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misty 09-06-2004 06:12 PM

My appologies, but what is halo and whats so great about it?

Fez 09-07-2004 08:06 AM

Halo is a video game for the Xbox. Imo one of the best games ever made.

Alpha 09-07-2004 09:38 AM

ill enlighten you halo is the best game ever just as ferrill said however he left out something *(i start going on for hours about every detail of halo1 and 2).

Fez 09-07-2004 09:50 AM

Halo is not the best game ever made, I just think its one of them. Shhhhhhhhhh!

Alpha 09-07-2004 09:56 AM

is too well in my opinion what do you thinks the best game ever ferrill then we can have a thread with a poll

Leto 09-07-2004 12:11 PM

I love the Halo series as much as the next guy, but after playing it constantly, I realised- Isn't this just like every other first person shooter?

Please don't insult me, I like Halo! Just placing an opinion :D

Mac the Janitor 09-07-2004 01:46 PM

You are exactly right Super Munch. It's nothing special, I don't see why everybody made such a big deal about it.

Leto 09-07-2004 08:37 PM


You are exactly right Super Munch. It's nothing special, I don't see why everybody made such a big deal about it.

Probably because it was the first first-person shooter on Xbox ( I think..)

Hobo 09-08-2004 05:47 AM


I love the Halo series as much as the next guy, but after playing it constantly, I realised- Isn't this just like every other first person shooter?

Please don't insult me, I like Halo! Just placing an opinion :D

I agree, it isn't anything too special, but the AI and stuff was a first for its genre.

There are much better games out there though

sligster 09-08-2004 06:12 PM


at least I think.... none of them have been posted here as far as I can tell....

here's the site.... it's french, so I can't read.... but they have some very nice pics.


although what really struck me was this pic....


now, besides the scenery from this new multiplayer map, -Lockdown, I believe it's called- it doesn't seem very interesting....

but look in the sky..... it's the Halo ring that you saw in the sky from Halo 1.....

so there you go.... undeniable proof that there will more than likely be another ringworld in Halo 2. Lets just hope theres not another Guilty Spark....

EDIT: the site also shows some shots of the Magnums, Carbine, Brute Shot, and Beam Rifle

Facsimile 09-09-2004 12:40 AM

Yeah, I don't find Halo as the best game ever. I like the multiplayer, but I didn't find much replay value in single player unless playing co-op.

Fez 09-09-2004 08:45 AM

That site wont load for me. Can you just post all the pics please?

Hobo 09-09-2004 09:16 AM

They're nothing special. The Pistol looks lame and Cliched unlike the one in Halo 1. The Brute Shot is ugly too. New game modes look alright though.

Fez 09-09-2004 09:41 AM

I cant see the pics! I wish I listened in my French lessons now......

sligster 09-09-2004 03:05 PM

aw man.... looks like they've pulled all the beta info.... legal problems, most likely.... should've saved the pics...

Ferril- two of the pics included new game modes.

One of the modes was Headhunter.
You collect the heads of your fallen enemies and return them to your base to score points.

The other was Terretories.
In Territories, you must control all points on the map at once to score a point. Kinda like "Capture the Tower" in Conker: Live and Reloaded, or that one game mode in Unreal Championship 2.

It showed a new map, too. Lockdown. It seemed like a large base stationed in the mountains, and like I said before, on another ringworld. It looked pretty nice.

It showed pics of the Magnums, too. Looked pretty crappy if you ask me, but it might just be the beta model. The icon is very similar to the pistol.

Mojo 09-09-2004 11:24 PM


Here, amigos!

Now bow before me!

Fez 09-10-2004 08:03 AM

Very nice find AS. Very nice.....

sligster 09-10-2004 02:53 PM

no new pics =(

nice info, tho

confirmation of drivable Wraith :)
instead of jacking tank or wraith, you can jump on the side and shoot the driver, or even chuck a grenade in the cockpit if you wish.

I like the new communication method for Live.... adds some realism

nice map descriptions too....

nice find.

EDIT: aha! I forgot IGN/1UP was releasing their beta test today, also!
and theirs includes some new screenies. nothing too important, but new nontheless.

1UP beta preview

new screens:

Elite shooting Carbine and Spartan shooting Beam Rifle

Waterworks (I think) layout

Zanzibar layout

Concept of Ivory Tower

Ivory Tower layout (reminds me of Counter-Strike)

The Chief dual wielding Magnums

Elite holding Carbine


Cyber-Slig 09-10-2004 03:26 PM

Someone who works in my warhammer shop has Halo 2 Beta . Should I kill him and steal it? ;) I am looking forward to this . Badly . playing the covenant looks so fun . And I am rambo with the tanks . I kill them easily by jumping on em with a few plasma grenades . I hope you can use banshees in multiplayer or Live >.<

sligster 09-10-2004 03:50 PM


I hope you can use banshees in multiplayer or Live >.<

I assure you that you can, CS. Hijacking and all.

hey! yet another beta review! this one from one of the lucky few who were chosen for the beta test in Redmond. You may remember his name if you looked at that french site before the info got pulled. mnemisis. Bungie has givin him the ok to post his joyous experience.


oddguy 11-12-2004 10:24 AM

I beat Halo 2. Dear dude, what a cliffhanger at the end. I must say, it was much better than the first one, however...I think the game is being marketed wrong. The commercials were saying "we never thought they'd find us" refering to the covenant finding earth. It made it seem the game would take place on earth a lot more than it was. More emphasis on saving earth was placed in the marketing campaign, when in reality you are only there for about three levels. I mean, the awesome earth-battle demo shown at E3 was not in the game. We got a watered down version of it.

It seems the really huge earth battle is set for Halo 3. Grrrr. Well, I suppose Bungie did their job, because I was left wanting more.


Esus 11-12-2004 12:24 PM

t3h spoiler

Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeesome. Compelted it earlier. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Bit annoyed they werent really shocked that the covvies found earth in the first cinematic. I mean, this is earth. Reading the books would tell you how much of a big deal it is the covvies even knowing where earth is.

Also, that big covenant city where MC latched onto the forerunner ship near the end... was that on the covvie homeworld? Love Arbiter, and the Brute,Jackal,Drone,(Prophet)/Elite,Grunt,Hunter civil war

Software Bug 11-12-2004 01:14 PM

i beat halo 2 aswel (today) :p
it is an great game but on al the advertisments they say things like : earth wil never be the same....
there are only 3 levels on earth!!!!! come on he:)

Lucipher 11-13-2004 03:56 AM

I can't wait to play halo 2. From what i've heard it's brilliant but only 3 earth levels? How many levels are there?

Fez 11-13-2004 10:07 AM

I still havnt got it yet, it sounds like you lot are having alot of fun though!

Please refrain from giving any secrets away untill the end of the month, thankyou.

MasterChief 11-13-2004 10:33 AM


Fez 11-13-2004 10:37 AM

Nice to see ya back :p

Flamethrower, in or not?

MasterChief 11-13-2004 10:40 AM

nope, not in :(

Fez 11-13-2004 10:42 AM

Okay then.

I cant wait to get this game, it should be coming Monday or Tuesday.

MasterChief 11-13-2004 10:42 AM

its amazing, you should get xbox live also. Al is in my clan and we are kickin ass bro