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STM 08-07-2012 11:24 AM

Repo Men. It was an okay film, but I can see why it was a box office flop. I also don't much care for gore porn so I spent about fifteen minutes looking away.

Dynamithix 08-07-2012 11:36 AM

Repo Men was awful.

Nepsotic 08-07-2012 12:00 PM


Repo Men. It was an okay film, but I can see why it was a box office flop. I also don't much care for gore porn so I spent about fifteen minutes looking away.

Gore porn as in tearing someones clitoris off while doing them? Or just porn in a gorey film?

If it's either of those then I wouldn't recommend Evil Aliens.
Actually I'd never recommend Evil Aliens. To anyone.

STM 08-07-2012 12:25 PM

Do you think I'd watch someone tearing a woman's clit off?

No one answer that. Bastards.

JennyGenesis 08-07-2012 03:16 PM

Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory

This film never fails to bring a smile to my face and is way better than the Tim Burton version.

OANST 08-07-2012 04:31 PM

Way better is a bit of an understatement. The original is a classic, and the Burton version is a completely forgettable flash of colors.

MeechMunchie 08-07-2012 04:57 PM

If you want to see

Mr. Bungle 08-07-2012 09:52 PM


Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory

This film never fails to bring a smile to my face and is way better than the Tim Burton version.

The Tim Burton version is shit, especially compared to the original. Gene Wilder is the only real Willy Wonka, I think.

Sekto Springs 08-08-2012 01:08 AM


Repo Men. It was an okay film, but I can see why it was a box office flop. I also don't much care for gore porn so I spent about fifteen minutes looking away.
Didn't that movie flop because everyone recognized it as a garish, non-musical rip off of Repo! The Genetic Opera?

Or was it just bad enough to flop on it's own?

Crashpunk 08-08-2012 10:46 AM


The Tim Burton version is shit, especially compared to the original. Gene Wilder is the only real Willy Wonka, I think.

Agreed. I love the original and something about the modern one just doesn't feel right. maybe it was the fact that Jonny Depp made Willy Wonka too creepy and mad. I prefer the songs in the modern one though. They were oddly catchy.

MeechMunchie 08-08-2012 10:53 AM


I prefer the songs in the modern one though.

I think that's the opposite of what most people think. The modern SFX were interesting (if a little soulless), but the music was much worse.

Anyway, the original owes most of its success to Gene Wilder's inhuman appeal.

Sekto Springs 08-08-2012 12:28 PM

Actually, the songs in the modern one took lyrics directly from the original book. Of course, I'm such an inveterate Elfman fan that I also prefer the new ones.

Make no mistake though, the original "Oompa-Loompa" song was catchier than HIV.

Nate 08-08-2012 06:12 PM


Make no mistake though, the original "Oompa-Loompa" song was catchier than HIV.

You do know that HIV actually has very low transmission rates, don't you? The reason why it's such a terrible virus is the fact that it doesn't show its symptoms for so long.

I actually liked both versions of the Chocolate Factory, but didn't love either of them. Neither Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp captured the way that Wonka was in my head, but Depp was closer. I preferred the Oompa Loompas in the first film, but appreciated the Britishness of the second.

Mr. Bungle 08-08-2012 06:52 PM

Saw Dark Knight Rises today. Really liked it, maybe even more than Dark Knight. Fantastic performances, some real setpiece moments, and a great ending to wrap it all up. Thumbs up.

MeechMunchie 08-08-2012 07:09 PM


I preferred the Oompa Loompas in the first film, but appreciated the Britishness of the second.

Actually, I found the Americanisms jarring. Like why there were two Americans who didn't appear to be tourists randomly standing in an suburban sweetshop, why everyone was using dollars, and Grandpa George telling Charlie to get the mud off his "pants".

I'm really picking silly holes in this film, and I suppose it does have more to do with the book than the original...

Frankly, in any film, I'd rather they just threw out the source material and made it well than try to adhere to something and make silly mistakes.

Sekto Springs 08-08-2012 08:01 PM


You do know that HIV actually has very low transmission rates, don't you? The reason why it's such a terrible virus is the fact that it doesn't show its symptoms for so long.
I guess intentional ignorance isn't funny anymore. You lied to me, Larry the Cable Guy.

OANST 08-09-2012 09:27 AM


Frankly, in any film, I'd rather they just threw out the source material and made it well than try to adhere to something and make silly mistakes.

I think that they should have deviated from the plot to make the story truer to Dahl's personality. Willy Wonka should have denied the Holocaust at some point.

Manco 08-09-2012 09:32 AM


Frankly, in any film, I'd rather they just threw out the source material and made it well than try to adhere to something and make silly mistakes.

I think that defeats the purpose of using source material somewhat.

Wings of Fire 08-09-2012 09:40 AM


I think that they should have deviated from the plot to make the story truer to Dahl's personality. Willy Wonka should have denied the Holocaust at some point.

Can you back this up? To the best of my knowledge, the fatheest he went was saying that Jewish people had a naturally untrustworthy character.

OANST 08-09-2012 10:37 AM

It's just a stupid joke based on the fact that Dahl was an anti-Semite.

Sekto Springs 08-09-2012 10:48 AM

Hell yes he is.
Read the way he describes the witches in "The Witches". They all just turn into Jews.


MeechMunchie 08-09-2012 02:53 PM

Jews have blue saliva?

OddjobAbe 08-09-2012 02:54 PM

I watched five minutes of a Terminator film (don't know which) just a minute ago. I turned it off, because it was shit.

JennyGenesis 08-09-2012 04:08 PM

It couldn't have been one of the first 2, I loved those movies!

I just got done watching The Krays, the biopic of the famous Kray Twins from London, it was fantastic, and quite a haunting film, it's not supposed to be a scary film, but the way they manage to portray the main characters really brings a scary atmosphere to the whole thing.

Oh, and might I add that there were lots of gorgeous cars in it!

OddjobAbe 08-10-2012 01:42 AM

I'm still mystified as to why there was a campaign to get the Krays released from prison. They were a pair of cunts.

Wings of Fire 08-10-2012 07:33 AM

This looks amazing and I'm reading the book and it's pretty good so you should all watch it.

JennyGenesis 08-10-2012 08:37 AM


I'm still mystified as to why there was a campaign to get the Krays released from prison. They were a pair of cunts.

Yeah I don't get it either, when they proposed early release for Jon Venables and Robert Thompson there was an outcry to keep them in prison.

Varrok 08-11-2012 02:39 PM

I've just seen Prometheus. It was a dumb, dumb movie. But I've seen worse.

Laser 08-12-2012 03:58 AM

I've just watched The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button and goddamn it I love that film. I know it has problems with Benjamin being a bit too passive and the film being too long but...it is just a beautiful story told beautifully. I think I may prefer it to Forrest Gump

Dynamithix 08-12-2012 04:01 PM

I am watching Mysterious Skin right now. This movie is really fucking intense and disturbing, I'm not sure if I can watch all of it. It's a really good movie so far, just very, very disturbing.

Hazel-Rah 08-14-2012 12:58 AM


Saw Dark Knight Rises today. Really liked it, maybe even more than Dark Knight. Fantastic performances, some real setpiece moments, and a great ending to wrap it all up. Thumbs up.

Yeah, I liked the overall concept better than TDK's but Bane just isn't as memorable IMO. He was a great villain even though Talia's appearance ruined the dynamic they had going on between Bane and Batman . Bane is a way bigger threat to Gotham than the Joker was though and I would've liked to have seen more stuff with his occupy thugs at street level.

OANST 08-14-2012 07:15 AM


I would've liked to have seen more stuff with his occupy thugs at street level.

The movie was already 15 minutes shy of 3 hours. I doubt WB would have allowed them to squeeze any more scenes into it.

Daxter King 08-15-2012 02:44 PM

I honestly think they could of made two movies out of TDKR, and overall it may have benefited from such a treatment. Everyone would have been pissed though and call WB a faggot or some shit.

MeechMunchie 08-15-2012 03:31 PM

Those Warner Brothers are totally gay. With each other.

Dynamithix 08-20-2012 06:08 AM

Regarding my earlier post, I did finish Mysterious Skin. It was a good movie, just very intense and in some parts very hard to watch. The ending was really fucking depressing when Brian learned that he never saw the UFO he had dedicated his whole life to, instead it was just his mind covering the fact that he got molested. The movie kinda fits to a list of good movies that you don't want to watch again.

Speaking of similar movies, I watched Lilja 4-Ever, a movie about a teenage girl who is trafficked to another country to be a prostitute. That movie was very sad because it's actually true. I thought the ending was good, very depressing but good.

I also watched the newest Breaking Bad episode. It was enjoyable, the dinner scene was fantastic. Yeah.

I'm going to watch Cabin in the Woods tonight, I've heard that it's a really... good movie and supposedly there's a huge twist in it or something, so I have kept myself from watching the trailer to be even more surprised. Hopefully it'll be fun. Don't spoil!

Mr. Bungle 08-20-2012 12:44 PM



I also watched the newest Breaking Bad episode. It was enjoyable, the dinner scene was fantastic. Yeah.

That was a great scene. You could cut the tension in it with a butter knife!


Asmoden 08-20-2012 12:55 PM

Alf posted on twitter about a group named "The band from oddworld" someone know something about it?

Varrok 08-20-2012 01:00 PM

You mean... Music Instructor?

Sekto Springs 08-20-2012 01:59 PM

Don't stop the dynamite.

Dynamithix 08-20-2012 02:02 PM

Just finished watching The Cabin in the Woods. Damn, that was a very strange yet enjoyable movie. I really liked it, the last 30 minutes were really fucking crazy and twisted. Also, so many movie references.