Now that's a spoiler.
Well I haven't even seen nor know how the film ends yet, so it's kind of 50/50.
for pixar fans Bruce Woodside's résumé after working in such film business (not disney though) an artificial life from Bruce Woodside on Vimeo. |
Just seen Finding Nemo again, it's great and Pixar have took a turn for the worse since then. But minor spoiler: This fish becomes a thug and touches the boat disregarding his Dad's warning. He gets put in a fish tank and his Dad tries to find him.
Do we need to have a goddamn seminar on what is or is not a spoiler, people? |
Even if it was a spoiler, who the hell hasn't seen Find Nemo?
I'm pretty sure GLaDOS was making a joke.
I fucking hope so.
This is an actual spoiler
I get it.
Though since it's the last film in the trilogy, I could have guessed that much. |
The Dark Knight rises
Why not? From your older blogs you sounded pretty enthusiastic about it. Plus, it looks like it'll be a great movie.
Don't get him started on Christopher Nolan. Listening to him talk about Nolan is at least twice as tedious, and boring as just watching The Dark Knight Returns could ever possibly be.
The Dark Knight and Robin.
That one too.
I hear TDKR is the worst in the trilogy. Shame that not even Christopher Nolan can escape the curse of film trilogies.
That's what I suspected the consensus would be when I saw the first clip. I don't even know why, but once I started seeing actual parts of the movie, I thought it seemed... boring? I don't know.
I think Bane's costume looks fucking hideous. I would almost almost had preferred it if he was more luchadear-esque or at least took some ideas from the last 2 Batman games, he didn't look TOO stupid in them.
I don't have a problem with Bane's costume, just his voice.
I thought his voice was okay when you could understand it.
MeechMunchie was right, I was making a joke, I'm pretty sure everyone knows what happens in finding Nemo.
I also saw the Pilot to Gravity Falls the other day and I really do like the show. It doesn't fully air until September, but I may as well wait. |
I saw the Dark Knight Rises.
"The Breaking Bad of film" |
I don't know if I've already said this but I've been watching Star Trek: Voyager recently. I watch an episode a day and I'm half way through Season 2 (Star Trek is a guilty pleasure of mine.)
I know people have mixed opinions about it (I'm looking at you Wil) and Star Trek as a show in general but I really like it. I love the character development, the ships, the stories. Oh and Neelix randomly makes me giggle; He's so stupidly funny. I can't wait till the Borg episodes because Voyager had the best ones. I don't think it's the best Star Trek but it's close, My personal favorite is Next Generation because the cast is amazing. |
I don't understand how you can have character development in a show where everyone treats the last episode like it never happened.