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Mac Sirloin 11-09-2009 01:52 PM


Actually I've realized how stupid that game was a few weeks ago and dropped completely out of it, thank god.

I was playing one night and all of the sudden I got hit by a thought: WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!?!!11!1

Instantly canceled by sub, uninstalled the game and never looked back.


Havoc 11-11-2009 08:31 AM


Modern Warfare 2 FTW!!

CoConn111 11-11-2009 10:28 AM

AO, new rachet and clank and a bit of TF2=)

Phylum 11-13-2009 12:22 AM

CoD1 in veteran. Hard shit.

No time for anything else, as I'm having my MAJOR ASSESSMENT NEEDED TO PASS YR.8 ON THE MONDAY AFTER NEXT!

It needs to be finished to pass year 8. If it isn't good enough, the teachers arrange a re-assess as many times as it takes....

enchilado 11-13-2009 12:30 AM

Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus. I finished it about a week ago, I've had it for about eight years. Now I'm playing it again trying to rescue all 300. Last game it was 200 and something, with 0 casualties. Just a few secret areas I missed.

~I'm taking some good screenshots I'll upload here sometime, too..

OANST 11-13-2009 08:25 AM

I'll be playing 'Splosion Man with the guys from Twisted Pixel tonight. Should be fun.

Disgruntled Intern 11-13-2009 03:05 PM

Brag brag brag

shaman 11-13-2009 03:10 PM

I'm eagarly awaiting christmas in the well founded hope that i can fnally play "Left for dead 2".

Dipstikk 11-13-2009 10:14 PM

Mercenaries, the first one, on muh Pee Ess Too. I finished the game as Mui and I've moved onto Peter Stormare's character.

OANST 11-14-2009 08:04 AM

Playing 'Splosion Man with the developers last night was really fun. I played for about an hour and a half with the art director (for those of you who have the game, it's his face on the screen right before you fight the first boss battle), and they were all really nice and talkative. I like these developers nights that XBOX Live does.

Ridg3 11-14-2009 03:35 PM

Oblivion EDIV just after finishing the Shivering Isles expansion (got it recently) now I have to re-do it again so I can become Duke of Mania and get the achievement. :)

Disgruntled Intern 11-14-2009 07:09 PM

I've never plaid with Devs, but it's always seemed interesting. Mostly because the idea of chatting with someone from an art department would be nice. I'm usually virtually silent online, but I think I'd be a regular chatty cathy with someone like that.

Also, still Dragon Age: Origins.

Also, still fucking awesome. Already looking forward to my next play-through.

Leto 11-14-2009 11:00 PM

kind of want to play dragon age.

also, played cod mw2 today. pretty intense, no idea how that airport level got past censors worldwide. mildly shocking, but i'm sure that was their intention

slig# 5719 11-15-2009 12:13 AM

I have bought Mark of Kri and Eternal Ring second hand recently for £1.99 each so I have started playing them.

Still hoping to play SMT: Persona 3&4 though

Fluid 11-15-2009 02:39 AM

AOE III.... i can't play anything newer in high resolution....

dripik 11-15-2009 05:48 AM

The Orange Box games, mostly. Anyone still on TF2?

Also had the luck to meet Batman: Arkham Asylum. One of those games which I didn't quit in the first play-through, but completed it multiple times instead. Awesome game.

Josh 11-15-2009 05:49 AM

TF2 on PC or console?

dripik 11-15-2009 05:53 AM


TF2 on PC or console?

PC, I should've mentioned that. My guess is that you're playing on console.

MeechMunchie 11-15-2009 05:54 AM

I'm still on PC TF2, though I've taken a bit of a break from that recently.

EDIT: We have a Steam Group now.

Josh 11-15-2009 05:55 AM


PC, I should've mentioned that. My guess is that you're playing on console.

Nope, PC. Console TF2 sucks.

MeechMunchie 11-15-2009 05:58 AM

Wow, if you both join we'll have... one, two, three, four ...five members!

Josh 11-15-2009 06:01 AM


There, add me.

dripik 11-15-2009 06:03 AM


Wow, if you both join we'll have... one, two, three, four ...five members!

You're FlamingCarrot on Steam then, I presume. Well, that could work, I'll note you there. In other news, I'm amazed that TF2 has no topic in NOG. Is it really so, or did it miss my attention?

Mac Sirloin 11-15-2009 03:17 PM


Nope, PC. Console TF2 sucks.


Tried playing Roboblitz. I will finish it on the diffcultest difficulty.

Ridg3 11-15-2009 03:29 PM


AOE III.... i can't play anything newer in high resolution....

AOE II is so much more better than III the only thing the third one has is full 3D models but even then it's just AOE 2.5.

Leto 11-15-2009 03:45 PM

i love how people call it 2 and a half D, how delightfully absurd

enchilado 11-15-2009 04:18 PM

Why 2.5? Anyway I think AoE III is much better than II. All it has is full 3D models? Have you played it...?

~Next you'll be trying to tell me Abe doesn't talk!

Leto 11-16-2009 12:05 AM

2.5d (slang for) 3D enviroments with 2D sprites in it

Wings of Fire 11-16-2009 01:21 AM


Why 2.5? Anyway I think AoE III is much better than II. All it has is full 3D models? Have you played it...?

~Next you'll be trying to tell me Abe doesn't talk!

Gunpowder broke traditional warfare almost as hard as it broke AOE III.

enchilado 11-16-2009 02:16 AM

There was gunpowder in AOE II, but anywayz.

~however, any recenterer than the 1800's and I will hate it :(