But was it scary?
Corner Gas. I never really watched this show when it originally aired, because I thought it was boring. I can see why I thought that then, but now I can really appreciate the dry subtlety of the humor. Funny, funny stuff.
It's fucked up. |
Has anyone seen Ted? I've heard good things but I'm a bit reluctant to go.
You should go, it's hilarious. It's just Family Guy humor, but I found it extremely funny and I'm not even a big Family Guy fan.
It really wasn't that funny.
Well, I disagree, but it's all about taste. Chris will just have to see for himself.
God, please don't him Chris.
I hate being reminded I share a name with that little polyp. |
Yes, but it's funny Family Guy humor. I don't even like Family Guy, but I found Ted quite funny.
Didn't you get the memo? Crashpunk has been cool since about mid to late 2010. |
Now discuss stuff you've seen before I hit you all with a bat. Im watching this show called Awkward lately. Its a teen highschool drama series. Yea.. Guilty pleasure and all that. But its entertaining enough. |
I watched Cube. It wasn't that scary, surrealistic rather. It was alright.
I saw it when I was 10 and it freaked my shit OUT.
Speaking of It, I saw GLADIATOR. I liked the wacky/possibly accurate armour, the violence was satiating during this Game of Thrones absent season and Russel Crowe seemed pretty comfortable in the role of GLADIATOR. And hahaha Juaquim fenixks sucks ass |
Cube scared the shit out of me as well. Then i watched the sequel, Hypercube, and couldn't wrap my head around it so it exploded.
The first movie was really good. Do you know if they are making more? |
I watched Inception the other day, again. Still a pretty great movie.
Sorry to bring this back up T-nex, but seriously. What gives? |
Hypercube, on the other hand... probably could have been good but was ruined by poor acting, poor directing, and a painfully low budget. The concept of throwing random people into a non-euclidean labyrinth could have been really cool, but it was just executed so poorly, and the whole thing looked and felt like a SyFy Original Movie. And the less said about Cube Zero, the better. |
Crash, please PM Sekto if you need to get personal questions answered. But for the record, you really shouldn't care about his opinion of you. No one else does :p (please keep this stuff off the forums)
Anyway Hypercube was scary no matter how low budget... I mean anything multi-dimensional is creepy. I just find anything quantum-related to be insanely weird. |
Sorry. Will do in the future if anyone else decides they hate me. ._.
Anyway, I saw Naked Gun 2 1/2 and Naked Gun 33 1/3 for the first time in a while (Best titles for films may I add) Truly is my favourite type of comedy, I just crack up laughing watching them. I'm also a massive fan of Airplane! too. |
The Naked Gun movies always make me laugh, they're the best kind of comedy movies.
I made it to the end of Vampires Suck, and I was determined to do it, because when I tried to watch it before I ended up switching it off at 30 minutes.
Of course, it was just another very unfunny and very shitty movie from the same idiots that made Scary Movie. Which reminds me, I watched Scary Movie 4 last night, yep, it sucked, no surprise there. |
Meet the Spartans has one really great joke. It legitimately makes me urinate nightmarish blue fluid at the thought. It's near the opening, Leonidas welcomes the messenger and is holding his hand walking through Sparta, but when the messenger relays his message Leonidas pulls away looking hurt. It's just amazingly silly.
I'm watching Family Guy s7 because there's a dvd of it here, it's pretty okay, always gets some laffs out of me. |
Amazing film. Intelligent, hilarious and heartwarming! |
Family Guy dipped in quality around the time of the writers' strike, and remained shitty for like 2 or 3 whole seasons. The last couple of seasons have definitely been better, though I'm still not a huge fan.
Is Season 7 the latest? Because I've seen the most recent episodes and I just think they were awful. Too many character developments storylines with just thrown in terrible jokes. I don't watch Family Guy to get immersed in the characters, I watch Family Guy to have a good laugh...
Uh, I dunno. I don't keep track, nor do I really care.
I think around the episode where they had the mansion murder mystery was when it started getting good again. Or at least better. The episodes beyond that point have been hit and miss, but more hit, especially compared to the last few seasons. The episode where Quagmire's dad got a sex change is a good example. Some of the jokes were stupid, but the pay off was pretty good, and the ending was phenomenal. "Hey... I fucked your dad" *credits roll* |
Yeah, I love that. As far as I know, we're on season 10 or 11, whatever. But yeah, the latest season is actually pretty good.
I've been watching It's Always Funny in Philadelphia. Absolutely hilarious. The episode where they go to Jersey Shore was too much.
Also, IMO Family Guy has been pretty shit since it came back. The first three seasons were fantastic, and it never really recovered from the cancellation. There have been some really funny moments, but overall, everything seemed very... stale. Especially the animation. |
Just watched V for Vendetta. Brilliant movie, really enjoyed.
I watched Carrie. I liked it. The prom part was pretty disturbing but only because of the way Carrie looked at the people. Seriously, those eyes.
I just saw
http://qiibo.com/wp-content/uploads/...colas-cage.jpg this movie poster. I lol'd. Such an obvious rip off of Taken. |
Why would anyone steal a kidnapped daughter? She's 'stolen' already
Rance. Various Conan ripoffs. |
Bourne Legacy was pretty good. Watched it in Gdansk (English vioces, Polish subtitles)
(Regarding snatched) Wow a kidnapped daughter, how original! The problem with films like Meet the Spartans is, out of the hundreds of 'funny moments', only 5% are genuinely good. It would be better if they made short sketches, since their movies are just pain rip-offs of other movies, and not in a good way. |
I watched Predators, Project X and Chronicle. I had already seen Predators in the cinema, but now that I rewatched it, it was actually pretty mediocre. Project X was really stupid, it wasn't really boring or anything but just really stupid and the acting was horrible. Chronicle was actually pretty enjoyable but that Andrew guy was such an angsty prick I hated him.
Saw Airplane! again. After watching the Naked Gun series, I just had to watch that film. In my opinion, It's one of the most funniest films ever made, Some parts just crack me up everytime.