I remember when I used to play ocarina of time years ago on the n64, I couldn't even get past the kokiri forest.
Now I have it on the gamecube (zelda collecters edition) i'm at the end but can't bring myself to finish it so i'm running around looking for the heart containers. Majora's mask is much harder, still havn't passed the zora temple. |
Ahahaha the Zora Temple in Majora's Mask, God that brings back unpleasent memories, good luck with that fish. You really must complete it though, if only to see the stylistic mastery that is Ikana :).
Been playing Oblivion again lately... I love that game.. Liked Morrowind better though and I'm planning on playing it again, but I just don't know if I can deal with those frequent crashes and bugs. It got unbearable at some points.
A guy at work once lent me Morrowind. After about twenty minutes I yelled 'Ugghh, BORED!', turned it off, and took it back to him the next day.
Morrowind and oblivion take patience.. Lots of it... I think it took me a year to complete the Morrowind main quest line with pauses and all.
I remember when I first started playing morrowind, created my character, left the census office and thought *WHAT DO I DO NOW?!* days of wandering and frustrated hours of dying later I finally figured out how to play the game.
The answer to "What do i do now" is "anything you like" :p The game is created so that you can do whatever you want, and choose your own path.
You may simply choose to go out and kill monsters and raid dungeons. Or you can go on the main quest or do minor quests too. Personally I'm in it for the very freeform type of playing and the storyline. I like the stories of the Elder Scrolls games. There has been put so much thought into it. There's so many books to read ingame too. |
I think morrowind was much harder then oblivion. I also noticed oblivion doesn't have the enchantment skill. I guess the oblivion character isn't as skilled with magic as the morrowind character (no teleport spells either, I havn't come across any anyway) although the oblivion character has some physical attack skills (charge forward with knockback ect) (I'm not including mods though) |
Majora's Mask is complicated. But it's so fun. I've spent hours this weekend trying to do the sidequests. I only managed the Kafei one today, took me ages though. I also attempted the stone tower temple but I got stuck.
I suck. |
Getting stuck on the Stone Tower temple is no shame :p, have you done the horrible room where you have to use Deku Link to fly over the fans? That had me stuck for hours, the other puzzles are just a test of little grey cells.
(If anyone hasn't noticed Majora's Mask is my favourite game evar, it's also the only game I've ever managed to get 100% complete on). |
EDIT: here's a tip: If you don't know, try playing the song of time backwards |
Well, the usual progression is: Find entrance to temple, go back to Day 1, play half speed song of time, find special item, go back in time, play half speed song of time, defeat boss, FUCKING DO THE SIDEQUESTS YOU NEED THE PURIFIED AREA FOR QUICK-ASS, move on to next area.
Also I fucking love Majora's sidequests, having a complete Bomber's Notebook makes you feel like you're the fucking king of the world. Especially after you've got the Couples and the Cow Mask. |
In our free time we want to shoot the fucker in the face who tells us to be patient... as quickly as possible. |
Coming from a guy who plays EVE?
Actually I've realized how stupid that game was a few weeks ago and dropped completely out of it, thank god.
I was playing one night and all of the sudden I got hit by a thought: WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!?!!11!1 Instantly canceled by sub, uninstalled the game and never looked back. |
Wet. I rented it based on the fact that someone described it as a 'playable Tarantino movie'. It wasn't. And the game was ugly. And frustrating at times.
Good soundtrack though. |
Morrowind fucking owned my life 2003-2006. Literally it is a chunk of my life. I want it to become an iPhone game, and then I'd buy an iPhone.
I want TES:V :( |
I've heard of four mobile Elder Scrolls games that are for mobile phone:
Oblivion Mobile, Shadowkey, Stormhold and dawnstar. I've never played them though and I don't know whether they work on the iphone. |
they are all utterly shit.
seriously man i've searched every corner over the years. DS elder scrolls would be amazing. |
I tried the mobile game Tes games... Wasn't for me. I find mobile games frustrating is not done correctly. Sometimes mobile game developers forget that the controls on a mobile phone tends to be rather frustrating.
I never really got into Morrowind, I tried it first on the Xbox when my cousin borrowed it me, but it just got frustrating. I bought it for the PC for a cheap price later and found it quite fun. I can't recall what I did with the game though.
Oblivion is fun though. I spent ages on it, but after being on holiday it was too hard to get back into it. I mean to start again and play some time. :
Yea.. It's easy to forget the quests and such if you neglect the TES games for too long. That's why I started a fresh game.
Does anyone know a good rpg game like the TES games of Fable. Those are the only that I've come across that really got me excited. I'm gonna get Fable 2 at some point anyway :D |
Fantasy or can it be anything? Web or singleplayer?
Dragon Age Origins. I fucking dig it.
currently nothing besides casual games really. Schools a wanker that way. gonna get Scribblenauts soon tho, can't wait :P
N64 is awesome Havoc. Don't dis the great console.