Airplane and Naked Gun are brilliant.
I have been watching Brass Eye and Bill Hicks. Chris Morris deserves a little more prominence, and Bill Hicks needs to be shown more on television over here. |
My Physics teacher was talking about momentum on Friday and he made a vector/Victor joke. Later in the lesson someone used the word surely, to which he said "Don't call me Shirley". I asked if he'd been watching Airplane (which is called Flying High over here).
Did your teacher wish you good luck and that he's counting on you before, during and after your exam?
I watched a large amount of Beavis and Butthead and Benidorm over my holiday.
"I want a tattoo of a butt, with a butt-shaped tattoo on it. Right on my butt. H-huh." |
Fucking disturbing as fuck, all the tapes were really creepy, especially the third and the fourth one. The second one was probably the scariest. The fifth one was really surreal. |
I'm not sure, IMDb claims that its premiere is in September for most countries. I got it through illegal means but that version was DVD quality so maybe it's been shown at some film festivals or something already.
So, how about that new Breaking Bad? Bit of a tear-jerker, no?
I thought the episode wasn't that good, the ending seemed... forced.
Recently I've seen the New Diary of a WImpy Kid, I'm still watching the Adventure Times (they're almost up to the 100th episode) . However I really wanted to go and see Ted has anyone seen it?
Finished season 6 of Dexter, it was the definition of the word 'epic'. I think I'll tear out my hair waiting for the next (final) season. Mind you, I'd probably do that anyway. |
WoF, you know very well that you share more mutual interests with 11 year-olds than anyone else on this forum.
11 year old girls, that is.
Yes, the only girly thing about me is ponies, I'm manly in every other way possible.
I'll bet.
Me too. In fact I'm taking bets.
I'm serious, I just did a mile on a bicycle machine in about 4 minutes :tard:
Do you grow knuckle hair? If not then you don't know shit about manliness
I grow knuckle hair.
I'd rather I didn't. |
Toe knuckle hair, specifically.
I have that too. Also lots of chest and stomach hair.
It's very gross and I wish I could swap with someone who doesn't mind being Manly. |
Just cover your floor in a carpet of double stick gaffer tape and roll around on it until you're hairless.
The less manly way is to get a chemo
I'll tell you what's gross is growing seven chest hairs like I do.
My ass is just a forest of the stuff though. |
I get hair on my toes, and feet. Not a lot of it, but some.
In other, not-so-hairy news, I just watched the first episode of Farscape. I really enjoyed it. The aliens were all very creative, acting was great, and the story seems interesting enough to keep me...well, interested. Gonna keep watching, probably. |
You people keep bypassing Lexx for Farscape which is basically the same show but infinitely more interesting.
I look for Lexx in my HMV every time I go and never find it.
Lexx also seems infinitely weirder, and less acessible. As someone who has never watched Sci-fi television in his life, I think I'm better off starting with Farscape.
I tried Lexx. Still enjoyed Farscape more :3
The first series of Lexx doesn't really get their formula right, unfortunately. I understand people not being wowed by it. The show really gets great when it decides that there doesn't need to be any rules to it's universe, and hey, have some magic too.
American Horror Story, only seen the first two episodes, and I'm about to go onto the third. It's trippy as fuck, but I love it.
I watched the last Brass Eye for the first time in ages.
I pissed myself. |
Just got into this TV show called Fairy Tail, yeah it sounds faggy but it's really quite good, my friend told me about it and I really like it now. Has anyone else seen it?
Do you only watch cartoons still?
Yeah it is, it's quite good though. And Nepsotic, no I do watch other shows. I just prefer cartoons. |
EDIT: Wrong thread
I watched the dreaded Walrus episode of Pingu last night with some friends.
I can see why it terrified me at a young age. |