother you that much? We stay here in our litte corner, and if you don't like it you don't have to come here. Don't pull a 4chan.
Except for the part where you try and push ponies into a whole bunch of other threads and blogs.
Mancopops has a point. You pushed MLP out of here and into your blog. It's still yours. But it's kinda like squatting out of your bedroom window and pushing a six foot shit out of your sphincter and into your front garden. You have every right to do it, but it's not very appreciated by everyone that has to see you do it.
I kinda just wanted to write sphincter. |
Ok,so it leaks every now and again, but I'd like to remind everyone that I am not the one who brought MLP in to the I Have Just Seen thread. I don't think I've ever mentioned it out of this thread, except, maybe once. Oh, and a little in my blog, but I'm allowed to do it there.
Oh God, I can't, stop, laughing!
When do I ever bring it up?And why does everyone hate it when it is brought up? The only time it's mentioned here anymore is in this thread. Also, avatars. |
The shit? Or the Ponies?
(different things! Before anyone starts typing a lame joke...) |
While I admit Nepsotic isn't the best at keeping Ponies to himself, I don't think a "petition to close the thread and forbid ponies from being posted or discussed on the forum in any way shape or form" is fair, reasonable, or even sane. I will assume - for the sake of not hating you, Manco - that you were joking.
Even if it does sneak it's way out of the thread once and a while, who fucking cares? I stand by that anyone who is still so irked by these cartoon horses needs to grow a goddamn backbone. |
I’m fucking sick of how everything starts gravitating towards ponies. Someone mentions ponies in a blog comment, everyone harangues them. Someone changes their avatar to a pony, it gets brought up when they post. Someone posts a pony picture, everyone else dogpiles them.
And then we have this thread, wherein Nepsotic is slowly building himself into the creepiest most obnoxious fucker on the forum. |
You have to publicly admit to fantasizing about horse poon to make the list.
You're just as guilty for spurring the topic, intentionally or not. Even if it does come up, why does it provoke you so? Why is it everyone can treat every other obnoxiously overplayed thing on the internet like yesterday's news, but Ponies manage to get under everyone's skin? You have control over what you're exposed to on these forums (and on the internet, for that matter) and should you get frustrated to stumble upon a pony-related post, then I reiterate; grow a backbone. The extent of this pony gravitational pull you refer to with such indignation has been a few avatars and a couple off-hand posts at most. If you want to be part of the solution, change your avatar to something else and stop getting so ass-mad when it's brought up. It's a cartoon that a lot of people on the internet happen to like. It's no fucking different than the kind of shit you see with Sonic or every anime ever made ever. EDIT: I see you changed your avatar. I guess you either took my advice, or common sense kicked in. |