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Lucipher 08-24-2004 10:43 AM

I think this thread should earn an award for biggest thread ever. It shall die when halo 2's out and done with.

Fez 08-24-2004 10:45 AM

Probably not, after the release we'll just talk about it for ages, then after about a Month or no replies, it will be time to send it to Necrum.

Lucipher 08-24-2004 10:46 AM

Hopefully we can get it up to 30 pages by then.

Without spam.

Hobo 08-25-2004 12:32 AM

I love bees has done some cool thing with it now making more sense. I think you guys should check it out aswell as the blog that has a little bit that shows us what we know.

Fez 08-25-2004 12:42 AM

The countdown on ilovebees is over, weird stuff.

Xavier 08-25-2004 12:51 AM

go to the links page
see the GPS coordonation points
go there at the right hour
take the phone
answer "operator"
you just activated a AXON HOT

Lucipher 08-25-2004 12:52 AM

Would you care to give us the website anyone?

Xavier 08-25-2004 12:56 AM


Lucipher 08-25-2004 01:08 AM

I heard you can use headsets to talk in xbox live. That would be amazing when flying the pelican. "I will be your pilot for this afternoon, and whatever you do, do NOT fart in this ****ing pelican!" Priceless.

Xavier 08-25-2004 01:13 AM

well, like most of the FPS xbox live games, I have Unreal Championship and XIII, they both handle it :p

I wonder if there is an ILoveBees point in Belgium :D

Mojo 08-27-2004 07:24 AM

I STILL haven't got Xbox L!ve. Maybe I should get a Creditcard...

Fez 08-28-2004 01:07 AM

Halo 2 Weekly Update

Itsa nicea onea.

Fez 09-01-2004 08:07 AM

The Beam Rifle!

Xavier 09-01-2004 08:36 AM

it is huge!
where did you find that pic?

Hobo 09-01-2004 08:52 AM

*picks up beam rifle*

*turns around*

*destorys earth, halo and OWF*

Fez 09-01-2004 09:04 AM

Lol. CJ.


it is huge!
where did you find that pic?

Of this website.....Thingy........

Cyber-Slig 09-01-2004 09:08 AM

Can I just ask wtf ilovebees has to do with halo ?

Fez 09-03-2004 08:38 AM

New Halo 2 Images

Just a few new Multi-player screens. Nice stuff of the Beam Rifle and Plasma Carbine in action.

Hobo 09-03-2004 08:47 AM


Whazzat big green thing? Human flyer?

Fez 09-03-2004 09:04 AM

Please tell me your joking.

Its a fcked up 'Hog, dumbass :p

Hobo 09-03-2004 09:14 AM

Shutup. Didn't realise it was upside down. *beats with Sharp Piece of cheese in the name of the shiny voodoo doll*

You guys think there will be a human flyer?

Fez 09-03-2004 09:16 AM

I hope so, a Helicopter type thing would be cool......

Alpha 09-03-2004 09:37 AM

are you mad theres gonna be a halo3 how can thier not be? this thread will live on!

Cyber-Slig 09-03-2004 09:40 AM

Yah a Halo 3 in ooh lets say 3 OR 4 YEARS?

Al the Vykker 09-03-2004 07:41 PM

I doubt a Halo 3 is going to be made. And once Halo 2 totally delivers what its promised and all the hype, there wont be a need for one Im guessing. I also think the story will finally be tied up by the end of this one.

Fez 09-04-2004 12:27 AM

I hope there is never a Halo 3. Another game set in the halo universe would be a maybe. But they should just leave it at Halo 2.

Halo 2 Update ^_^


Bungie Weekly Update

Today is officially designated "Final Push" day, which means that there is about a month of hardcore development left, followed by success and joy, with any luck. Which means this update is short!
Screenshots! We've been taking screens for upcoming magazines and we had to enlist some help. Brian is STILL getting married, or making a baby, or whatever it is you do, and so we're short handed. So we press ganged a lucky (kinda!) old school 7th Column member who was only too pleased to run around some multiplayer levels, blowing stuff up, sniping Lorraine and generally causing cool stuff to happen so we could take screenshots of it. We also forced him to sign an NDA so restrictive, that he has to breathe a certain way for the next six months, and is only allowed to wear elastic-waist pants.

Asked to describe the game in three words or less (and remember CENSORED has seen things nobody else has, he replied, "Oh. My. God."
The game continues to come on in leaps and bounds. It's advanced enough that we were even able to start work on an upcoming strategy guide. Certainly the multiplayer aspect of the strategy can be written right now, since very little is going to change in terms of rules, weapon placements or map layouts. Multiplayer strategy itself is a cavernous, never-ending thing. There are so many rules, gametypes, variants, weapons and vehicles, that even a simple list of "things" takes up a few pages, never mind the strategies that accompany them.

Single player strategy is another matter entirely, but lots of stuff is pretty far along, and some levels are being described as mostly finished. Yesterday I found a Carneyhole* that let me wander the rooftops of Old Mombasa, making hairier and hairier jumps. It was kinda scary, and completely pointless. But I do love a good Carneyhole.
Nathan's has two 6am deadlines coming up. Both Saturdays. Now think about that for a moment. 6am? Saturday? Who schedules deadlines like that? I mean, why not noon on Friday? Or 10am on Monday? Does anyone even know what 6am on Saturday looks like? For all I know (and I am colossally, impossibly lazy) 6am on Saturday could be bright green, covered in Chia and spew flaming Pez into a sky filled with barking helicopters.

Anyhoo, Nathan's two deadlines are – content complete for gameplay, this Saturday, 6am. That means, any animations or animation fixes for gameplay, will be complete, on Saturday, at 6am. The next deadline is the same thing, but for cinematics. If you look at the gameplay right now, you probably wouldn't be able to spot a single problem with animation (which is good, since his deadline is in about 12 hours) but there are still tweaks, additions and fixes to be made to the cinematics, which are coming along beautifully.

Mat's Noguchi's desk is like Satan's underwear drawer. If you want to know what the universe will look like when the Big Crunch finally sucks the entropy back to a singularity, just go over and look at his desk. Honestly, it's like a Hieronymous Bosch painting of Toys R Us. It is the messiest desk of all time, piled high with garbage, layers of paper, veins of old snack substances, and supported by an intricate network of columns…well, technically they're half full cans of Mountain Dew. Soon it will collapse, and certainly it will destroy us all.

Ironic then (you knew I was getting to a point, right?) that Noguchi spent this week cleaning up Halo 2 code of what he calls "Two years of crap that people filled up our code base with." Basically Noguchi's task is to ensure that the game fits on the disc, which won't affect the game performance (none of the extraneous messages to PookySchnookums, dead-end utilities or unused graphics actually affect code) but it may have some effect on loading speeds, since the disc sectors are bound to be more efficiently jammed with Halo goodness.

Mat promises never to clean his desk, saying that he will instead "wait 'til it becomes something new, evolves and escapes from its terrestrial prison."
Adrian Perez has been fixing little gameplay exploits – or "features" as cheats call them. One of these is one some, but not all of you will know about from Halo one. If four players stand on the respawn point of an active camouflage power up, and they are all there at the same moment it reappears, you guessed it, all four become simultaneously invisible and take off on a rampage of destruction. Halo 2, for what it's worth, checks to see how many jerks are standing there, and awards the power up to whoever is most on it.

The manual shipped. Completely. Now I'm getting more of those strange requests from Japan asking what "jerk-face" and "ass-clown" mean. The manual looks great. I think. Anyway, if you enjoy the manual, just remember, it's about the only aspect of your Halo 2 experience I had anything positive to do with. Congrats to the UX team for going above and beyond the call of duty. On November 9th, you'll have a better idea of the hard work and talent they put into it.
Jay points out that they still have dozens of scenes of cinematic foley to implement, but was glad to report that they had recorded a crowd scene at last. The crowds in this case being Jackals and Grunts, played by Bungie employees, yelling at the top of their voices in an acoustically correct makeshift recording studio. Much to the annoyance of the people working in the offices connected to it.

Marty is putting music in the game. He is 95% composed. And by that, we mean of course that he has composed 95% of the music, since he himself may or may not be composed. I have only seen him once this week, and he was gripping his coffee cup very hard, so I was scared to ask how he was. Jay says the final deadlines for audio are about a week away, but that he and the audio team will be tuning, tweaking and perfecting until Harold physically drags them away. Technically, all the raw data should be done in about a week, but there will then be lots (a relative term these days) of time to manipulate stuff that's already in the game.

Jay brought his inflatable queen sized bed. He had to measure his office first to make sure it fit. It does.

He also recently added some effects to the Rocket launcher projectile sound. The new-improved noise includes a kind of hollow echo as the rocket tube empties. It basically sounds a lot more dangerous. The rocket itself sounds absolutely terrifying and leaves you in no doubt that it is headed straight for your face.

Dave Dunn and the invincible environment artists are fixing bugs. Bugs of course in environment art can mean all sorts of things, including missing textures or odd lighting effects. No new content is being created, except to patch holes in things, or fix faults. But the basic upshot is that apart from some wacky lighting and two or three transparent green placeholder crates, all of the environments look finished, to my eye at least. The artists, being artists are lovingly poring over every pixel.


Carneyhole* - Imaginary hole placed in geometry that Chris Carney hides in his multiplayer maps so he can hide, popping up occasionally to snipe. The hole is full of guns and health and ammo.
So here's Mister Chief, searching, futilely on Zanzibar for Carney.

Cyber-Slig 09-04-2004 12:39 AM

Yep and then it would be a replica of crash bandicoot with so many damn games!

Hobo 09-04-2004 01:23 AM


Yep and then it would be a replica of crash bandicoot with so many damn games!

What are you on about? Crash bandicoot had a tame number of games(Most of which were extremly fun to play anyway) compared to the likes of Sonic and Mario. Nintendo's whole market is running off a few old characters.

Anybody else want to flog this dead horse?

Alpha 09-04-2004 03:02 AM

are you mad!
[QUOTE=ferill]I hope there is never a Halo 3. Another game set in the halo universe would be a maybe. But they should just leave it at Halo 2.
are you mad? just think halo3 on xbox2! possibilitys no one except bunjie can imagine i for one hope this isnt the last of the sieries i hope its like a walts.

Fez 09-05-2004 01:37 AM

Shhhhhhh. Right now.